Guild bank missing items - what happened?

What happened to the posts (Blue Posts? GMs? In-Game ticket responses) that kept saying "Your items aren’t gone, you just can’t see them, but we can still see them"?? I’m not the first to point this out but this was never a visual bug.

As I have posted before, the 30+ days of lack of communication from blizzard was such a red flag, there aren’t words.

So I will also not use words, but will speak with my wallet. I did not purchase TWW, and I have unsubbed. I have no delusions that it will make any difference to Blizzard / Activision / Microsoft, and has been pointed out many times in many threads here, it would take a mass exodus for them to even notice, but it’s all I can do at the moment to show my disdain.


Update, items restored…zero


all fake news… they were probably told by management to lie about the items being there… in the mean time, we continue to pay the sub in hope for restoration. it’s ok, they really respect our time, for real, trust me bro…


I am livid now, thousands of crafting mats from each expansion, some pets, a few mounts, tons of BoEs, bags, and other items gone. Today I got back:
17x Talador Orchid
86x Frostweed
71x Starflower
68x Blackrock Ore
463x True Iron Ore

where is all my Khorium, titanium, cobalt, saronite, etc.

I really hope this is just the first round of restoration but if not, then blizzard really owes compensation to everyone. I have been playing since right before wrath launched, I have thousands of great Memorys from this game of a good chunk of my life. I had been hacked in wrath and reported it to a GM 3 hours later I had all my stuff back including what they had taken from the guild I was in but with this after about a month this is all I get; it is simply inexcusable.


I don’t know where Fuzzybuddy-Elune pulled the info from, but for myself I have Altoholic (in-game display) and WoWthing Collector (uploads data to  Problem with this, for me, is that if a slot goes empty the addons will update accordingly.  No way to access any past history.

I really should have kept a spreadsheet, but in fairness no one expected this in the twenty years of this game.  My account certainly never had it happen before and it’s just as old.

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you need to keep backups of the altoholic lua file in the WTF folder. with that you can restore the file, load the game and see what was in the GB at the time of the backup

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Hundreds of items gone…I was returned two whole rousing fire! I understand bugs happen and restoration isn’t always possible, but it is honestly kind of insulting to consider this any semblance of resolution.


There was no actual restoration done. They just pretended there was, sent us some random items that may have been in our guild banks at some point, and lied about it. I doubt any actual work was put into it.

I’m on the luckiest edge of this. I mostly just lost stuff like…various elemental motes and such from old expansions. I didn’t have anything of actual great value in my guild banks.


why do you still believe you are gonna get more incoming mails ? dont you realised all of us been taken for a ride ?

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8 tabs of GB items from mats to rare gear or drops, basically 7 1/2 tabs went missing & they only sent 3 items in the mail so far. Guess they don’t have a server database backup of the Guild banks before the patch to easily copy & paste the data over. :frowning_face:

Blizzard has posted about their intended resolution: Incomplete restoration of missing items.

Today I received my compensation for my 7 tab guild bank that was absolutely filled with crafting materials from multiple expansions, stacks and stacks that would take me months of constant grinding to restore. The compensation? 32 chemical blasting caps.

For years I have primarily been a casual economy player, stockpiling materials so I can craft and assist my guild in crafting most anything at any time, this has undermined, devalued, and erased entire years of progress and I’m left wondering if my gameplay isn’t restored then where is my refund for years of subscriptions? How can Blizzard act like they’re trying to do right by their players and restore the quality of their game when this is the total sum at which they value our time, which we pay them for the privilege of using in their game?


Misery indeed. Max tabs, Nearly full bank of a mix of everything (mats, toys, pets, food, weps) over all expansions…returned = 2 red helper box pets.

I’d rather them say sorry you get nothing than this BS of a “fix.” Kinda feel gutted all over again.