Guild bank missing items - what happened?

lol brewbaker


To repeat what others have stated already:

Venting your spleen over your frustration is very human, but does not help Blizzard solve the problem.

They acknowledged it, and asked for details and information that can help them in their search and resolution.

“I submitted a ticket and it was marked resolved without a response.” does not help.

“I logged in today and everything was gone.” does not help.

“My bank was working fine until I used my level 70 boost on my Guild Master, then things started disappearing.” may be useful.

“I cannot add stackable materials to a bank tab where that item was already present.” may be useful even though it is contradicted by other people’s experiences.

“My Guild Banks logs stopped working three months ago.” may be useful.

Provide details of what you were doing before your guild bank went kerplooie.

Provide details of what you can and cannot do now in your guild banks tabs.

And as hard as this will be for many of us, be patient.

I am not a fan of how Blizzard has chosen to acknowledge this problem, but they have acknowledged it and are working on it. Respect that and help them help us.


They stated it was sent up, NOT that it was ACKNOWLEDGED AS A BUG. And I’m sorry but in what world is sending in tickets NOT a valid way of reporting an issue? And I’ve been posting and monitoring the bug report forums for years, they are a black hole. I’d even say “where issues go to die”


yes, maybe I’m crazy, but the only acknowledgement being “It’s on the radar,” does not make me feel better.

In my opinion, this is a HUGE issue, but the response we’ve gotten so far makes it feel like it has the urgency of a reported spelling mistake in some quest text.



‘Not working as intended’ is how you properly refer to what the layman calls a ‘bug’ when you’re CS or tech.

Thanks Mom. Hey I don’t have time to do my laundry today, can you do it?


Where? I’ve seen no post like that on the threads I’ve been following, only posts saying their logs look okay and implying players are lying about it.

Have you even read this thread, let alone anything else? The actual issue catalog page has been linked to over and over again in the last twenty four hours, and not just in this thread.

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And that’s not what we were responding too, try and pay attention. Read the Customer Support thread that was linked.

Yes, they were missing multiple items in several different guild banks. It’s like they vanished nothing in the logs. Also, certain item I can move or withdraw.

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lol like they even know what to give back

Actually, I’m not even interested in pointless bickering. Deleted this.

Item storage is just broken right now. If you value any items DO NOT sort your banks at all.

I’m missing items from my war bank and I’m sure the guild bank is borked too.

Blizzard is really messing up here.


I am, but these forums are too restrictive to engage in anything worthwhile.

Just adding an update that more slots became unavailable to withdraw in my G bank, and this morning more items went missing, the bank is now 99% empty with only a few items left, whereas before it was about 50% empty after the first wave of disappearances.

I definitely recommend not using the Guild Bank and to avoid adding any new items to it until it is fixed. I’ve been keeping everything in personal (and sometimes warband) banks and none of those items have disappeared.

There are some people reporting that personal/warband banks are broken and losing items, but I haven’t experienced this personally. The UI for the warbank isn’t working properly, but I’ve yet to lose anything atleast from my account.


I look for BLUE POSTS in threads an there isn’t a single on in this one!


Now a days it seems that relevant information gets posted on some random dev’s X/twitter account.

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Did this last update at least stop the disappearances? Cuz I just checked about 3am after being away 40ish hours and more stuff was missing.

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I would take everything out of our guild bank but we just don’t have the room to store it all…


In my experience, it’s getting worse, and the stuff you can see you can’t touch (can’t move, can’t withdraw, etc.).

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