Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I sadly agree with you. But I’ve made the decision to not go quietly into the night. This is the hill I’m going to die on. I’m going to continue to rant and rave in this thread, and one day, I’m going to sit in a rocking chair, telling my grandchildren about the injustice of the “guild bank robbery of 2024.”


I think a large part of that is the problem of more work with less people. No-one works well when stressed (not many, anyway), and their work is more likely to be flawed, and having to do the job that once was probably done by several is very stressful.

Blizzard have saved themselves money in the short term, but are slowly spending their good reputation currency because of it. And there comes a certain point when a lowering reputation will start impacting their bottom line. So it’s essentially a false economy. Just one that so many large companies tend to chase.


I am so fed up with all of this that I have started to look into some kind of legal recourse. I haven’t found anything regarding our issues; however, I did find some already on-going litigations against Blizzard for a breach of privacy with Facebook at the website ClassAction dot org.


I wish you luck. I don’t think we have a standing, legally though.


I half-jokingly said the other day that the Bug Report forum is run by two people who don’t talk to each other…may be a bit facetious, but it doesn’t seem that unrealistic.


Thank you!
Forgot to mention that the class action lawsuit is still open and you can sign up to join it if you use Facebook. I don’t use Facebook, so I cannot join it. Look up under video games if you want to find the suit.

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There is no legal recourse. We don’t technically own our items, Blizzard does, and the only thing we pay for is access to the servers. They could delete all our items tomorrow and be legally in the clear.


There is always an exception to every rule.
There has to be a loophole around all that EULA stuff some where.

The most legal liability they could ever potentially have is the subscription fees we paid during the time the items were unavailable. I doubt even that…that’s just theoretical.


We are passed week 4 of the new Expansion TWW and still Guild banks are broke and missing items…this is really bad …I feel sorry for those effected now…keep plugging Blizzard …go to Twitter too CS Blizzard or Blizzard CS whichever it is and keep posting there about this issue.


I’m not going to malicious websites. They can answer on their own platform which is not malicious. I couldn’t even if I wanted to. Twitter traffic is completely blocked on my network, no traffic to or from it. Some iptables rules I made on my router.


Yeah, that’s what I’ve been reading. If we brought legal action, the most we could hope for is the cost of the game plus any game time over the past 12 months or, as in our case, the 6 weeks this has been an issue. So, for me that would be less than $100 because I only bought the basic xpac game, the lowest price. However, if Bliz has to pay that amount to thousands of customers, it might be a big issue.


That’s the thing though. I really don’t want to quit the game. I’m enjoying War Within. And, all things considered, I’m not that seriously affected. I lost a lot of stuff, but none of it had much value.

That said, this needs to be fixed. And it needs to be fixed yesterday. And it’s to the point now where stuff has been gone for long enough that there needs to be compensation in addition to items being restored.


Twitter is not a Malicious website and I agree we shouldn’t to use a 3rd party site to bring up issues but they will not do much here on these forums…I have used Twitter and contacted a few times the CS’s there and got my issue resolved faster then these forums or in game ticket…you have a smart phone ? if so there is a Twitter app you can use…


Twitter is absolutely a malicious site and has been since late 2022. You must be living under a rock if you don’t realize it’s a malicious website. It’s not safe to visit, even anonymously, from any device that has access to your any of your data, or from an IP that’s near your location. There is no way in hell the twitter app is going within 100 miles of my phone. The only way to make it safe is to use a throwaway phone with none of your data on it, and install a VPN and set the VPN to use a server in a different country. Even then it’s not safe, it’s just “relatively safe” if you have enough tech knowledge to not expose the site to your location or any of your data.


Apartheid Elmo made that site into an absolute dumpster of bigotry and stochastic terrorism.

It was bad before, but at least there was some semblance of moderation. No way would I ever go back to that rancid hell-site.

Edit: Fun fact, Bobby Kotick and Elmo are buddies.


That’s what that class action lawsuit is about against Blizzard: A breach of privacy
Evidently, Bliz shared personal info with Facebook on all Bliz customers. Yeah, Blizzard isn’t any better than X-twitter.


That’s what I’m saying. Along with item restoration we need a good sized chunk of gold deposited into each guild bank or free game time for every account. We need something to make up for lost time/trust.


Blizzard will never compensate with additional gold or items.

I don’t know what they could do that would be adequate compensation, but they wont ever do that.


Oh, I know. It certainly seems like they just want to quietly restore items then pretend the whole thing never happened.

That’s why this thread is important. We need to keep up the pressure, even if it feels like we’re screaming into the void. If enough people demand compensation then they’ll give us something. Dunno what, but something.