**Guild bank went blank TODAY (Oct 2, 2024)

I just clicked on my guild bank today, and all the items disappeared right in front of my eyes! They were there when it opened and then 1 second later nothing! This was right now, today! My whole bank is now empty, not a thing in it. I hope they can get this fixed asap and realize that it’s still happening!


We have indeed seen something like this happen, though that issue was reported as resolved.

That said, the first thing that I would suggest is to do a Full UI Reset to rule out some sort of new UI or addon issue.

If they still are missing and the guild logs show no withdrawals, be sure to put in a ticket and also, perhaps even more importantly, report it as a bug.


This character?

If it is this character, I see items in the guildbank they are a member of.


Hi Orlyia, It may have been this character , but I do know that it was for Devoured on Bonechewer. I was cycling characters through Corin Direbrew, so I’m not quite sure which character I was actually on when I clicked the guild bank :frowning: It’s still empty.

I have opened a ticket, they sent me a link about it being resolved on Sept 30th, which I had to point out that this happened after the previous resolution. The guild bank is still empty, this is a new issue, please investigate: Bonechewer guild: Devoured.

thank you


The blue staff members here are not GM’s or liaison with them. You’ll need to re-open the ticket.

Actually, you might need to submit a bug report - as if this is a new bug, it’s not something GM’s fix.


Was there a recent Guild Leader transfer?


I’m afraid Game Masters, nor Support forum agents like Orlyia and I, are able to investigate bugs. You’ll need to submit a bug report so our QA team can look into it.

I’m not sure what Orlyia may have seen when she posted 9 days ago, but I’m not seeing any items in Devoured’s guild bank at this point. That could just be my tools being temperamental.


– Is a guild transfer a problem? I did one right before the last time we could do guild transfers, the end of July, and that guild bank (my main character is the only one in the bank) - was completely wiped w/the GB bug deletion that happened.

Was the transfer a part of the issue? – The original GB w/the ‘placeholder’ GM ‘Rainside’ on Zul’jin (Horde) - still has 1 bank tab with a list of stuff that was in there 5 months ago.

I’ve been curious about this! When it first transferred it was fine. Nothing was gone from the GB tabs.

I saw the post about GB’s being deleted on Aug 17. I noticed something was wrong with mine and posted about it on Aug. 18, 2024.

Keír - BE Paladin - Horde - Dalaran server - Atmospheres (guild name)

You can not currently transfer a guild. Those were removed pre-patch TWW.

I am remembering a visual display issue where the bank would appear blank until reset, after changing guild leaders. I appear to be wrong though,


Then yours is likely from the original GB issue? Not a new issue.

Yah, I transferred my guild bank the last week in July '24, before the service was removed.

Did you just come back to the game, recently, or were you here during the month of August? August was when a lot of Guild Banks were deleted, or lost.

I was wondering if you came back to the game to find it like this - or if this is new and it was deleted today like you said? O,o I’m hoping it wasn’t deleted on Oct. 2.


no, I was posting on a different character with a different guild bank and it was fine. The issue was with Devoured on Bonechewer. I have a ticket and they keep wanting me to close it as they say it’s been fixed. I’ve tried to tell them that is has happened AFTER the fix on sept 30th, I’ve submitted a bug report also, There have been zero transfers, not guild lead changes (My characters are the only active members in that guild) I just happened to click on the bank, and watched as everything disappeared. This was on October the 2nd. So, I’m hoping someone is reading the bug reports and realizing that it was still AFTER the previous fix, so they know they have to keep looking into the causes of these disappearances. I’ve got 2 other guild banks that I’m terrified to look at in case this happens again. The multiple people who have been replying to my ticket have told me to make a post here. Actually the last person sent me a link to a closed forum thread about the previous blank bank issue, so I couldn’t post there that it was still happening.

Did all that first thing, thanks though.

Nope, been playing non stop for 20 years. It just happened on October 2 right before my eyes, I clicked the bank, saw items in there and Poof the disappeared.
Completely empty.

You would need to file a bug report then.

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already did that, thanks :slight_smile:

From the other thread, it looks like the OP didn’t check their guild bank when the issue happened, and only just checked it on the 2nd. Which means, the items had already gone poof, and they were looking at their cache for the first couple seconds and then when it updated from the server it made it look like the items poofed. Still unfortunate, but it looks like it happened when the original issue happened.

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