Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Someone who not only knows, but does, the right thing. (Also, far more organised than I am!) Ah well, maybe someone will write one in the future after this fiasco.

There was a post on the EU forums saying that items that were recoverable were mailed to the Guild Masters. I received only 7 stacks out of entire full guild bank, and they were as follows:

  • 600x Hochenbloom
  • 2x Elemental Earth
  • 41x Mote of Mana
  • 1x Sturdy Expedition Shovel
  • 1x Sturdy Expedition Shovel
  • 1x Sturdy Expedition Shovel
  • 1x Sturdy Expedition Shovel

Extremely disappointed to lose 20 years of mats, and 50%+ percent of what I got back was useless shovels.


so of the 7 tabs i had, most items were wiped including a bunch of unobtainable stuff.
i heard they’re doing some restorations so i log into my GL, and lo and behold i get 725 pallid bones and 2 thermal anvils with less than 10 uses on them.

i haven’t even checked my other guild banks, ive just sat here staring at this genuinely disgusting ‘compensation’ for the last 10 minutes or so.

when i heard ‘some items wont be able to be restored’ i expected to miss a few items, not get 3 items and have thousands of others evaporate.

this sucks, plain and simple, it sucks.


I had 3 tabs of transmog items and 2 tabs of caged pets, another tab of just random junk I would toss in to be sorted out later. I have not received anything back. This is so distressing.


Understand exactly what you’re saying, and I wish it had happened. I’m not sure which thread (here or eu) but someone said they commented on a streamers feed and the response was something like oh i heard about that and then moved on. Guess they have to care enough first.

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What the hell was the POINT Of this? Did they think we were too stupid to notice that NO ACTUAL RESTORATION TOOK PLACE? I can’t speak for everyone but some people (including me) reported that the stuff they got back were PARTIAL STACKS OF MATS they ALREADY HAD IN THE BANK AFTER THINGS WENT MISSING!!!

What the actual HELL kind of LOW EFFORT IS THIS? I honestly think they WANT us to quit.

Let’s see what we have.

  1. A HUGE bug that has affected many of us, where for some, up to almost 20 years worth of stuff went missing. Could have been THOUSANDS of mats, rare pets, rare BoE drops, things that cost money (such as TCG items), and irreplaceable sentimental items (such as letters). And this was AFTER people reported an issue (guild logs broken) and they proceeded with a HUGE change to our guild banks anyway.
  2. NO REPLY for OVER A MONTH! And what answers we got were scattered throughout EU forums, people’s tickets being answered, and they tended to contradict each other. We could not use our banks for fear of things being overridden or other issues that would make restoration more difficult. Not only that but it seems they made sure to keep this QUIET so no one of ANY influence would talk about it.
  3. When we DID finally get an answer (again, nothing against the messenger) we were told that they COULD NOT do full restoration and they would do PARTIAL. (I don’t believe that for a second. They probably thought it would be too expensive, and they figured it was acceptable to sacrifice customers so they wouldn’t have to say anything to their precious shareholders about having to take the time, effort and employee-hours to MAKE RIGHT what THEY ROYALLY SCREWED UP on).
  4. And now, for the final insult. PARTIAL RESTORATION for many is a miniscule and insignificant amount to mean ANYTHING. In fact, why call it PARTIAL restoration when you mean 1%? For me, MUCH MUCH LESS than that. It was one of the most LOW EFFORT things I’ve seen from ANY business. For me, the items I got “returned” were ONLY things that I ALREADY had of in a partial stack in the bank AFTER everything else disappeared. Leading us on like this after your horrible “response” is amazingly bad. DID YOU HONESTLY THINK THAT PEOPLE HAD THEIR G**DAMN STUFF RETURNED when they opened the mail and saw the pathetic “effort” of “partial restoration?” I don’t think they even LOOKED at any data or ANYTHING - just looked to see what we already had in there and . . .who knows? Maybe they just took stuff OUT of what was left and stuck it in the mail. WHO THE HELL DOES THIS?
  5. No meaningful apology nor any attempt at compensation was offered. EVER. (Though come to think of it, if they did, it would be another insult like “here, have this pet you already bought from the store or maybe don’t even want” or “have ONE DAY of game time.” If there is a way to screw over and insult their customers, they WILL find it.

