Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I turned off auto-renew last week, but I doubt Blizz will notice. 4 of my 5 accounts are on the 12 month plan and they aren’t scheduled to renew until March of 2025.


Unfortunately, the whole thing is very complex and affects a lot of guilds, which contributes to the fact that it takes so long.

This seems like something that it would have been better to catch in testing.


I tried my luck in one of the RWF chats (for Liquid) and the guy actually read/answered my question.

Sadly his answer was that he never even heard of the issue… Interestingly a few people in the chat on twitch said they had been impacted so yeah…


I’ve been having the same issue with missing items on the guild. There are six empty bank tabs


So I was casually lurking in LiquidMax’s stream/listening as background noise a little while ago. Apparently they were done attempting Mythic for the day and were just farming gear, so the atmosphere was chill and he was answering random questions from the audience

It just so happens one of the viewers asked him specifically about the scuffed/disappeared guild banks issue - and his response? He said he’s “never heard of it” :rofl:… now keep in mind, his stream has been hovering between 35-45k viewers today since it’s the first day of the race and such

I strongly suspect some of these big streamers did get hit with the same bug, but Blizzard must have quickly restored them “on the low key” since they happen to be big/have lots of eyes on them, and said streamers themselves didn’t really notice since their stuff got fixed so fast (likely in under 24 hours due to the possible bad publicity)

That’s the most reasonable explanation I can think of for not a single “big” streamer even mentioning the issue/the total silence from pretty much every major streamer



I do appreciate that your first instinct was to come here and report some news for us.

What’s the latest from the EU forums?


Guild on Turalyon is affected since 8 months ago

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THAT’S the issue. Every single one of us that’s been hanging out in this forum (because at this point, we may as well be our own community . . .) QUIT tomorrow, it would be a small fraction of a drop in the bucket. NOT saying that people should quit or stay - that’s completely up to them, but as far as moving the needle, it won’t do it.

That may be the case, but also, as someone pointed out, most of those kinds of players don’t collect stuff, and if the guilds are selling things, it would be CURRENT stuff, not old. Also, unless they have their own guild, I imagine that they wouldn’t notice because probably by the time this happened, whoever is in charge of the banks probably cleaned it up to be ready for new xpac. Just a guess. Have never ever been anywhere near that sort of guild. BUT having heard about it, I’d hope SOME streamer could look into it. They’ve pointed out stuff I’d never even known about before. If Blizzard isn’t “persuading” them to keep quiet, it could be an interesting investigative video!!!

But what you say could be the case. After all, if they had to ONLY take care of a handful (even a few hundred) banks, they could do it manually. They are probably looking for a way to do it by script or something… I wish they’d get someone - interns? New people that you want to train to use the programs? I dunno - to even just START hand-placing items so some of us would START to get something.

Maybe even doing it manually would be complicated but if not, perhaps this wouldn’t be a bad part-time job for high school kids working after school and weekend and college kids for whenever they don’t have class. Just START getting people working on it already. Even getting just a few hundred banks a day is better than NOTHING. They can even skip the more complex ones - perhaps those involving things no longer in the game or personal correspondences, and have a more experienced tech work on those.

And I say again, the worst part is the silence. Silence of Blizzard and of the prominent people in the community.


One tab has seen items reapear, fun fact one tab was never affected and still is full.

But ya, the others are all empty and nothing shows in the logs. The one that has items reapear, does show logs so does the one that is full.



Another maintenance and none of my items have reappeared. This is so depressing… guess I’ll check back in next week. :disappointed_relieved:


I don’t think we’re going to get our stuff back.


Added a comment to it. As expected, we have the “not a big deal, I don’t care, deal with it” type of answer that you ALWAYS see on the general forums. The very kind of answer that makes me generally NOT want to come to the forums at all. When putting in a ticket for other stuff, and Blizzard tries to send people to the forums, I want to just SCREAM at them. I know how toxic much of the forums are, but not all players do. And to just sent them over here (and not even know WHERE here to post) to get pounced on by those . . . people, is awful customer service. I know - they just want to get away with using AI and form letters while sending people to the forums and “third-party sites” to get resolution for THEIR game that they are making quite a bit of money on, I’m guessing.

Not that there’s much to show for ANY customer service anymore.


Absolutely nothing for 10 days now. This was the last contact we’ve had:


I’ve had 3 tabs of stuff reappear across 2 banks. Not everything in those tabs, but a significant amount. Other tabs are still mostly empty though.


The only thing Blizzard will respond to is their bottom line ($). It is time to take drastic measures. It is time to boycott all Activision-Blizzard games until they acknowledge and fix this issue. To say they have handled this massive issue poorly is an understatement. If hundreds of thousands or millions of players stop paying them money, watch how quickly this gets fixed. Join me with the hundreds of other players that have already unsubbed and deleted every game belonging to Activision-Blizzard! Time to boycott!

I’m going to repost this every day for at least 30 days. My first post of this was on 9/10/2024.



I’m hoping you are correct. Do you see a pattern? For example, the TYPES of items, or the location within the tab? I hope we all get all of our stuff back. Have you put anything into the tabs? I’m wondering what happens to items (whether items that HAD been in there or were put in after the bug) if things are returned, or if the spot is occupied, maybe it’s NOT returned?


I didn’t notice any particular pattern. It was tab 2 and tab 6 in one bank, and tab 1 and 6 in the other bank. I got a LOT of my classic stuff (like spider silk, the old classic-MOP elemental motes and such) back. And I even got some of my inky black potions back. I KNOW I’m not imagining things this time.

It’s been specifically stated that it doesn’t matter if slots are occupied, as that’s just display on our end and is not how the database works on the back end.


Checked mine and nothing back. I take screenshots every couple of days to be sure I do not misremember. I hope this is true…


My guild is missing EVERY single item from EVERY tab. The guild is made up of only family members and the only people who have been on in the last 12 months are myself and my spouse. Items slowly disappeared over about 3 days. Money did not. We submitted a bug report a month ago.


another update and no fix, shocker lol i cant believe people still play a game where u put in hours and hours of time and u lose items and its the same thing over and over. over 30 days and they will no fix and if they say they will , lies . i dont trust blizz anymore. hope the layoffs that come get the real issues and slackers.