Guild bank missing items - what happened?

The dam will break eventually, but as a gamer I’m proud of how in stride y’all have been. It’s a bug that’s going to take time to unravel, and having it break right when everyone is already scrambling on an xpac launch is a particularly hellish scenario.

Plus any public statements would have to be approved and it’s a weekend, even under ideal circumstances these things take time to cook. There’s no reason to think Blizz is ignoring the problem, but it’s probably going to be a twisted one to solve.

Old teacher used to call these Buddhist Gifts, the chance to exercise patience under pressure. :smile:


Which is the same as not posting at all. That’s an actively malicious site that is not safe to visit even anomymously (unless you are very tech savvy, and do it on a secure browser on a virtual machine that’s never been used for anything else, and put it behind a VPN - way too much trouble IMO). It’s blocked from my network (all traffic to and from twitter is complete blocked, I don’t allow it on my network).

At least we have gotten an acknowledgement on this issue in the forums. It’s a joke that they expect people to go to a malicious site to get updates/info.

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Now this is comedy gold… X isn’t an actively malicious site.

Guild: The DMZ - Eonar (EU)
Status: all items not showing from all tabs
I’ve checked on 2 chars, one just below Officer rank (GM is on holiday, but on DM said he hadn’t yet cleared the bank for TWW). No record of withdrawals.

As per comments above, there’s a Blue post on another thread that Developers are aware of the bug and “working on it”. This is usually all the comms we get from Blizzard, even on severe bugs, until the issue is resolved. Not ideal, IMHO, or anywhere close to good business practice, but it is what it is.

They will have back-ups of the data showing what was in the Guild Banks, and transaction logs showing deposits and removals (unless these are borked too). So it is highly likely we will get all our items restored (if it isn’t just a visual bug anyway - the items are there, but not showing and unable to interact with them).

However, this will take time to resolve and some of the data restoration will take time to do, as they will have to identify when the issue started occurring and work back from there. Possibly doing some of the work manually. As others have said, with a release almost on us, they’re probably short-staffed in the Support team at the moment too.

Speaking as someone who worked on Support teams for over 10 years, and managed one for 3, in a major Consultancy firm. Albeit many moons ago.


Similar here. It is what it is. I personally haven’t seen anything that I would describe as good business practice from just about any company in a long time. Between outsourcing to other countries and automation, they go for quantity over quality.


all my guilds are just my toons no one else and i have stuff missing or items that are stuck and cant be moved or stacks broken up


Server: Cenarius (US)
Guild: Karabarxos
Guild Leader: Valô

My bank is also missing 90% of the items it had.


Server: Kael’thas
GM: Fondoor

I have a personal guild bank that is missing roughly 95% of all items in it.

Doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to which items are gone. In my Gem tab, I just randomly have two different gems remaining out of my giant collection of gems throughout all expansions. I also have a ‘Library’ tab and am missing a lot of books, including my Libram collection and many other cool books/papers.


Lol, not laughing at you, but that reply is like calling IT and saying “there are flames coming out of my computer” and them sayin “try turning it off and back on”

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I ran into the same problem. In my case, I was removing old items from the vault, adding in stuff from my reagents and from my warband stuff. Now most of it is gone. Log shows I added it in, but no one took it out.

I did an ingame report and of course, just the standard response to disable all addons and whatnot. Better now than in a month or two.

Maybe they could roll this into TWW by releasing a video of the devs. in a clean room server farm fighting Xalatal with swords as she randomy zaps guild storage on servers.
Then offer a 30 day gametime for the EPIC upgrade.

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Guild bank 100% gone, nothing it’s empty. Not hacked, family that is in the guild with me hasn’t touched anything for days.

Gilneas - Drunken Dragon Clan

So many mats and items just gone, I have no way to give a list either.