What did you do? Have a first-grade field trip there and had them each do a few restorations so they could see what it was like to “work” there? Shoot, I bet a class of first graders could and WOULD put in more effort into this entire fiasco.

They needed to do hand-restoration if no other method was working. While they worked on a larger solution (and I’ve said this before) START with in-game tickets, in-game bug report submitters, EVERY SINGLE PERSON in THIS forum and other forums on this very topic. It would have been some effort and as we are the ones that have noticed and cared about it, it would have given a place to start. Also, would have given them time to come up with a better automated solution. That probably would have amounted to a few thousand people? In the scheme of things, I’d think doable.

When you think it can’t get worse, it does. No, more things don’t disappear but Blizzard proves just how crappy they are willing to be towards their customers.


I will add my voice to this topic as I have been affected but in my heart I believed that my precious items would be returned. I had faith!

Across my account I have 10 guilds, all with 7 tabs of items. Of the 10 guilds banks, 3 have been cleaned out completely with 2 others up to 50 items missing as far as i can tell.

This ranged from Mudskink Lures and grey items that are no longer in the game to valuable recipes, pets and transmog items that were in the banks waiting for the “right time” to sell.

I also had many personal notes written to me and sent in the mail over the years from people that no longer play, i am no longer in touch with and from one person who is no longer with us at all. These lost items are particularly devastating to me.

Of the thousands of items i have lost I have received a total of 19 items back, mostly recipes that are of little value. Blizzard haven’t even bothered to send back the items that clearly were deposited on guild bank logs and not removed. I felt sure I would at least get those back.

I am just really sad. 20 years of collecting items that had no real value to anyone but me all gone. I feel like my house burnt down and all that could be saved was the dirty laundry.

Thanks to you all for the community, I share in your loss and grief.


I received 363 Wildercloth.

Gbank of 7 carefully organized tabs stuffed to the gills and used as a holding station and transport of mats and other goods from one toon to another. I’m a chronic altoholic that’s played since launch.
And I get a single mail. With 363 Wildercloth.

…just gutted, guys.
Profoundly gutted.


Allow me to write a poem, it’ll take me less than ten minutes and it’ll be more valuable and meaningful than all the work hours so far put into failing to solve this issue or compensate the affected players.

32 chemical blasting caps,
An ingredient from the least interesting profession expansion.
32 chemical blasting caps,
They’ll hardly fill my emptied mansion.
32 chemical blasting caps,
as many silver to buy them on the auction house.
32 chemical blasting caps,
I built this guild bank with my spouse.
32 chemical blasting caps,
They only make things that are boring and obsolete.
32 chemical blasting caps.
I stare at seven empty tabs and I stare at them with defeat.


Bumping the bump of the bump of the bump.
Still an issue Blizzard.

C’mon ppl, we have less than 30 sigs, let’s get more and force a response.


Latecomer to this thread, I’ve posted here already.

In short, I didn’t think I had been affected. As soon as Warband banks came out, I managed to extract all my gold and just dump that into my Warband bank and didn’t pay too much attention to my (private) guild bank. Not much had been selling prior to the expansion anyway.

I got restoration mails yesterday, containing:

2x Pink Mageweave shirts
1x Wildvine Potion recipe
1x Wildthorn Mail recipe
1x Schematic: Dark Iron Rifle

That’s it.

What I’ve actually lost includes (and is certainly not limited to): old patterns and recipes like Lifestealing and Greater Fire Protection Potion, just to name a couple, along with dozens (perhaps hundreds) of old dragonscales of various colours (my main is a dragonscale LW from Vanilla and I have all the patterns learned).

My guild bank tabs are virtually empty. I had lots of mats from other, old expansions. But what really kills me are my patterns. Some are no longer obtainable. Some are really hard to get.

It has never once crossed my mind that Blizzard would lose my stuff. I’ve been playing off and on (but mostly on) for almost 19 years, having started just after the ZG patch in Vanilla. Not for a single moment did I ever think anything I had to my name in the game had a chance of being compromised or deleted or anything of the sort. More, Blizzard has been exceedingly good about this kind of stuff in the past – errors with master loot back in the day where a 2H sword got given to the wrong person in MC, restoration of a pattern that a tailor wasn’t able to loot again after he got pulled into combat in Karazhan, the explanation as to where someone’s Vashj vial vanished to even though she was there with us for the kill (she had dropped the quest, so the vial was destroyed)… Blizzard has, over the years, built up their trust with me. I have trusted that if I log out one day and log back in five years later, my stuff will still be there.

