Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I bet these are related Warbank is eating items


OMG I hope not!! That’s terrible. So much space that just doesn’t feel safe anymore. I really hope they FIX this or people will always feel insecure about the things they collect.

Is there any information regarding whether they are connected?


Oh! I remember a time, after a major patch, where all the items that were left in people’s mailboxes poofed. 3 days later they did a role-back. They literally rolled back to the time before the poof so people could have their mail back. So those people were happy, BUT! The people that lost progression, achievements, gear, etc. were NOT happy. LOL I think that was the start of the downfall of WoW.

Obviously, doing a roll-back now would be the death of WoW. All the remix toons and achievs. All the time spent farming the special event for alt gear. woosh. I don’t know how they are going to fix it, but a roll-back is off the table. Noted that you never claimed they would, just saying… cuz I said they did. >.<


Not saying you’re wrong, Dasserlond - I remember that and it got spicy for a while - but maybe they’ve gotten the back-end to the point where they can selectively roll back the guild banks?


Same or similar problem happening to me. Logs show no withdrawals, but each tab of my personal guild bank is missing 2/3 of the items. Problems like this make me not want to play this game. The whole point of the game is increasing your wealth and power through item progression. If I can’t safely store my items, what is the point?


Yikes! As Vaelhaeyn said, hopefully they could do it without rolling everything back. So many people have leveled so many alts recently. Spent hours clearing out banks and setting alts up with catchup gear. Rolling back all of that would be very painful to a lot of people.

I personally am more concerned with them finding the root cause and making sure it doesn’t happen again and isn’t happening to the warband bank than I am about getting my stuff back. What I lost was mostly just mats and consumables and bags.


Well my bank was fine for the first few days of reading these reports but items are now disappearing.

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Don’t think I have ever posted on the official forums before… but this bug is so egregious that I must add my voice.

My “Personal” Guild Bank, has had all items across all tabs completely removed, leaving only 23 random items…
Log shows no changes whatsoever. Items simply gone…
I am the only one with access to these items…
The loss impact in value is absolutely massive. Plenty of rare transmog and stacks upon stacks of reagents. Some items are not even obtainable anymore…

Blizzard MUST find a way to resolve and return our items.
Please Prioritize this Issue!


same here, personal guild bank with stuff missing that I’ve had since the game began. Our normal guild with multiple people in it is also missing stuff. Log show no withdraws of these items.

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Same issue with my personal guild banks - contents all gone dating back to vanilla wow. I believe it has been flagged though and devs are looking into it:


Got a response from an in game ticket that said to use the “item restore” function. You deleted hundreds of items, if not a thousand. That’s not going to work. This is NOT on my end. Five maxed out tabs of mats and collected items are gone. I couldn’t even recall them if I tried.


yeah my malygos guild this happened to and my lady’s guild she had about a page worth of stuff missing .Hope they can fix it soon


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Bleeding Hollow: Insomnia


Got a response to my ticket saying that the dev team is working on it but there is no ETA.


I managed to remove about 20 stacks from my Alliance vault before they disappeared, but the other 600 stacks are no longer there! Gone forever I suspect.

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Same here! There are literally 2 items left in my entire guild bank which was almost completely full a few days ago

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Eleven minutes ago my open ticket was marked ‘resolved’ and closed, with the honestly idiot response of ‘check the forums and reset your UI’.

I understand that the CS agents who handle these tickets can’t do much to fix these kinds of issues but OH MY GOD PLEASE train them to actually REVIEW what the ticket has already gone over as well as keep updated on what is being added to the list of known issues.

Receiving a “Let’s try a UI reset. It’s like a magic trick that can help sort out addon conflicts and fix any pesky corrupt files. I get it, though - resetting everything might seem like a hassle. Big thanks for taking this step!” is seriously condescending and downright insulting.


same issue here 100% of the guild inventory is gone

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Literally just had the same thing happen. Saw their message and was like, “Alright. I know this isn’t going to work, but let’s give it a go.” Didn’t work. (Shocker). Items worth over 2M+ gold disappeared from my bank and their suggestion is to reset my UI? Come on…

They aren’t hidden. They’re gone


not only are they gone…at least from my banks… but i can now put other things in those blank spots that used to have items so its like they have all been deleted on wows side, not mine.

herbs tab as example was 100% full till other day there was holes all through it so i can now put other things in those holes and can remove them meaning what was there has been outright deleted.

in 1 of my banks im missing a entire tab full of pets ffs :frowning: that gbank is 100% empty