Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Just checking in, still no items returned but nothing has “leaked” yet from my guild bank, so that still seems to be fixed.


OMG I’m stealing that, I haven’t heard him called that before. But yeah, today the only people who are promoted there are a 4 letter word that I can’t say on this site. Other than to say “1930’s”.

But yes, twitter steals (as in illegally) any data it can get from your IP or browser to sell. And they sell it to shady criminal places.


I usually flip between Apartheid Elmo and Elongated Muskrat depending on how I’m feeling that day.

I left when the TOS change went through that specifically stated Xitter can sell your biometrics alongside the rest of the data they peddle.


Fun little thread from today about people discussing Blizzard CS.


Checked today. Everything is still missing.


I left on his 3rd day when he retweeted a certain conspiradcy theory. Deleted my account, and did some iptables router magic to block all traffic to and from the site from my internet forever. But yes…he grabs biometrics of people he doesn’t like (I can’t elaborate without getting into politics) and then sells it to people who will use it for violence.

The block isn’t to prevent me from going there, because I won’t anyway. It’s to prevent things like other sites embedding it, and to prevent other sites from previewing it, etc.


This thread is now as large as the CS Lounge thread is at the point they lock it for being too big, and starting a new one.


oh good, so we’ll get locked and no way they’ll restart cause why bother when it’s not an “issue”… :rofl:


in before they lock it and yes still haven’t gotten all the stuff that was missing in the guild vault. But we are using it because its been almost what 6 weeks now>?


Just chiming in to help keep pressure on: still missing items from multiple guild vaults


its not entirely true … they have been doing a lot of stunts that pissed players off … this time it pissed a number, next one another group … people dont do business this way … during WOD and Legion they reported 3.3 million copies sold on launch day, after those expac they dont talk about numbers anymore, its something to boast about if you are doing good, i dont think they keep quiet about the numbers because they decided to become humble … the numbers are expectedly smaller, i may be wrong … just yesterday, items in my bags turned from Bind on Equip to become Bind on Pickup … i put up a ticket and the GM replied that he checked and that item was BOP and starts explaining what BOP means … com’on, thats really so foolish lololololol … and i follow up with another ticket and the GM changed his explanation and said its as what Dev Intended … they can keep using this phrase … its only a matter of time


This makes me wonder then, what if you had placed things in those empty slots?


Submitted another bug report, this is taking far too long to resolve. I am losing faith in this game shouldn’t take over a month to fix. Big bug and no resolution in site, makes you wonder…


They’ll appear in another slot, just like they did when they restored warbank items that disappeared. They said “if you put something in the slot they were in, they will show up elsewhere.”

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I’ve finally given up, and tried to cancel. Funny thing, it won’t let me cancel my subscription. I’ve tried 2 times now, and it always stops after I put in why. Isn’t that special. I mention the guild bank bug, and I can’t cancel.


Can the BBB help? It may not be a legal issue but it is an issue for many customers, with no explanation, no transparency, no resolution, no compensation. The impact very much depends on each individual or guild. But it has cost people a lot of time, in-game currency, real-money currency (for example, the people who lost TCG items or people who bought items using tokens bought with real money) and irreplaceable items. It’s true that legally, the items are owned by Blizzard, but it’s still such crappy customer service and a clearly flawed product. This expansion especially feels like it should have spent much more time in the hands of experienced, qualified QA personnel and a few more months in Alpha and Beta. I don’t know if we can ask for a resolution or simply file a complaint. Anyone have any experience with the BBB? Are they trustworthy?

I know that people shouldn’t HAVE to complain to get good service, but can they at the very least take care of (give back every item lost to) everyone who put in a bug-report through in-game (if the account is shown), opened a ticket, or complained about this anywhere on their forums, even if it’s one post saying “My guild was affected” whether in bug reports, customer service or even other forums. That would at least be a start because these are the people who noticed and felt most impacted by this awful bug. And then of course, do it for the rest of the population. But start somewhere.

And I do think some compensation is in order ALONG with replacing all of our items as our playtime was marred, people lost gold (by having to buy items that they already had, but was no longer accessible) and gold-making opportunities.

And most of all make sure that this NEVER happens again. Be transparent. Explain what happened, what caused it and explain HOW they are going to ensure that this will never happen again - not to the guild banks, normal banks, reagent banks, warbands banks, void storage, mail, our character’s bags, our collections (mount, toys, pets, appearance, heirlooms), achievements and current gear. Not sure if they CAN get out trust back but the fact that they aren’t even trying is very telling about what kind of company they have become.


Isn’t that illegal?


There is the problem. In my guild bank, ALL of the slots were filled on some tabs. If I put stuff in the now empty slots, there is no room left to put the missing items in.

I can see how that would have worked with the Warbound banks because people probably didn’t have all the slots filled yet. There were extra vacant slots left open to fill with the missing items. In my Guild bank, that is not the case, there are no vacant slots left to fill if one of the previously occupied slots gets re-occupied. Will they just mail the items to us in that case?

We need these answers!


My 2 guilds on Blackwing Lair, “Battle Fatigue” and “Too Tired To Care” both are missing nearly everything and they still have not been restored. The latter guild was 18 years worth of crafting materials that I and a family member have saved from every expansion. Tens of thousands of items, nearly every slot in all tabs of the guild bank filled and still missing.

I don’t know if I can handle this kind of loss and it not being restored. This is theft and destruction of the time I’ve paid to play WoW.


My Warbank was almost full, so they mailed the excess items to the character that put them in. Not an issue with it being one account, but hopefully it will be the current GM, or at least someone with an active sub (or recently active one) that gets them. I think they had the standard “135 days after restoration” expiry date on the mails.

At the very least they should also RL email the person to tell them their items have been restored, (particularly for those who have un-subbed due to the issue, but also if inactive guilds have had items mailed to them via in-game post). It seems like a lot of older Guilds (some pre-BC) were impacted and some of those may come back, some day, expecting their stuff to still be there.

In terms of Trust, when there is a serious data corruption issue like this (even if it is in the Display data), you would expect a company to keep you informed by email. That it hasn’t happened is very disappointing.