Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Same problem here i have many personal guild banks ( maybe 10 ) and just looking at a few of them before i log out i see i am missing things also

Has Blizz made any response on this ??

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Another way of looking at this, is that since Blizzard hasn’t been able to provide any details on what is happening, there’s no way for us to know what triggers the items to go missing. The act of logging a character in? Opening the Guild Bank? Or just the fact that the character is in a guild and you mouse over your character in the character select screen and it reads your class, race, professions, and gold amount?

I see a number of people talking about taking the ultra-safe route of not logging a character in at all. Let’s say that is the only character in a specific guild, such as those used for alt storage.

Where does that leave people who are logging in all their alts for the weekly “Token of the Remembrancers” drop from the Radiant Echoes event? They’re missing out on that i493 gear, and the flight stones, and the crests.

Yes, It’s going to be a very small subset of the subset of alt characters, as most “banking” alts are level 1 or 10 (not max level). All I’m getting at is that waiting for details is cutting into the limited time pre-patch event.


No word from Blizz, and my guild banks are still empty. I am sorry to hear this is affecting so many people. And yeah 50 guild banks I would croak over too if I dared to go through them. I don’t knock anyone for taking their valuables out of the banks and I don’t think there is any harm in doing that. If it allows you to place items in slots where things have disappeared MAY overwrite the previous item. I don’t know for sure because we know nothing about the cause. It’s my personal experience with recovering data. IF (big IF) that is the problem. I hope we know more tomorrow. It would be nice to get guidelines on what to do and what not to do. I hope no news is good news in this case.


There have been blue posts on the US and EU forums. We’re all in the letting-the-programmers-cook phase, including the blue who also had their own gbank nuked. :person_climbing:

EU posts are the most recent from yesterday:


Battle pet aficionado here, so I have a separate (solo) guild bank full of pets

I logged on today to quite a few empty slots where pets used to be

Don’t want to touch anything until I know what’s going on


Earlier today I put 9copper in guild bank as a test, just checked, it is gone.


Exactly why I withdrew all my gold. Not going to watch 9mil go bye bye.

If people start losing gold on top of this, would Blizz even replace it? They have said before that items lost to glitches would not be restored. I would hope gold does not fall into that scenario.

And if it isn’t a graphics glitch, what then? “Sorry for the inconvenience”? Can’t really do a rollback and screw over those that didn’t have this problem or even mess up the remix folks.

This whole bug is just so bizarre. I never thought, in my 20 years playing this game that I would ever see something like this occur.


Add me to the list. Nearly everything is gone, all my guild tabs are a wasteland.
Same thing, alt guild, only I have access.

Adding my name to the list. bump

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at least 90% of gbank gone, 1 tab of DF toys mostly engi spirit based ones, another tab of DF rarer pets like whelplings, alvins, etc. 3 more tabs of various tmogs, old world mats, and odds and ends gone. add me to the list.

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I posted this before still think this is best way to avoid loss of items:

  1. Go to your Gbank and take a screenshot of each tab immediately.
  2. Do not remove anything (split stacks) or anything with the Gbank.
  3. Do not put anything into the Gbank since you may overwrite an item that disappeared.
  4. Check your logs for each tab see if repairs are being logged,
    see if any items are being reported as removed or replaced take a screenshot.
  5. Tell your officers not to mess with the Gbank until the issue is resolved.
  6. Do not remove any item - do not remove gold - do not change any permission you have set.

This way your info is stable and if they are going to return items / gold they can easily compare your now vs then.
If you already had items / gold disappear then its too late for the screenshots to help but take them anyway to avoid further loss.

While that blue says you can probably use your guild bank he isn’t sure cause #1 an item disappears and you put another item in that slot what happens to that item that disappeared is it lost forever, how would you know? Until they fix this issue I would avoid inserting anything into the Gbank or removing anything.

(BTW that post is from EU realms its sad we don’t have a blue that can do the same for us.)


Adding myself to this thread (as I was directed to). Guild bank (6 tabs) were once full of mats, now completely empty (every item is gone) and all gold gone. Alt bank, so just myself and my spouse have toons in it. Logs do not show items or gold being removed, it’s just empty.

Opened a ticket on this and it’s been closed a couple times, including the last time when I was told they couldn’t do anything on the CS side and dev was “working on it”.

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I’m sure that if it was a real problem affecting paying customers they would …

… oh nevermind.

You’ll get the vendor value of items you can prove you used to own. I mean, obviously, they just do not care.

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I just checked my guild bank, and same, I’m missing most of my stuff…

yes, alt only guild as well as everyone else. all same account.

Same. Probably need a different thread, but have been putting in bug reports about not being able to see vault logs for the last few months, and the only real change (aside from making it so more people can guild together) and adding archived chat (which I do like) is taking some of the options away from guild leaders. We have an ancient guild interface, terrible recruiting tool, etc. Sorry, just had to take the time to agree with someone who feels the same frustrations that I’ve been feeling for years.


same and also some items move move to my bag or from bag to the bank!

Replying to OP: August 20, 2024 -

Sorry to hear you are having the same issues with missing items in your Guild Bank. I just discovered the same issue almost an hour ago and I’m missing a bunch of items too! This is beyond wrong and outrageous! I never seen anything like this happen in WoW, and I been playing the game for over 20 years. This is seriously messed up and unacceptable!

