Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Same issue here, had a ticket in but all I got was automated response with a list of stuff to try that has nothing to do with this problem


Have any of you managed to get Blizzard to restore ur guild banks?

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I had that happen over 6 months ago - lost of missing spaces in my guild bank and it is a personal guild bank so no one else was in there. I have no idea what is missing though so I guess I don’t really need the items.

Not the only thing that goes missing though. I just bought a reagent bag for a fresh 70 - pick it up from the mailbox, equip it and then hit sort and it just disappears (had several other reagent bags disappear this expansion as well). Also mail has been disappearing, unsold auctions the items never appear in the mailbox - that was months ago though. I did get a response on a ticket though and he was able to do something to make them reappear.

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They have to locate the cause of the issue and then come up with a satisfactory fix first. It’s not an issue that can be solved by just giving things back.


Customer support is run by AI in most companies these days. The AI detect the term “missing item” and sends you the automated reply.

It´s a shame what our world has come to, we are dealing with machines instead of humans everywhere.


This is affecting about 20 guild banks for me (all personal guild banks). It’s not isolated either, just randomly started a few days back.


Exact same here. I logged in this morning and the GB is empty. I am the GM. I feel only a tiny bit better that others have this issue. WTF is Blizzard doing about it? This is BS.


Our guild is still missing lots of stuff on venture co server. They need to fix this asap.


I am GM of three guilds across three realms.
So far only one guild bank is missing items, with no log indicators of withdrawals. (Hyjal, horde, Red Wolf Moon).
Items are (mostly) prof leveling mats, but now also missing gear, bags, scrolls, pets, food, etc.
Came here before logging a ticket, but seems it’s not worth doing so with all the examples of others experiencing the same issue.


100% of my GB belongings are gone. I waited a day for first ticket that I was given a generic response to. Now after waiting 2 days on second ticket, they literally resolved it without saying a word to me. Just sent me a GM survey. What a joke!


All items were returned?

Oh no. I still have nothing.

I recently have had this same issue. I have a personal bank toon, the day before yesterday I logged into it to refresh my auctions, and I checked my bank and everything but 1 item was gone. Like others have indicated the logs show nothing being removed, but it is all gone. I submitted a ticket to support, they had me check the item restoration page, and of course it had nothing on it. I resubmitted the ticket was informed to do a UI reset, and I had done that myself. So I followed the ticket response just now, deleted the WTF and Cache folders with no luck. So as instructed I am reporting here as it clearly seems is a bigger issue with this large forum going.

Hopefully they can figure some of this out, lots of gold down the drain with this happening.


I feel like the fact that the logs stopped working many many months ago was an indicator of a bigger problem. And now here we are. > 90% of things missing and zero logs to go off of.


Mine was also marked resolved this morning without saying a word. I’m so sad mad over this I don’t even want to purchase WWI now :frowning: :confounded:


Same thing. Half my guild bank gone. What’s more, there are things in my bank I can’t take out. A baffling bug.


Sadly, the rest will most likely disappear also.

@Blizzard, any input from you guys would be appreciated.


although i dont seem to be missing items like other posts on htis thread, my stuff in my guild vault cant be move in or out of the guild vault or within it either. in my case it is only on terokkar realm horde side.
wonder if the 2 are related?

“We have looked into this problem and the solution we have found is for you to buy all of the pets and mounts in the shop, and we have found that this restores some of the contents of your guild bank. Over time as more pets and mounts are released, you can continue purchases to restore even more of your items. Thank you so much and enjoy your new store purchases!”