Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I checked my GB after reading someone saw things reappear, but I can confirm by comparing screen shots that I have nothing back from my full 7 bank tabs. :frowning:

Would love to know if anyone else can corroborate the claim.


I used my altoholic logs (which I back up once a week), and my week old logs show stuff missing that I now have back.

But like I said, it’s not that significant because I am missing most of my stuff still. I had maybe a 20% restoration.


That’s great news, even if its only 20% right now, it shows its possible.


I’m wondering if I’m an outlier though, because I’ve only seen one other person who said they had anything show back up, and like me it really wasn’t that much.


I just logged on to check my guilds, and no items have been restored.

Item by item, guild by guild, this will take FOREVER. I am glad that the process has started though.


Chiming in here to say that we had the same issue occur to us on Khadgar - Knights of the Cow King.

The bulk of our tabs are now empty. There doesn’t seem to be an obvious pattern as to what was missing, but what I can say is that it didn’t seem to be “random” as items in various blocks are missing (i.e. slots 15-20) rather than being scattered across the range (1, 4, 15, 18, etc.)

Given that we’re two weeks in, merging the data will likely be fairly challenging so we’d like to an update as to whether or not this will be fixed or not. We can lock the guild bank to simplify the process, but due to the lack of communication we’re unsure about what to do.


Looks like I can keep postponing getting the expansion and renewing my subscription for a while longer. /sigh


So, I did a check, and nothing has been returned. I cleared out the remaining stuff when I discovered the problem, so it’s very easy to see if stuff reappeared. My affected banks are still completely empty.


I checked as well, none of my 3 full guild banks have had anything restored. :unamused:


:expressionless: I was hoping my (admittedly slight) restoration was a sign that they were actively working on something, but I guess not. At least two of us have had some stuff restored though, even if just a little bit.

I’m guessing I had about 30 slots of items across two guild banks get restored.


how did you get items restored? If i don’t have an exact list of what I am missing, what am I to do? Just claim random items?


A couple of my tabs, that were previously 80% empty, had items reappear in some of the slots. Most of my stuff is still missing, but stuff definitely reappeared. I didn’t do anything but check my guild bank to see some stuff had reappeared.

I confirmed it by using a backup of Altoholic on another computer, which was created over a week ago, and looked at the guild bank there, then looked at the actual guild bank. There were items in the bank that the addon showed empty spots, that I remember being empty, but have now had items return.


This is the part that has me kinda surprised. I mean, you’d think they’d let folks know if it’s possible to fix or that they can’t? - The CS blue guys have posted a couple times that they’re aware of the situation. Idk. Maybe they can’t fix it yet and they’re trying to? I hope? :slight_smile:


Nothing has been fixed still 404 and not found


There really isn’t anything you can do to get them restored. We are all waiting on Blizzard to do that job. Hardly any of us has a list of items we are missing. But the empty slots, that were once occupied, tells us items went poofs! Just hang in there with the rest of us. Hopefully we will get our items sooner rather than later.


I checked again since someone said they had a few items reappear… But all 7 of my tabs that went completely empty are still the same. :frowning:


Ah man, they might look at mine and say “what the heck is this person saving THAT for?” :rofl: :lollipop:
I hope I get my grey stuff back, at least. X) My cool, strange items! Well, some are green, too, I guess.


Just checked mine, hoping! Still empty on all tabs. I took the 10 items I had left across all tabs out just so I’d know for sure.


Right? Some of that grey junk is pretty cool.


I just checked an old guild bank of mine, where only I have access too, and noticed i am missing some items.