Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I highly doubt it. He may have only just then logged in for the first time since the original deletions, and what he saw was his cache updating. I didn’t see if or where he would have specified otherwise.


Olá Aparecido.
Eu sou o Game Master Hilranfel, espero que esteja tudo bem consigo.

Relativamente a esta situação, gostaria muito de lhe trazer melhores noticías, pois entendo o impacto que isto teve na sua guild. Os desenvolvedores tentaram de tudo para restaurar os guild banks, mas não foi possível em todos os casos. Pode obter uma resposta oficial de um dos nosso community managers acerca da situação: Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Agradecemos o seu tempo e espero que tenha um excelente dia.

Game Master Hilranfel
Customer Support
Blizzard Entertainment


i’m going to delete my post, on this one, bkz it’s bluey and i don’t want to confuse folks in the thread.

This is his original post. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Hmm … that is a little disturbing … especially when they got a blue response saying they could SEE the items in the guild vault for that character:

Yet 9 days later another blue looked and saw it empty:

I would have imagined it perhaps a glitch … like a caching issue … if the poster had just checked their vault after some time without looking (ie, the previous time they looked was prior to the Thanos bank click), but the fact that another GM then backed this up by saying they did see those items there suggests this is not the case here. I find it hard to believe that two people, including one GM, weere having visual glitches where one saw things disappear and end up with an empty vault, and the other saw items there which, apparently, weren’t. One or the other, sure … but not both.

At the very least, Blizzard should be looking into that?


For me, it’s not even all that much about the money. (Although it does give my art supply budget a nice bump.) It’s about time. I just kept finding myself asking if this is how I want to spend my time? Fighting bugs just to play the content I want? (Mostly older quest stuff.) Constantly wondering if I need to do some special ritual to try and keep stuff I’ve earned from going poof? Limited time events designed to force a time wasting grind?

I’m simply finding that the answer to that question is that no, it’s not how I want to spend my time.


Right, exactly this. One saying they could see it, and then another saying they didn’t see anything. O,o He mentions it might not be working for him, but - it’s still definitely concerning.


I saw things disappear from my guild bank when this happened weeks ago. What actually happened was as I opened the bank my bag addon showed what was there the last time I had it open. Then when it updated to the current things were gone so they appeared to ‘disappear right in front of my eyes’.


Ah, I get ya, Gildi. Maybe an addon thing happening.

I don’t use addons, so I’m not entirely familiar with them.

What the addon showed wasn’t relevant to the current state of the bank. Addons can only see the bank when you have the bank open. That’s the way the API is designed. Away from the bank it can only show you its own cache, which was what was there the last time the bank was opened.

That does NOT mean the items just disappeared then. That’s just when you saw it. It most likely disappeared at the same time as everyone else’s. While it would be nice if Blizzard could use addon data like Altoholic to restore banks, I understand why they can’t. That data is stored locally and could easily be manipulated to show a bank full of spectral tigers or something.


Bing translation from Brazilian Portuguese:

Hello Aparecido.
I am Game Master Hilranfel, and I hope everything is well with you.

Regarding this situation, I would like to bring you better news, as I understand the impact this had on your guild. The developers tried everything to restore the guild banks, but it was not possible in all cases. You can find an official response from one of our community managers about the situation here: Guild Bank Missing Items Update.

Thank you for your time, and I hope you have an excellent day.

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Haven’t seen this one yet.


At least some folks got direct responses about their GB situation. Mine was this:


Due to a sudden influx of contacts, ticket reply waiting times may be higher than expected. In an effort to get you back into World of Warcraft faster and saving you some time this reply was created with some handy resources to solve some common situations:

Support Articles:

Game Info and Guides:

For additional troubleshooting, try to check your situation in our Forums, where Developers and Players alike share their input on all kinds of situations:


If the issue persists, please let us know and get back to us whenever convenient!

Yah we’re talking to nobody about this situation. :frowning: It’s a bummer.


What? lol :sob:

My last ticket seems to have just straight auto-resolved. Couldn’t even bother with a copy/paste from the pile.

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Well to me this is a game. There is no power over me or you. In fact you have all the power since you choose whether to play or not.

I’m so sorry you all are still experiencing problems still. I’m on of the long time players that left because of this issue. I highly suggest you all do as well. Many responses I’ve seen other players receive is “too bad, get over it”. That’s absolutely disgusting and no way to treat customers.


2+ million subs. This is the biggest outlet I’ve seen talk about it yet. Let’s be sure to like the short and pop into the comments to thank him for raising awareness of this.


They aren’t your items in the first place, tbh. Blizzard owns them all, not you.

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Yes im surprised i havent seen izen mention this or bellular or the usual content creators