Adding my name to everything here. Personal guild for alts with every bank tab full as of a few days ago. Now something like 25% of each tab missing, looking like Swiss cheese and seemingly random. I’d been cleaning the past few weeks like many others here with the release of the warband bank and incoming TWW, the log shows nothing withdrawn despite the missing items. Food, recipes, reagents, but no tangible way for me to remember what was in each slot

Cool Kids Only, Wyrmrest Accord, GM is Yumeiling

I actually have been busy trying to finish up Remix and my main is on a realm that can’t access the guild bank yet despite cross-realm implementation (I know that’s not a bug), so I don’t think I had touched the guild bank in something like a week or so. Went on an alt today to work on profession leveling and had a bout of panic that things were just outright missing. Logged over to the GM character, turned off addons, stuff still gone

When the warband bank went live, I actually had a bad time because a ton of my reagents also vanished from it. I later found out it was due to me mindlessly clicking the ‘clean up’ button on a personal bank that had some of the same reagents as in my warband bank and for some ungodly reason those items flew from my warband bank to the personal one. So like if I had one leather reagent item in a personal bank, and hundreds in the warband bank, if I clicked ‘clean up’ on that character’s personal bank, all the warband’s stock of that item would go over to the personal one. Doesn’t make any sense to me but that’s the other bank issue I had since prepatch launched. Haven’t noticed any other ones. Having a heart attack over your items missing at random really isn’t a good sign for the game and makes me really lose trust that progression of any kind can be kept stable :c


I return to my guild bank whenever I remember.
Of the thousands - thousands is exact, not “an exaggeration” - of items that there were, there remain 3 burst potions, 3 bubble poppies and 2 motes of primal fire. All my crafting activity stopped (I have all the professions from all the expansions and ingame, I make a living from it) and there is not even a comment “we know there is an issue with some guild banks and we are working on it”. It’s all very sad.

When I was missing a gold deposit and I sent tickets because they did not solve the problem, I received an email warning me that if I continued to insist they would take measures that even included closing my account.
Now they keep my things and don’t even come out and say “there is an error, we are looking into how to resolve it.”

Today I am buying crafting supplies at the AH, since I have thousands in my bank, but they are not there, they are gone and I don’t know when they will return.

pd: Any GM can check the auction movement of my account. Atm I have 83 items worth approximately 450k. I have sold over 130k Kaluak Feasts, and that is just one of my sales. I sell mounts, illusion books, processed metals, crafting gear, and the mats are in the guild bank.


I just noticed that there is a now a gold issue with warbands bank

I was directed to go here, so I’m adding my name to the list. (currently open ticket)
I have items missing 2 guild banks, stacks just gone.
I also lost 16k+ when withdrawing from a guild bank, it shows that it was withdrawn
but it was not deposited into my inventory.
addon edit: I also can not move or withdraw some items


Right , i have had bag slots do this, not an entire guild bank however.
To reply to Redstar, there was a memory leak and I surmised it could be connected, but with no concrete evidence i am not going to back that claim. Hopefully wow security will put the pieces together.
Initially I thought it may be somebody who bought a signature from me to start my guild, but this does not seem to be the case either. My alt guilds are ok , but the guild my main is on got hammered and I dont think anyone subbed in that guild this year, So that fact helps nothing.

But I want to tell the WOW devs , about the only thing we probably could not replace is like Ungoro Soil or core leather etc. and that stuff is pretty well worthless now anyway,so I am not full panic mode, running headless chicken , hands in the air yet.

“Resolved” = Marking it as resolved regardless of actual action taken.


Here is the Blue response to the GB issue - it’s not that helpful, but it says they’re working on it.

Blizzard Support - Items Missing from Guild Bank (


My gut reaction to this is to not touch anything in the bank, or put anything in the bank until they announce it’s been fixed

Me too for the most part. I had some elemental crafting materials arranged somewhat logically, but I couldn’t guess the numbers in each stack. I was getting ready to do a major crafting spree too, for transmog reasons :frowning_face: