Guild bank missing items - what happened?

EVERYTHING disappeared from my guild bank and NOTHING returned.
Day by day I need things that were there, and I end up buying at the auction. And wondering why I have to spend that gold if I have those things.
At least 5.000 herbs and hundreds of another ítems.
1 month.


Another reply for the mountain.


Clearly whatever bug deleted our guildbank items deleted the CS reps for North America too.


The logs of another tab have come back, but no items yet.

They seem to work on something in the back, but ya 5 tabs are still empty.


Figured I would add my name and guild to the list too. A guild for my husband and I, 7 tabs, mostly empty now


Okay this was brilliant, it nearly got an actual laugh out of me, so you need kudos cos its an amazing effort considering this is how I’ve been affected:

So yes, I’m still here cos we deserve the right thing to be done.
In fact started researching government petitions to see how other countries can try to get better digital services, compliance, or just basic respect when it comes to corporations (eg: how the EU threads get blue responses cos different legalities)

In short, this still stands, and will continue to:


I wish I was surprised.


This is a good sign. I really, really want to be optimistic, I want to give them the benefit of the doubt. It’s hard when there’s no communication though.

So, keep up the updates people! I’ve checked my banks today and no changes. Because it’s just me, I never pay attention to the logs, so I don’t know if mine have changed any.

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This camel’s back is about to break and they just keep shoveling straws on me.

Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my guild raid nights. Both nights we’ve lost around 45 minutes to the realm crashes. Both nights about 75% of the raid got booted and couldn’t get any realms to load.
I was reading on the forums that loads of other people were bricking delves, mythic keys, and pugged raids fell apart.
Never saw any kind of acknowledgement from Blizzard (though I could have missed it)

There’s a pattern I’m seeing here.

And its INFURIATING the way other players dismiss complaints. I saw so many replies to the effect of “what did you expect? Its the first week of mythic” or “You’re playing on (insert popular server), what did you think was going to happen?”

Seriously, y’all? Here’s what I expect:

I expect to have a finished product that I can play when I buy it.
I expect that the servers will be up and stable unless its specified maintenance.
I expect that when I put an item in a guild bank it will stay there until I remove it.
I expect to be able to play the game even on ‘peak hours’ or ‘heavily populated’ servers.
I expect when stuff goes wrong that Blizzard will acknowledge it.
I expect known bugs to be dealt with quickly.

But I guess for a large chunk of the player base these are crazy unrealistic expectations? I genuinely don’t get the way people are tripping over themselves to run to Blizzard’s defense.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot in TWW that was good, in theory at least. For example, the whole warband concept? Love it! But it’s all soured when so much fundamental stuff is busted.


For me, since (sometime in the last week) some of my items reappeared, nothing else have changed. Haven’t gotten anything else back.

It’s crickets on the EU forums now too.


Still nothing returned to my guild bank !!!


That’s sort of worrying. I hope no one got into trouble just for telling us anything.

Just posted this:

Guild Bank Questions - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums (

In Customer Service, lets see what happens…


I’m agreeing with you on this one. There’s a small amount that could be excused - after all, there’s a big difference in what is found to need fixing when you’re alpha testing with a few hundred in-house, vs a few tens of thousands in beta testing, vs a few hundred thousand players after release (a decent percentage of which are completely mudkipz to the wall and trying to break things).

The cumulative amount of things that are just freakin’ borked is way past any kind of excusing or brushing-off.


The wife and I are in a guild and our bank was wiped out. We also have another guild bank just for the two of us and it was also wiped out. She submitted a ticket for both and they were both closed and resolved even though they weren’t resolved. Still unresolved a month later.


… I will admit that I’m starting to ponder if we won’t so much see the restoration happen by guild bank, but rather by item ID, so it may very well turn out seemingly random and haphazard and partial …?


The only thing Blizzard will respond to is their bottom line ($). It is time to take drastic measures. It is time to boycott all Activision-Blizzard games until they acknowledge and fix this issue. To say they have handled this massive issue poorly is an understatement. If hundreds of thousands or millions of players stop paying them money, watch how quickly this gets fixed. Join me with the hundreds of other players that have already unsubbed and deleted every game belonging to Activision-Blizzard! Time to boycott!

I’m going to repost this every day for at least 30 days. My first post of this was on 9/10/2024.


The small amount of people that will quit over this will end up costing them a few thousand per month. They made near 9 billion last year, this small loss will affect them in no way. They have made a business decision to not focus on this issue because in the end the fallout is less than a .001% negative affect on revenue.


Yes! Even if you take away the guild bank issue, this is the first expansion where I’ve encountered so much broken, wonky stuff. Maybe I just wasn’t impacted as much in other expansions, but there are so many other not-the-end-of-the-world-but-really-annoying stuff wrong too.

Auto loot doesn’t work about 10% of the time
Trying to complete or accept quests doesn’t work about 10% of the time
Spelling errors in quests
Bran’s AI in delves is so wonky, and my hunter pets get stuck on so many environment objects
Being able to craft with items in my war bank but not make patron orders
Getting frequent disconnects
Characters not getting weekly resets on quests

If I were to buy a puzzle, I’d expect every piece to be in the box. And even though I can play 85%-90% of the time without any major problems, its become clear to me that as a whole package, this expansion is missing some “pieces”. It wasn’t ready to launch.


Very much agree.

I used to think working at Blizzard was a dream job. It was always fun to interact with the GMs when you had a problem and had to open a ticket. Now I think it must be super stressful.