Guild bank missing items - what happened?

They dont have the man power or knowhow to fix this. they are about to have more layoffs that are in the mix atm. 30days still problems with very little real posts from people in any power at blizz. a huge broom is coming to sweep this under the rug. GL peeps ive already moved onto another better mmo just suks payed up a year on my account. and wont give them another dallor. hopefully the people that get layedoff are they lazy ones that dont test the junk they put out.


This seems to happen if you have multiple people with same name in the guild. Been having it happen in the guild I am in as well.


No one else has my name - and guild members are all unique. you can easily go to wowprogress or wow armory and sort by name to see if there are any dupes.


I love that it’s a Goblin with this suggestion.

Has anyone tried asking for a removal and return via mail of the stuff in the guild bank in their tickets? If they are able to see the stuff that has vanished, maybe they can remove it and send it to the GM?


Pretty sure if they could see it, they would have fixed it already. My guess is just like the logs have been worthless for a year+, so are their logs.


Where 7 guild bank tabs completely emptied, that is 600+ items/stacks of items.
Even if you could identify each item missing, that’s a lot to keep track of.

I can totally understand why it’s taking a long time, but I think the policy of not updating us until they have a fix to restore the missing items is nerve-racking for everyone affected.


I have 5 guild banks. I have been collecting items since 2004 in my guild banks. I have 1000’s of items missing. I was told by Blizzard not deposit anything in them (as when i did they went missing too). I was told that three items are there just not visible. So many things messed up with this. I am unable to finish things in old content that i has mattress for in the guilds. New tons coming up don’t have access to Mars needed to level or for profession leveling. Anything you need to know I will happily vibe you the info.


I realize there are probably a lot of moving parts within Blizzard as a company, and there probably isn’t one single person/department who we can point the finger at, but no matter what way you slice it, this is a VERY bad look for the present and future of wow.

Again, I’ll admit that I know NOTHING about programming, but from my perspective, this boils down to 3 possibilities, and they’re all bad.

  1. Blizzard can, and will fix the bank issue somehow.

Although this is obviously the best case scenario for us, why did we get here to begin with? How was this allowed to happen in the first place? This is a MAJOR bug, and while I totally understand mistakes happen in every line of work, this level of mistake should not have happened. Why is it taking so long to fix? And why for the love of the Titans is Blizzard not communicating with us? We just get random CS reps giving little, sometimes contradictory information that makes it seem like even they aren’t being properly informed.

  1. Blizzard can, but won’t fix the bank issue.

Maybe they’ve figured out how they could go through the process of restoring our stuff, but they’ve decided that its not worth the man power/hours they’d need to spend on it.

  1. Blizzard can not do anything to fix the bank issue

Any of these 3 possibilities would show that whether through staff cutting, or hard deadlines being enforced, or actual incompetence from the devs, that Blizzard can NOT be trusted to make a stable game and give us a polished product, regardless of all the good things in the game (of which there are many)! We also can’t trust them to give us adequate customer service. From the ai auto responses to tickets, to tickets/thread being closed as “resolved” by cs reps, to the “known” issues page about this being DELETED, we just keep getting ignored/minimized.

It might be dumb, but I feel genuinely betrayed. WoW has been a big part of my life for about 17 years. I’m so disappointed by this.


Honestly my main concern now is that I simply do not trust the guild vault. Or the warband bank.

Both have had Blizzard tell us they’ve “fixed” the issues that caused items to go missing, but I’ve also seen the occasional report SINCE those fixes, of things still going missing. Certainly a lot less, and one or two could be written off as someone just didn’t notice where it went, but others are very definite about it.

And combining that with the fact that the bank logs just don’t work - you can’t rely on them. At least if the logs worked, if would give us something to go on, but apparently these have been broken for a good long while for some … well before TWW launched.

To be fair, I don’t feel like we (my guilds) have lost a lot, compared to some - and I can certainly understand their anger about it all. I can see no reason why Blizzard can’t just send us the lost items. I’m assuming some items are more difficult to sort than others - well fine … keep a log of those, send us the rest.

At the very least, it would reduce the amount of backlash they’re facing currently. Assuming they care about it. Which I’m not sure they do.


You can bump this thread in the General Chat! The more eyes and expressions of anger we have on this, the better.
Do you think we will get our Guild Bank items returned with this maintenance? - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

Also! To anyone, what type of review website can we go post negative ratings for Blizzard and Microsoft?


There you have it.


I cannot seem to find if they are working on a fix as here I am one month later with my entire contents of my guild bank still missing… One full tab of raid consumables, one full tab of battle pets , a half a tab of bags for new folks, a tab of mats, a tab on transmogs and a tab with prizes for guild meetings including a jewel crafter panther mount…



(Yes, believe it or not, that one line there was able to count as ten characters. It’s the word required for the emote that does it.)


This was the last blue reply EU forum about the issue:
(9 days ago as I post)

The thing is as I have been reading there are some people who have been noticing weird errors with items for example they say they put an item in tab one and that works fine but when they put it in tab 5 it doesn’t record it as deposited, then if they move it pull it out, it records it as removed. This is after the so called fix.

So the logs are not working properly still. The concern is that if we start depositing stuff overwriting where items used to be those items will be lost forever in the nether as blizzard likes to say.

I know they have backups they can always look at but searching through all that data and finding and replacing those items seems like a huge task. My fear is that there are still bugs with the bank and we are just compounding the issues and making the restoration process harder.


FWIW, I speculate that this is the reason that restoration hasn’t occurred yet… without logs, no one knows what items need to be restored to whom. And they’re either digging through the 20-year-old pile of spaghetti code trying to find another way to determine that, or simply refusing to acknowledge that they have no way to do restoration.

I personally hope I’m very wrong.


I grabbed an August 11th copy of my WTF folder from my backup server when this happened just in case they wanted specific data at some point. I did a slot by slot comparison of my arkinventory database from that backup to current today and my banker’s guild is missing 1366 items across 320 slots…wild. I don’t even want to pull in pricing data on all those items.

142 slots (146 items) that stayed as they were
320 slots (1366 items) that are now empty


Here is the post from someone who was testing out the gbanks after the fix and is saying the logs are still broken:

So there are still issues with the gbanks even after the fix.

Here is more about items missing after the fix:

So in this post they point out that one person had placed items in the gbank after the fix and it went missing they opened a ticket and got the response its a known issue and is being worked on.


I haven’t been able to use my guild bank since the expansion, all the guild items that were missing are still missing, no end in sight. I suppose it is a glitch and we will never see all those things returned? It is so sad to open it up and have only ten or so items where every single bank slot was loaded before :frowning:


Maybe we need to send a memo to Phil Spencer…

He seems to not understand that you need players and subscriptions to operate and function as a whole. Everything looks great on paper that they think they are saving money by laying off staff, but in the end players are going to “lay off” playing and subscribing. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Add me to the list. My alliance personal guild bank lost all items except one. Most of the tabs were full of mats to level professions from vanilla through BFA. My horde guild bank hasn’t been used, so no issues there.

It seems almost as if someone at Activision/Blizzard doesn’t know how to do the job they were hired to do and this is the result.