The War Within Hotfixes - September 19

Any news on progress for restoration of Guild Bank items that were wiped? Guild bank missing items - what happened? - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (

610 forum users reporting themselves impacted by this, and not a single Blue Post. All comms from GM tickets, Twitter, CS EU reps have been of the “we’re working on it” but no guidance as to whether it’s safe to use the Guild Bank again, official confirmation that the underlying bug has been fixed, or whether impacted Guilds are likely to get their items back.

Data corruption (even if “only” display data) would have had other companies raising this to Director level (at least in Europe, where it can be a legal issue and impact share price). How hard is it to compose one Blue Post reply to a trust issue, that has already had people un-subbing, over one month after it started happening?