Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Agreed! That would make for a way better outcome too. I noticed some of my items in another guild bank were stuck in suspension. So maybe something is preventing them from being mirrored or allocated correctly from the main database. This whole new banking system that is being implemented likely is the guilty culprit in some way.

Yeah I really feel like this is just sort of standard mismanagement of a major group of changes. Businesses tend to do one big swap instead of staged swaps because of percieved savings on efficiency and downtime. The problem is the clean up costs 5 times more man hours but they use emergency rules to take advantage of salaried employees when it explodes.

This is feeling more and more rushed. Can’t believe it launches this week for early access. This is looking rough!


Well, I guess I’m glad to see I’m not the only one.


I did the same. I immediately withdrew the gold. Losing items is one thing. 9mil gold, not going to take the chance.

Unless it’s a display glitch where the items are there and we just cannot see/interact with them, I don’t know how Blizz is going to rectify it if in fact the items are gone. They have stated in the past items lost to glitches will not be replaced.

This bug is huge, if not game breaking for hundreds of us (and growing).


Just checked mine again, still empty.

I should note I access the game from two systems, home PC with my network, and a work Laptop on the work network. Both show an empty vault with no history in the logs.

This simply isn’t a “Router Issue” or a WTF folder problem. Can we get some acknowledgment, “we are working on it”, anything would restore a little faith in Blizzard.


I wouldn’t necessarily call it positivism, just giving another perspective on the business side of things. I get it, we’re customers here, and I feel like the era of “the customer is always right” is long over, and the customer ultimately doesn’t care what the problem is or how it gets resolved.

But tensions are high and a few are hot under the collar. It might be a good reminder that any C/S rep we interact with (that isn’t an AI) is all but guaranteed to be an underpaid worker who genuinely can’t help in this situation and doesn’t deserve some of the aggression this problem has generated. Like the EU blue name said – their personal guild bank was also impacted. Being mad at corporate is fine, but hopefully we can remember the rest of them are just people like the rest of us.

They’ve been ignoring problems (as far as transparency/communication goes) for weeks ever since mid-Remix. Suddenly it’s been radio silence across the board on so much stuff, and major problems that have been reported just randomly get fixed without any significant mention. We’ve been lucky if it even gets included in a patch note.

BTW, did they ever post an announcement that the currency xfer was fixed? It’s enabled in game but I’m hesitant to use it because I haven’t seen an official A-OK.


I have felt for a long time now that guilds are very far down the list of priorities for Blizzard. At best they have been ignored, and at worst they’ve tweaked something and broken or partially broken yet another part of the guild UI, that never gets fully fixed.

I’m wondering if they simply do not have a team (or a person!) advocating for, or working on, guilds.

It would explain a lot - including why they haven’t reacted to this as they reacted to the issues with the warband currencies, and why they seem to be scrabbling to find a solution. Always takes longer to find a solution if it’s in unfamiliar code.

Agreed. Although I suppose if they haven’t worked out what the problem is, then they can’t really say how to stop it getting any worse.

We’ve already had multiple messages saying they’re aware of it, they’re working on it. They’ve even put up a new support page relating to it:

Having GM’s repeat the same message isn’t going to make the fix go any faster.


From support page.
“Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided.”
Does not give me a good feeling


Adding my guild info:

Turalyon server
Medium size guild with about 400 charaters
8 tab guild bank.
Over 75% missing items. Including tab 8 for leadership only with mounts, pets and toys. All gone from that tab. No recent history. Shows history of 5-6 months ago only.

My personal guild bank was also affected, so I’m adding my guild info here as well.

Mystical Dreams
Shadow Council server
Guild Bank for just myself and my boyfriend
7 tab guild bank
About 50-60 battle pets, toys, and fishing items in total missing over all 7 tabs. No history to show that items had been removed in over a month, except the first tab where there hadn’t been activity since last week (and that was me adding 2 more battle pets, instead of things being removed). I had looked over all of the tabs just last week before reset, so that’s how i know items are just gone.

Wasn’t aware they had, thanks for the link.

Now I know why I didn’t see it, that’s the EU forums.

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So… uhh… about those missing items… Hopefully they are restored with tomorrow’s maintenance, otherwise? Literally no idea what’s happened. There’s not even any info in the Log tab as to who took them out (even though they’ve mysteriously vanished anyhow)? It’s kinda crazy. Hopefully just a slight glitch that can be reversed, otherwise we just lost items for no good reason.


I wouldn’t expect any items restored until after they’ve patched a fix to live servers and determined that the bug is conclusively squashed. Tomorrow may make some headway on that, but if they’re still in the programming stage there won’t be anything to see yet.

Plus restoring the items will probably be its own coding adventure on top of first fixing the bug.

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With how many people this has hit…they really need to give us some more info on it. This is a big one. If we lost all that stuff and there is no way to pull it back or even know what was lost for a lot of people…man I just don’t know what to do. That could be a fairly huge breech of trust that I just don’t know how they can earn back.

Blizzard really needs to start engaging on this one, and fast. Just we are working on it doesn’t cut it with a loss of this magnitude.


Same issue here… Only two guild members, me and my wife (who hasnt been online in years)… Everything gone…

My second bank guild bank is fine though…

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Seeing a lot of posts saying don’t touch so data doesn’t get over written etc, sorry not risking it. I’ve spent close on 20 years collecting these items, I’ve already lost half of my Guild bank I’m not risking the rest. I cleaned out what remained of my guild’s bank, at least what it would let me some items were just stuck there. Once many many years ago (pre-authenticators) I had my a/c hacked & lost everything & I can tell you this is leaving me with the same pit in my stomach as I felt then.


Same issue here, many many items are missing across all tabs, random items cannot be removed, and the response time is very slow and buggy for adding/removing anything else. It also corresponding with losing some items from my personal bank as well.

Glimmering Dawn


This Was a Triumph
Missing so many TBC-era items :sob:

I didn’t realize this was a problem before I moved a few items around and now I’m terrified that I lost 15 years of items. Please help :frowning:

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Same thing happened to me, four full tabs of items spanning every expansion, all reagents from vanilla to current, gone. Opened a ticket, and they tell me to use the item restoration, even though the items were not withdrawn from the bank, just erased. Follow up said to delete addons and wtf/cache folders, as if those can make the items magically appear. And not a single word from Blizz.


Yeah my family and I aren’t doing anything with it, I do hope it gets fixed and we all get our stuff back. I had Patterns, Matts for all profesions, Bags, tools and transmog/gear for Alts.

yes … there are guild banks unaffected … all you need to do is asked in trade chat and you will get replies from other guild masters who went to check and found nothing disappear … i have over 50 guild banks, so far every of my guild banks are affected … some much less … some totally gone … i read the comments here, some affected players still have some stuff left … mine, gone lololololol … i only open a couple of banks to take a look, my heart is too weak to open all … the first guild bank i opened was my Gem bank ( i have 2 gem banks) and everything gone, stacks and stacks of gems, each stack is worth over 2 million gold by current AH prices