Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Nothing! UGH!!!


Please tell me someone got their items restored today… gold, items, anything


the problem isn’t that he doesn’t understand but rather that most people whine but don’t quit… if they don’t loose 10’s of thousands of subs, it doesn’t affect them. they are over confident that TWW is so good that people will return and stay…

which other business of this size gets away with huge bugs affect 1000’s of players?

when i go to the grocery store, i see people returning an apple because it’s decolored… if only stores were like blizz, all complaints would auto close without resolution… eat the stupid discolored apple of throw it away and buy another one.


no, it’s not fixed, not even 2 extensions to a long maintenance will fix this. give them a few years before asking again. by then perhaps, you’ll get another bluepost


Nothing restored or mailed to the GM


Any news? :frowning:

I’ve read some folks still have items disappearing, that’s kinda scary. I’ve taken stuff out of me’Ally’s gb, just in case.

Is there any kind of pattern to the gb’s being affected?

It’s affecting Allies and Horde, but it is only certain servers or something?


sigh… I was hoping for a miracle today that when I logged in, all of mine would be restored.


The one thing that I did a few weeks ago that helped:

It didn’t get my items back, but I sure felt better.


Logged in to a still empty guild bank. This is bloody ridiculous


Another Tuesday and still no items. Over a month of lost items that I’ve spent my 20 some years playing this game for them to be gone. Every day before I log in I check to see if someone says it’s fixed and they got their items back. But every day gets closer and closer to me leaving Blizzard games for good. It’s either broken stuff that takes years to fix or never gets fixed. Or it’s the lovely pay wall on their other games. And every passing day Final Fantasy Online is looking better and better place to be.


Any news? T.T


Been playing since launch. About ready to quit. Why support a company with absolutely zero respect for their customers? Not a single word on what’s happening, why, etc.

Added a post in customer service to see if we can get a response.

Edit: No response, Vrakthris just moved my complaint to Bug Report and didn’t respond. Absolute potato brained company.


The only thing Blizzard will respond to is their bottom line ($). It is time to take drastic measures. It is time to boycott all Activision-Blizzard games until they acknowledge and fix this issue. To say they have handled this massive issue poorly is an understatement. If hundreds of thousands or millions of players stop paying them money, watch how quickly this gets fixed. Join me with the hundreds of other players that have already unsubbed and deleted every game belonging to Activision-Blizzard! Time to boycott!

I’m going to repost this every day for at least 30 days. My first post of this was on 9/10/2024.


Another week, and two guild vaults worth of stuff still hasn’t been returned…


My guild bank, 7 tabs almost completely full, still missing.



I won’t be paying for another wow expansion ever again, I can tell ya that.

I’ll watch all the cinematics online to get the story.

I can’t promise I won’t ever/continue to pay a sub, I still have some fun in classic once in a while, and I’m riding out TWW for now, because I do have some fun with dungeons.

But their complete lack of communication on this (EU posts don’t count, I don’t live in EU), and whatever hush hush tactics are in place (really wowhead? No article about this on a weekly basis?) keeping the fansites from talking about this disgust me completely.


Cancelled my accounts today. Maybe if we all do it sends a message. (in addition to the message we get to put in comments about why we cancelled)


I’ve been trying to find a way to do this with my TradeSkillMaster data. I back it up to the cloud so I should be able to go back in time, but I also have no idea where to look for the records of waht was in the guild bank at the time :sob:


Ok this is weird. I swear I’m not crazy and I’m not seeing things. Some stuff has definitely reappeared in my guild banks. Certainly not everything. I had inky black potions in both of my guild banks. In my horde bank, they had disappeared completely. Well, today 1 stack of them came back. And one of tabs that had a lot of classic stuff like spider silk and various elemental stuff from classic-MOP has had a lot of stuff reappear.

In fact, I just checked altoholic on my laptop without checking the bank, it says no inky black potions in my horde guild bank. But they are there now. It’s been a few days since I checked my guild banks so this partial (like 20% at most) restoration happened in that time.

In my alliance guild bank, a lot of pets in one tab, and a lot of DF mats in another tab reappeared. But several of my other tabs are still ravaged. So yeah, there is still an issue. But I’m not crazy, I’ve had some stuff restored (though not nearly enough).

EDIT: My main guild’s bank has also seen items here and there appear that weren’t there last week when I last checked it.


Came back here to bump and support those of you who are sticking with them. I unsubbed and uninstalled all blizzard games and launcher from my computer some time ago. It breaks my heart to see that you guys still have nothing restored. A lot of people are right though, the few of us actually boycotting and cancelling subs isn’t even on their radar. Now if all of us boycotted, that would at least get it noticed, if not by blizzard, than by outside communities. This us unacceptable from such a large company. I wish luck to you that stay with them through this, because in my 16 years, this is the biggest problem I’ve seen. They have completely lost me as a customer though (not that it matters to them).