I just logged into my WoW account and discovered I am missing a ton of mats and a bunch of items from my own Guild Bank as well, aside from the damn Gold bug issues that have been going on since last month! These issues and now missing a bunch of items in our Guild Bank has seriously crossed the damn line!

Notice To Resolve To Blizzard and Microsoft: 8/20/2024 -
I am sending Blizzard and Microsoft a 30 day notice to resolve and restore my missing items as they should do the same with all affected players, and if they fail to resolve any of these issues, I will definitely file a formal complaint with the FTC and the NY Attorney General against Blizzard, its management and Microsoft, and escalate this matter accordingly if necessary!

I sincerely hope it doesn’t come to that, but I will NOT tolerate getting scammed and screwed over by any company I been paying for game services for over 20 years only for something as messed up and irresponsible as this to happen! It’s not about the money with me, it’s the principle and Blizzard needs to step up to the plate here and fix this disaster ASAP for all WoW players!!

This is outrageous, grossly neglectful and irresponsible for a company like Blizzard to pull this BS on all WoW players who pay and support this game!

I hope Blizzard is reading this, because these disruptive and ongoing bugs issues since last month without any fix and NOW we are missing a bunch of items from our Guild Banks with no notice to players about a fix or any news to players whatsoever is just wrong!!! This is just crossing the line, big time!

I been a Blizzard customer for over 20 years, and for this to happen to my favorite Blizzard game of all time is very disappointing and beyond messed up to do to all players who pay and support WoW! Like, what the hell is going on, Blizzard WoW Team!!!???

The worst part is now we are missing a bunch of in-game items in our Guild Banks, and for long time players like myself to see a bunch of items that took me years to acquire for a game I pay for every month is just unreal and beyond the norm! This is totally messed up!

How can Blizzard allow this to even happen to their players??? Unreal!

To allow serious bugs like this to damage a player’s account that causes this type of loss to players, demands immediate attention, a swift fix, restoration of the missing items, and a quick resolution! And, if necessary, Blizzard should start issuing refunds to all affected players along with in-game credits because this epic bug disaster is NOT ACCEPTABLE AND SHOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED!

What is happening here is beyond just some minor bug, and Blizzard has been well aware of this and yet still failed to fix and address these problems, and now we are missing a bunch of items in our Guild Banks!! What gives!?

Enough is enough, Blizzard Team and Management! This is not some free game run by a mom and pop game shop!

Get your act together Blizzard WoW Team! This is just wrong in every way! You’re messing up beyond the norm here and for players to suddenly lose a bunch of items that took years to acquire in the game is absolutely messed up and wrong, and your company needs to fix and address this ASAP!


Who the hell at Blizzard messed this up so bad that we are all missing our in-game items from our own Guild Banks! First the gold bug issues since last month and now this epic disaster!!!??? What the hell is happening!? I never seen anything like this happen in WoW!


I just want to be clear, WoW is my favorite game of all time, and I rarely ever complain about WoW, but when a bunch of items that took years to get in the game are suddenly missing from my Guild Bank and major bug issues not allowing us to access, use or withdrawing our own gold in the game for almost a month now is outright wrong and unacceptable! These serious problems with World of Warcraft need to be fixed and resolved as soon as possible, Blizzard Team! There is no excuse for this to happen, and for your team and company not to have safeguards to protect your paying customers from having something like this happen is grossly neglectful and wrong!

With all that said, I hope Blizzard does the right thing and corrects, fixes and address these serious bug issues and restores our missing items from our Guild Banks! I posted in the support section and will be opening up a ticket on this awful bug issue as well.

Excuse my frustration, but I never experienced anything like this happening with WoW and it is very concerning and disappointing to see this happening. I hope these serious issues are fixed and resolved soon! You can all do better, Blizzard WoW Team! - JJ -


well my entire bank is missing, every tab completely emptied with zero logs. I thought it was a visual bug at first or some lag, but im able to add and remove items no problem.

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Throwing my hat in the ring. Multiple personal guild banks : Draenor-Durotar Trading Company, Draenor-Seven Days, Draenor-Silver Blood, Draenor-Gnome Punt Intended; Shared guild Banks: Fizzcrank-Royal Family (status unsure, not an officer); Draenor-Prompt Critical (Full access officer, and there is stuff missing; the guild is dead and I’m the only one in the logs in the past 8 months or so); Echo Isles-The Knights of Azeroth (status unsure, not an officer); Echo Isles-Renaissance (status unsure, not an officer); Echo Isles-Order of the Lost Blade (status unsure, Timerunner).

I was experiencing frozen slots first, then had a massive materials loss happen. I noticed them as two separate instances because I was in Durotar Trading Co moving cooking mats into the warbank so one of my characters could train classic cooking, and couldn’t move one of the mats I wanted. A day or two later I was back in there and thought, wait a second, I didn’t leave all of those slots empty… what the heck? Then I was in Prompt Critical’s bank for some enchanting mats and cloth and thought ‘what the heck, there’s a bunch of stuff missing… what the… ?’ So I checked the forums and saw some of this early posting and figured it wasn’t worth trying to post a help ticket.

Just another drop in the bucket.


Yup, just opened my guild bank and the majority of items that were in there are all gone. Also been having issues where the items are not transferring to my inventory when I try to take stuff out of the guild bank!