Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Remember in the early days when Blizzard said to not touch the guild banks, but more and more stuff went missing and we trusted them to do a fix and return our stuff?

Yeah, no more trusting them to do anything.

It feels like being promised something big as a kid then bitter disappointment when the promise wasn’t kept. This really hurts.

Edit - I know it’s just stuff in a video game. But it’s 20 YEARS worth of stuff.


So, do we have to open a ticket to try to get the stuff back or simply wait for the mail to arrive?


Theoretically no. But I would say open that ticket and push them.


Cross posted from the “official” “yeah- we done screwed up, g’luck!” thread.

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My Gbank was mostly wiped and I received 0 mails. Is this it? Is there nothing else coming?

Just a “good luck” from Blizz?

Some of my reps have already been lost and now my items are being deleted. What’s next? What progress did I make today will be lost tomorrow?

What the hell is the point of the PTR?


Sadly, if nothing has shown up by now, I doubt we are getting anything at all.
I am in the same boat. I have received not a single item on any of my toons for the stuff that went missing.

I am beyond livid.


At least one of my storage guild banks has been completely wiped out. If you look at the logs, it shows when I added and moved items around. I’ve submitted tickets to no avail. I had a lot of transmog and mats that are simply gone.

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Today I logged in and had mail from a GM regarding the lost items:

Guild bank news
"The result is in and blue posted in the forums this past hour. Guild bank glitch problem is solved. It was a one off thing and it is safe to use guild bank again.

Due to the cause of the glitch and missing data, some guild masters will be mailed some missing items, but a full restore for all guilds will not be possible."

That is the exact message, grammar and all. After 85% of my guild bank disappearing, I didn’t get anything in the mail. I checked the guild bank and received…

2 pet cages.

This is the biggest breach of our trust, poorly handled bug and a massive slap in the face. A complete lack of respect for our time and efforts and absolutely zero compensation, without an apology.

What timeline am I living in that they believe this is any part of okay?


The restoration system mail was pushed yesterday evening.  If you did not receive any mail then, you won’t receive any now in all likelihood.  I wouldn’t bother with trying through the ticket system either since this problem goes way beyond what a Game Master can/is allowed to do.  Even if you didn’t receive a canned response, it would just point back to here or the update announcement that was posted in General Discussion.

I will be keeping an eye out for any new blue posts once the weekend is over, but I’m not optimistic.


Has anyone received more than one round of mail?

Wait what? So you’re saying I lost 90%+ of 7 tabs that were filled to 85-90% capacity (more or less) ONLY to get via mailbox (Blue Blizzard icon 89 days) 2x stacks of (20) netherweave bandages and I won’t receive anything else? They fixed the bug but are unable to give our stuff back?


As far as I know, no, according to a comment above ours a bit up^. I hope they’re wrong. This is so wrong. The vast majority of those affected lost 95%+ of all they had, and a minority were more lucky.


Man, I just want to give everyone here a big hug 'cause this sucks so much. It’s been exhausting to keep track of and to wait on with virtually no communication from Blizz… and it’s honestly tainted the expansion launch so much for me. I never would have expected this sort of loss to happen in 2024. It’s like one of their fundamental responsibilities on the technical side and it feels like a punch in the gut. My heart goes out to everyone who lost their items, but especially for anyone who lost something priceless to them. I’m sorry to my fellow WoW players. The level of disappointment I feel right now…man. The trust is gone.


If they would cover it, they may lose access to the next Alpha, they may no longer receive free gametime, may lose priority log in …

When I was working in the gaming industry, it was hilarious what was thrown at us for free, just to keep us silent. Game accounts, items, developer servers, heck even entire PC systems, furniture or consoles…

Ofc. you don´t sign a contract about that, but everyone knows if I act up, I am out so people stay silent.

This btw. not only applies to gaming, but every industry on the planet and why it is so hard to track down illegal and damaging actions by big tech or pharma.


If your question is “am I seriously ****ed”, I’m sorry to say that the answer as things currently stand is yes.  I dearly wish it was otherwise, as I lost decades worth of valuables myself.


There is a specific streamer on the realm that is merged with mine, that often does things with people I raid with. According to what I was told, he did suffer loss from his personal storage guild bank, but it was only for about two days; everything came back. After that, he wiped his hands and considered it fixed. I do not know if he was told specifically not to say anything, and I have no way of verifying if this is even true; it is only coming from people who I raid with, who also do content with him. You can take that for what it’s worth.


This is my first time posting about this issue, but I have been lurking from the start. I have been playing since 2007 and have collected many valuable items over the years, including unique and no longer obtainable items, a hoard of gemstones, and various other treasures. However, the most important items to me were the letters from friends whom I will never be able to speak with again. Unfortunately, around 95% of these items were lost from my private guild bank, and I have not received anything back at all.

I understand that the servers will eventually shut down, and if I wanted to preserve these memories, I would need to take screenshots. However, as this is a live service game that the developers intend to maintain for many years, I did not expect my items to disappear before the game’s eventual closure. We all trusted that our items would always be accessible when we needed them.

The loss of these items has made me question the security of other in-game assets, such as mounts, transmog, and even our characters. If the issue had been temporary and we had received our items back, I probably would have been able to overlook it. However, the lack of restitution for our losses is unacceptable. Additionally, my wife has not resubscribed for this expansion due to concerns about reputation loss and potential character deletion bugs.

The communication from the game developers regarding this issue has been extremely poor. As soon as I noticed the bug, I locked down my banks and refrained from adding or removing anything. However, I am uncertain if this was the correct action to take. I also refrained from submitting a ticket or posting on the forum until now, and I am worried that this may have excluded me from the list of players eligible for item restoration. The lack of clear instructions left us feeling lost and uncertain about the situation. We do not even know if there will be additional waves of item restorations or if what we have received so far is all we can expect. Furthermore, the fact that this significant issue was not addressed by the WoW media gives the impression that Blizzard did not want it to be widely discussed.

Despite the occasional shortcomings in gameplay and story, I have a deep attachment to Warcraft. My wife and I initially bonded over our shared love for the game, and I have played every expansion on and off. I intend to continue playing until the end of this Saga, but if this issue is not adequately resolved or addressed, The Last Titan might be the end of my Warcraft journey.


For what it´s worth,

I have stopped playing WOW when my guild bank was affected and I have not logged in since, except for checking if something came back a few days ago. I was too afraid to break something, so I let it stay untouched. I even missed the tenders and rewards from the traders inn in August.

I still did only receive my 98 netherweave and I have not touched my guild bank either, so no new stuff went in. Those that may put blame on themselves that they broke the restoration attempt, no you did not. It does not seem to matter at all, it´s just not working.

The EU forum is very silent btw. hardly any replies in the thread there but I can assure you, the EU accounts are not receiving their stuff either.


We all do. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

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This has also appeared on the guild bank post on the general forum… :face_vomiting:

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