Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Were you thanked for your understanding?

I understand that we’re just supposed to take it on the chin!


Actually, bad example. For all his business decision failings, Iwata would’ve 1) found a way to resolve this, and 2) cut his own salary to make it happen if necessary.


Still, I would like to thank you for your understanding and wish you all the best.

Yep, copy and pasted their apology too. I can see my guild logs that show missing items that were deposited, but they can’t see their own game? Really instills confidence in this company, I’m so glad I just spent like $150AUD on playing this game the last two months, maybe I’ll just give them the rest of my money and delete my items for them /s


ah but you know this poor indie company needs to buy another yacht, they can’t spend their yacht money fixing an issue they caused!!!


My three affected guilds had only myself in it :
Guild A : Horde, my most recent one (2019), current server where I play. Half of all my tabs are gone. No name change, race change, faction change, nothing. Camped in Org.
Guild B : Alliance, founded in 2011. When I noticed Guild A and C were impacted, this bank was not as heavily affected as the other two, but after a week or so, it started leaking. This bank was moved from its original server over a year and a half ago so I could mail items to myself and store them. The bank kept it’s name in the transfer, but the character who owned it got a rename because it was the same as guild A’s owner. Faction and race remained untouched. Camped in Ironforge.
Guild C : Alliance, founded in 2010, heavily hit at the start of this fiasco. Probably more than half my stuff gone in this one. This guild was also moved to guild A’s server since this is where I currently live. Bank and character got a rename with the server transfer, because i already owned them. Faction and race remained untouched. Camped in Stormwind.

I have a guild D that is in use. Founded in 2011, alliance. I am the only one in it, however, i have not created it. It was friends who quit playing long ago that gave me ownership of it. This one still had been used actively, that’s where I store most of my pets that I’m unable to sell. Still on its original server, guild owner never got a race change, name change, nothing. Camped in garrison. I was in the process of rearranging my pets during the two weeks before this problem happened so there were holes in my sorting (trying to put all the same ones on the same page) but I had to swap characters to do other things so it remained incomplete. When I lost items in my other guildbanks, it was hard to tell with this one because it didnt have easy full pages previously. But I’m nearly 95% positive that I either lost nothing, or I barely lost anything at all.

I have many other guild banks (I was the type of person that when my group of friends wanted to swap servers, I started from scratch, leaving what I had behind but eventually ended up transferring one character and filling them up with whatever valuable stuff i had), but they were mostly empty already, as I was consolidating everything with the arrival of warbanks.

Sorry for rambling. I just wanted to give all information about my guilds. I feel like it’s just a random thing that occurred. The three guilds impacted were heavily used so maybe that has something to do with it. The stacks that vanished were random. Very often, my guild already had the item in it and after timewalking or whatever else, if i had something I stored, I’d mail it to that bank character and add it to the stack. My guild logs get weird, stating changes made 6 months ago and such. I can say for a fact that those stacks existed 6 months ago.

Just felt like someone came in and just right clicked random things, filled up their bags, logged out of that character, changed the password, to never log back in again. Items stuck in data limbo and blizzard refuses to do anything about it. :slight_smile:


yep, exact line


I lost stuff tied to achievements, if I gotta claim each individual item bugged out and didn’t give me the items so they can dupe it for me, I’ll do it. Got lots of free time since I won’t be playing wow, and it’s not like they have any real people to talk to


Still haven’t received anything back and at this point I have given up.

I am missing enchanting scrolls from dragonflight and earlier, extra pets that I would offer guildies as a perks, shadowlands items, lockboxes, dragonflight food, dragonflight potions and phials, all of the blue/green/purple gear I had in tabs 7 and 8 that was crafted or donated or earned in raids, unlearned recipes I had in tab 8. Dragonflight and earlier enchanting and skinning mats. Ore and gems that was donated, cloth that was earned.

I don’t run an addon that has all the items listed, and I doubt I will get everything back I doubt I will get any of it back.

I have already given up on that, still my constant fear and the reason why I have locked down the guild bank is simple has any testing been done to ensure that new items that are deposited aren’t overwriting older items and won’t disappear as well.

Right now I am placing everything in the bags of alts that are not 80 yet.

I also started using the war bank however I keep hearing that stuff is missing from them as well in other forum posts, and I can verify they have a bug where you deposit stuff and instead of going to the tab you have open the items get dropped into the first tab. So the war banks are still buggy so not confident about that system either.

I am just plain out disappointed in how they have treated guilds, guild masters and guild banks. We basically run the game for blizzard without getting recognition and / or any benefits.

We spend hours planing raids, setting up calendars for mythic+ runs, setting up raid teams and events to make people happy and yet we get no appreciation or gratitude.

Since 2010 I have been running my guild I have seen many changes and even had people split off to go to other guilds and run their own so on but never have I seen any appreciation for what guild masters do.

All we get are slaps in the face, an insult, basically we work for free then they steal or misplace our stuff it just burns me, not even a decent post in a 2607 thread saying sorry and they will try to do better.