Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I put in another ticket, got a pretty flat message in response. Not gonna shut up about this until my items are restored or I am provided some form of compensation. Keeping the ticket open.

It is our understanding that you have recently experienced some losses in your guild bank on one or more of your Guildmaster characters
We would like to thank you for your patience while this issue was investigated, as we appreciate it has been a considerable amount of time to receive an update from the developers. A forum post explaining the investigation into this issue and the outcome has been posted on the US forums which you can read here:
Guild Bank Missing Items Update
We would like to provide a brief summary of this information for your understanding:
• The guild bank can now be safely used again
• Restorations are currently in progress for any Guildmaster characters who were identified by the developers as being affected by the investigation into losses. These will be received in in-game mail. We do not have a specific timeframe on how long you may need to wait for your mails.
• The Developers are making every effort possible to restore as much of the guild bank losses for identified characters, but due to technical limitations, it was unfortunately not possible to recover everything
• Customer Support is unable to provide any additional restorations beyond what has been restored by the Developers
We appreciate this is an upsetting and disappointing outcome, and we would ask you please to wait patiently on your restoration mails to arrive if you have not yet received them. If you have received your restoration mails and you note that some items are not restored, we do apologise and confirm that the restoration of these remaining items was unfortunately not possible.
We would like to thank you for your understanding and wish you a good week ahead


HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA-HAA-A-HA-ha-ha . . . . Not possible to recover EVERYTHING?

They meant to say “Not possible to recover more than 1% of your stuff . . . in fact, if you get 1% returned throw a party because you’re one of the lucky ones!”


I got a few measly bits of cloth back, literally nothing of any value, probably about 10g worth total vendor trash? and they’re like “lol sorry whoops”??? It’s safe to use the guild bank now??? How, when all our stuff just disappeared with no recourse or compensation? What else can just spontaneously disappear? Our characters? Our entire accounts?

The only way this is gonna get any kind of resolution is for people to unsubscribe, cancel their subs, and complain until Blizzard HAS to take notice. It sucks, but this is a huge issue that they want to sweep under the rug. What’s the point of playing TWW if at any point, all your items can just vanish? Sunk cost fallacy aside, people gotta vote with their wallets. Let Blizzard know this is unacceptable.


It’s more than possible, unless they are completely inept. You can be sure they have backups. If they can’t automate it with scripts they could have people manually compare contents and logs at specific points to figure out exactly what went missing. But that would require a lot of man-hours, which costs money.

It doesn’t take many man-hours to provide some form of compensation. These items at the very least represent time spent, and we pay money to spend time in this game. Game time might be nice. I’m not a big money maker and I would be fine with a couple million in gold, but I know there are those who lost much more. Some people have suggested giving people special items they can’t get. Maybe give people one “wish” so to speak.

It doesn’t take many man-hours to properly apologize. A proper apology requires admitting specific fault. I personally see two main faults: Not properly testing feature that affect major infrastructure of the game. And esentually gaslighting players; making them think the items were safe and would be returned. “I’m sorry” is empty. “I’m sorry that I did (specific things) to you”, is more meaningful.

I think the apology should be as public as it can be. Instead of posting “what’s your favorite spec” on facebook, they should post their apology for all to see. Do that on all the social media.


I talker to a software developer friend and he theorized that their backup process may have been flawed, for example the backups were corrupted or in an old incompatible format and they didn’t realize until they went to compare (“diff”) the backup

This would be a huge oversight and case of incompetence of course, as verifying backup integrity should be a core part of the process. But it wouldn’t totally surprise me at this point, reading in between the lines on their official blue post lends credence to that idea IMO.

They probably wouldn’t want to admit if their backup process was flawed so I doubt we’d ever hear conclusively either way.


Still got nothing in my guildbank :frowning:


Well if that is that case compensation is not hard to do. It may be difficult to appease everyone, but putting in an effort would show a modicum of contrition.


Airlines have a concept called “The Misery Index” which is a way of measuring how much suffering passengers will endure before they stop buying at a given price point. e.g. if your seat is super cheap you’re more willing to put up with thinner, older seats, no food service, or extra fees for baggage. The goal of the Misery Index is to allow them to reduce costs without causing a drop in overall revenue (or, if the overall revenue drops, the overall profit must be increased.)

The Misery Index is not confined to the airline industry.

Food for thought as you consider your $12-15/mo software expense.


Has anyone received a second round of found item emails?


I don’t know if it’s any kind of connection, but I noticed the issue just after cross-faction/cross-realm guilds were enabled, and I had just merged my alliance and horde characters
on MG and WrA into my main guild on MG. That is the guild bank that was stripped.

I have another bank alt in a guild by themselves only, no other characters, which was unaffected.

Was it only cross-faction or cross-realm guilds that were stripped?

(I am totally speculating here, feel free to prove me wrong if I am)


The cross realm/faction guild I’m in was not effected at all. Though it does seem that whatever happened was limited to a small percentage of people so not sure if that confirms or denies that it could be a part of it.


Personally, all 3 guilds did not have cross faction and one of the 3 was only an alt in it and it was 60% wiped.


So out of 300+ bank slots wiped I got back 18 Tuskarr jerky, 40 Leyblood and 973 Maybe Meat, what a joke. We pay for playing time, how about compensating us for the time it took to collect all the lost items.


All of my three guild banks had only my alts (same server and faction), and they all suffered losses. So I doubt that the cross realm/faction thing was the cause. If I had to guess, would say it likely more related to the warband bank glitch.


Second? I haven’t received the first.


same here unfortunatly


Whatever happened is still happening. Just logged into an alt that’s the GM of an Alliance guild. Haven’t touched the guild bank on that side since this fiasco started, because of the stuff that disappeared from my Horde side bank when I checked it.

First thing, check the mail. Nothing there, maybe this bank wasn’t affected, so there was nothing to recover.

Okay, time to check the guild bank.

Look at the row of tabs in the bottom of the window (using ArkInventory). Tab 3 is full. Click it.

Suddenly, it has 36 empty slots. Clicked on other tabs. One went from 10 free slots to 44. Another, 47 to 72. Click another, 68 free to 74.

The guild bank withdrawls are limited to two people, me and a roomie. Roomie hasn’t interacted with the GB since before launch. Logs show only items being deposited, last withdrawal was from me, four months ago.

I lack adequate amounts of face and palm to convey my reaction.

Edit: Apparently I did check this bank sometime after this fun started, and stuff was missing then. (Forgive my brainmeats, for they are aged, and lack caffeine). This makes it worse, as now more stuff has vanished.


The items disappeared when the issue happened. You just didn’t see it until you opened the guild bank. It actually doesn’t matter if you opened the bank yet or not…the data loss happend on the server side.


I was about to inquire if that was the case myself. I guess it took clicking on things for things / cache data to update clientside. :frowning:


Got another ticket response back, literally says the exact same thing, word for word. “Sorry, sucks, dunno what you had, too bad.” People need to be making a lot more noise about this if they want Blizzard to take any accountability. This partial restoration isn’t even partial. If it was a sizeable chunk of the items missing, it’d be more acceptable. A handful of junk and a half baked apology just doesn’t cut it.