Guild bank missing items - what happened?

My Warbank was almost full, so they mailed the excess items to the character that put them in. Not an issue with it being one account, but hopefully it will be the current GM, or at least someone with an active sub (or recently active one) that gets them. I think they had the standard “135 days after restoration” expiry date on the mails.

At the very least they should also RL email the person to tell them their items have been restored, (particularly for those who have un-subbed due to the issue, but also if inactive guilds have had items mailed to them via in-game post). It seems like a lot of older Guilds (some pre-BC) were impacted and some of those may come back, some day, expecting their stuff to still be there.

In terms of Trust, when there is a serious data corruption issue like this (even if it is in the Display data), you would expect a company to keep you informed by email. That it hasn’t happened is very disappointing.


If stuff is mailed to the GM, i’m fine with that. My druid alts are the GM’s of my alliance/horde guild banks.


So, lets game this out, to see how little this affects Blizz’s bottom line. There are around 800 combined people who have commented on this thread and the one in Europe. We know that there are more affected by this bug, so lets add another 800, so 1600. Then lets say all those players have two account or someone they influence to quit, so 3200 accounts. We know that this wont happen but let’s say all of those 3200 accounts cancel. Blizz is still only seeing a .006% negative affect on revenue. This is a non-issue to upper management.

Additionally, there is nothing that can be done by the player base legally to spur on a restoration. Don’t forget about the TOS we all agreed upon, Blizz has the ability to delete or ban our whole accounts (they do it often) at their discretion, with zero possible repercussions.

IMO, since the guild banks are no longer deleting items they consider this issue fixed. They really don’t care that we lost stuff, and probably see it as some soft of benefit.


This would work for my two empty vaults. Yes, it would be a time consuming endeavor to put it all back, having to make trips to the mail box. But it would be resolved, and that’s really all I want at this point, to be able to use my vaults without fear of losing anything else.


The bank in Dornogal is smaller than the one in Valdrakken, and the personal bank is really close to the entrance, but the guild vault is further back. The opposite of Valdrakken. Could be worth it to go back to Valdrakken for this process if that’s what happens.


MoP will be the place to go, there’s a mail box right next to the GV.

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If you’re looking for quick trips back and forth from mailbox to guild bank (assuming you’re using neither mobile banking nor mailbox toys), TB/Darn are good for that: the mail and bank are very close together, and both are outside so you can stay mounted.

Adding my personal guild to the list: had 7 tabs almost full of mostly mats from all expansions, is now completely empty but for 11 Essence of Water and 30 Crystallized Fire.


Yeah all those suggestions are good.


WoD Horde Garrison, there’s a mailbox right next to the Guild Bank. If you have a large mount, you can sort of position it half-climbing on the roof, then change the viewpoint to the side, and click on the Guild Bank whilst still being in reach of the mail box. (Personal banker wanders around, so not so helpful for warbank/personal bank!)

For Alliance, Darnassus the mailbox is a short step away from both. It’s slightly shorter distance than Stormwind, Exodar, Ironforge, Dalaran(s), or Shadowlands. BC is a short, but indoor, run between the mailbox at the back, GB on the side, and the bank at the front (remember to choose the right faction bank!) and there’s an AH on the other side. WoD, there’s a mailbox outside the bank in Ashran, or a short walk between garrison mailbox and the banks, depending on where you’ve put the building (thinking about it, I could swap my Profession Building and the bank & might be almost, or as, close as the horde one).


Yeah, I agree it ultimately won’t change them even if everyone in this post was to refund and quit, and that’s why I refunded TWW and won’t be playing any blizzard game ever again. I’ve been playing Blizzard games since warcraft 1, Diablo 2 and WoW are definitely top 5 most played games for me, I have way over 10000 hours in blizzard products, and sadly they just straight up don’t care anymore. They really must feel too big to fail, and sadly that just breeds complacency. GM’s used to be timely and helpful, now it takes them 2 days to copy and paste a message that might not even pertain to your question.

Sucks but it is what it is… I don’t think anything any of us do or say will change anything, but I’ve refunded because I’m not going to get played like this over and over… It’s way past shame on me at this point and I’m tired of feeling like it’s my fault for trusting this company when they clearly don’t deserve it anymore, coupled with the fact I keep getting bit. Never again.

Edit: I’ve been checking the post every day just to see if any good news and it’s just sad to see this post growing and growing with more and more people hopping in… This will most likely be my last time checking in… just too depressing to see this multi billion dollar company ignore stuff like this for so long.


Dalaran may have the best set up for it big open bank not far from a mail box.

All fascinating, but we’re kinda putting the cart before the horse here. Nobody knows if anyone is going to get anything back.


Now let’s factor in word-of-mouth advertising. The one thing every company relies on. If 3200 people went out into the real world and left negative reviews everywhere they could, gaming platforms, review forums, social media, etc., how would that affect the bottom line? It would certainly keep new customers from purchasing their incomplete products.

A person could even include the fact that Blizzard cannot be trusted with your private data. That they share your data with other 3rd parties. Could reference the ongoing Class Action lawsuit. That would deter many new folks.


Or if you have you can stand right next to the guild vault and do it without moving.

I don’t think, in reality, the issue now is the missing items (I mean it is, obviously, but in the grand scheme of things, bearing in mind Blizzard can do whatever they want, and if they want to just brush it under the carpet and pretend it didn’t happen, then they can). Nor, I don’t think, will enough people decide enough is enough and quit because of it, to make a difference.

The issue now, is the loss of trust. This, for me at least, has been a long slow process over many years. I used to be a major fan and anything Blizzard I’d look forward to buying and playing, and I tended to be a bit of an apologist for them. I am still a fan of WoW, but I am no longer such a fan of Blizzard. Because they’ve just spent years eroding trust little by little.

Even if they fixed this issue today, completely plugged that hole that was leaking items AND put/sent all the missing items back, that trust doesn’t come back easily. You get to the point where you’re no longer surprised at a bug … just resigned to it. And to the fact that there is no guarantee a bug will EVER get fixed. I won’t STOP playing WoW because of it. I won’t STOP being a guild leader of a guild I’ve been running since 2007, despite all the bugs and problems relating to guilds and their interface. BUT … if another game comes along now in a similar vein … I’m MUCH more likely to jump there instead. And I’d wager that a lot of my guild members would do the same.


Will someone please go bump this thread too? We need to keep eyes on this issue in both forums. I posted last and it won’t let me post again until another person responds. /sigh

Do you think we will get our Guild Bank items returned with this maintenance? - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (


Consider it done!


Thank you!


Agreed. At least Alliance side. I don’t remember what the bank in the Shrine is like Horde side.

Alliance side, the mailbox is LITERALLY just in front of and slightly to the left side of the guild vault. I don’t think you even have to move your toon to go from mailbox to the guild vault. It’s why I keep a few of my bank toons there. :slight_smile:


No problem. I’m personally not having an issue with guild banks…but I am having issues in other aspects of the game. Unfortunately the lack of communication seems to be a constant.

From the other thread:


I logged on this morning again before work, and checked my two most affected guild banks. No change. I don’t think I’d notice if stuff was returned in my other guild banks because I don’t keep up on them.

With the addition of Warband banks (Warbanks?) I want to consolidate everything into a few guild banks, but I don’t feel safe doing that just yet. Not to mention the trust issue…

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