Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Our guild is affected as well (Valkyries-Farstriders). I don’t have a date on when it started for us, but I noticed it personally yesterday (first time I’ve logged on since maintenance on Tuesday). Multiple items were missing for each tab. Other items were just “stuck” and unable to be moved or removed. Today, I log in and check the vault once more… there are even more items missing. I would go ahead and remove what we have left, but I don’t have any personal space to store the items.

This wouldn’t be so alarming if Blizzard would actually acknowledge the problem publicly. The few responses I’ve seen are buried in threads that I’ve had to search for.


there is a blue post… they are looking into it


A few days ago my guild bank was missing about 70% of our mats. I log into day and almost everything is now gone. I have tabs where only I can removed stuff and the stuff in there is gone too. Please fix before the next expac.

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Because they haven’t actually been deleted. They are still there. We just can’t see them for some reason. It’s a display error. It’s happened in the past, but on a much smaller scale. This is the first time this issue has happened on such a large scale.

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A few days ago, I moved some mats from guild bank to warband bank. A day or so later, my guild bank is missing 95% of remaining items. I have played since vanilla, so this is not a small amount of stuff. I’m hoping this gets resolved soon.


Hopefully this is the reason for the 4 hr maintenance on Tuesday.

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Were people able to place new items in the vacated spots when that happened before, or were they blocked? If you happen to know more details, just curious. Some other speculation was that the game got garbled between gbanks and warbands and wasn’t sure which the item was in so it isn’t being populated in either.

Dunno for sure though, obv. :person_shrugging:

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I’ve been having guild log issues for a long time. I reported it (at least once) to the in-game bug report. This has been going on for awhile. One bank toon I have shows some activity 16 days ago, and I only looked when I saw many missing items. On my ACTUAL GUILD (the ones with people in it) I’ve noticed the bank log issue months ago. It’s been a huge issue, as not only is it good to see who is taking things out, but which items, as it’s easier than remembering how many enchant scrolls were in there last time, etc., and I can assess the more desired items when I replenish the bank.

And now it’s just SO much worse with many MANY missing items from both my personal guild banks and the one for my actual guild.

I don’t know for sure, it was a very rare issue that I only heard of a few occurrences of. I’m having all kinds of withdrawal and deposit issues with my bank though. So I’m confident that the items have not been deleted.

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I don’t know if this matters, but I noticed this first on one of my bank toons. BEFORE I noticed (took me a blink or two) I just clicked on the items in my bag and they DID go into the first empty spot, which I believe HAD been occupied by a stack of Legion-era leather. This worries me. I HOPE it’s only a visual issue. But when I click on and empty spot that should be an occupied square, nothing goes into my bag.

A whole guild bank on a storage character is gone - character is no longer in the guild - was only character in the guild to begin with. Had this bank since 2010 same as my main gbank so now im missing everything that was stored in it plus the bank itself. Someone needs to be fired for this.


Yeah I was able to refill a tab with cloth after a number of items went missing, but I have no idea how the back-end databases and front-end UI work together over that sort of thing.


I hope they get to the bottom of this. I’ve removed everything from my guild bank, but what if the same thing happens to the warband bank? Or the reagent bank? Not feeling a lot of confidence right now.


Just logged on and went to deposit mats and various other items into my guild bank for alts and out of 5-6 full tabs, there is 2 things remaining. Had an issue recently where I couldn’t remove anything from the guild bank and now everything is gone and the logs like everyone else’s show nothing besides deposits. Hopefully this gets fixed.


Same here. Our guilds are all missing 70 to 95% of their items. The log shows nothing being removed and the gold is still there.


Add me to the list
Alexstrasza: Guild: Red and Blue

Just a small time guild with the wife and I, however we had full tabs, now we have nothing in them at all.


A few days ago i post that i was missing many items from each tab. I logged on tonight and checked the guild bank again and even more has vanished. All tabs have all been almost completely wiped out. One tab only has a single item, the most in any single tab is around 12 items. All of these tabs used to be almost completely full. So this problem seems to only get worse as the days go on.


Add me to the list.
Ragnaros - Guild: Mana Bomb -
Thousand of mats for craft had gone.


Same problem 7 tabs of a 19 year old Guild Bank… Beyond upset. Everything GONE.
Last 3 tabs could only be accessed by myself on the GM … So begging them to help us. I am beyond upset.
Pet cages/Mats/Transmog/ years of collecting.


Yeah i’m also having the samething happen to my guild bank for my toons.
about everything is gone and 10+ years of items lost because of this bug that going on. When i login today at first only lost a few items in bank and 6 hours later 6 of 7 bank tab is gone. had to many items i been farming to make nax tmog set and a few other items for my alts to get ready for war within.