And now, all of that trust they’ve gained with me over almost 19 years? Gone. Poof. Just like all the stuff in my guild bank.

Look, I work in tech. I understand how difficult some of these restorations are. But players spend hours, days, weeks, months, years, and now decades, playing this game. We farm herbs and ore and leather. We store things away in our various banks. We put them there FOR SAFEKEEPING. Blizzard, you cannot justify not spending time and energy (and money) on these restorations. Everything we do in this game is in the pursuit of pixels. These items, titles, pieces of gear, weapons, patterns, materials, do not exist anywhere but in a world that you created. It is up to you to fix this and restore the pixels we have pursued for years and decades, in some cases.

I just don’t understand why hundreds of paying customers are getting screwed over. Blizzard, you have logs. You have data. Use it. Restore us all in full. This is absolutely unacceptable for a game about to celebrate its 20th anniversary.

Do you expect me to celebrate with you when so much of my Vanilla stuff is just gone now? Do you think that I’m so blinded by the shiny new stuff that I will just drop this and will cease to care? Because none of that is going to happen. I am going to make some noise about this.

Guild name: Royal Bank of Mogh
Realm: Eldre’Thalas
GM: Kurnbank

(Thank you to Vaelhaeyn for compiling things.)


Can you link that post for my own sanity?

I just checked my personal GBank, and everything is still gone, with nothing in the mail.

All the more to sign the petition for Blizzard to give absolute transparency on this crap.


I’m livid. I got back some soul dust, some of another mat (I forget what, but it wasn’t like it was valuable), and a handful of locked boxes which when unlocked have nothing in them (but also won’t disappear). This is a joke.


Change org petition, not that it’ll do anything:

Sign this and help force a response. Spread it, and let’s go. Clearly they dont give a * about the forums, so we gotta go elsewhere to poke them.


This “restoration” is an unacceptable, insulting joke.

The folks on the bug forum post wanted a run down of all items restored by all players affected. I’m just going to copy and past my post from that thread.

So… ya’ll wanted a log of everything that everyone effected got back? Ok.

Guild 1 - had been cleaned out some time during Remix. What was left was patterns. A few patterns missing. Maybe 15? Suspected gold loss. Amount? Unsure. Anywhere from 0-1 mil. It had been a while since I’d been on that toon.
Returned - nothing

Guild 2 - pet and mog storage. Also minimally affected. Some pets and mogs gone. Less than 30 items total?
Returned - nothing

I was always one of the least affected players but I’m still livid that it happened at all and on behalf of all of you that lost so, so, so much more than I did.

I will throw Blizz a bone they don’t deserve and wait until reset on Tuesday to see if any items will get stored to my account. I don’t even know what to say anymore. I’m just shocked at their level of not giving a crap towards their faithful player base. I shouldn’t be shocked that they’re willing to throw away the trust of so many long time players … but I am.


The only thing Blizzard will respond to is their bottom line ($). It is time to take drastic measures. It is time to boycott all Activision-Blizzard games until they acknowledge and fix this issue. To say they have handled this massive issue poorly is an understatement. If hundreds of thousands or millions of players stop paying them money, watch how quickly this gets fixed. Join me with the hundreds of other players that have already unsubbed and deleted every game belonging to Activision-Blizzard! Time to boycott!

I’m going to repost this every day for at least 30 days. My first post of this was on 9/10/2024.


So force them to respond other than their own forums. Sign it:

At this point, if you want to make a difference, get off of their platform. Go elsewhere. Clearly they are ignoring things here. We all pay a sub, and we’re getting screwed. We don’t pay for silence.

With the number of people showing issues, we sure don’t have anywhere near the number of signatures to match.


The <1,000 signatures you’re gonna get aren’t going to force them to do anything

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So get more to respond. I’d rather try something than stay silent. You’re not helping the matter.

Blah blah blah, your comment is negative gating…, if enough people get pissed off enough to sign, it will make a difference.


2500 comments! Break out the “Mission Accomplished” banner!

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