Guild Bank Missing Items Update

The way they just “left everyone hanging” after those 3000+ posts - with no followup/no clarification post - is kinda sad :flushed:

It’s like, ok, it’s a bad situation all-around… could they at least say one way or the other so players are not twiddling their thumbs waiting around for no reason??

I imagine a decent amount of players are currently weighing/holding out on their decision to unsub for SOME sort of official non-vague answer to the simple yes/no question of: “are there more restorations planned? or is it done?”

A simple “yes”, or a simple “no”

If they’re not going to do anything, if it’s all false hope, then the least they could do is just come out and say so in a Blue-post to put the issue to rest and settle the matter. If they came out and clarified one way or the other players would at least get some closure

This “being vague”, this “beating around the bush” game, it gets so tiring/annoying as you get older - just get straight to the point imo


Maybe it’s just coincidence or my memory failing, but there have been multiple times as I’ve kept up in this thread (and nowhere else) where I’ll reach a certain point and the whole page will just flitter like someone having a seizure until I either scroll back up or refresh the page.  :face_with_spiral_eyes: :pill:

Standard operating procedure just about anywhere is to lay low for awhile and ignore the problem until eventually it just goes away.  Sadly, it works almost every time.  :face_exhaling:


Hello there friends, same just happen to me they respond to me with a simple sorry. We working on many others concerns what! Adding more mounts/and adding. More stuff to buy from Blizzard or activision the reason i dont play retail as much as i used to! is this they deleted all my 7 tabs were Full just like Sorcekilay have say it. i mean how long is been since the release of Warwithin and nothing helpful…!!


Nope it’s not you. It happens when someone adds to the thread and it doesn’t refresh properly on its own. Just hit refresh on your browser and it’ll stop.


It’s been 20 days since this post that arrived 38 days after the initial bug occurred.
This timeframe of “we will soon mail” has been very unclear. I can’t get any response as to whether or not this process is finished or ongoing.

I just want some closure on this customer relations disaster.


This is what betrayal feels like. It’s not the loss of pixels. It’s the loss of trust brought on by their deliberate dismissal and disrespect.


Not entirely true, no. Look at what happened with Shadowlands. Tons of people left (a lot of them haven’t even come back until this day) and Blizzard suddenly panicked and changed their course completely. But for something like this to happen there need to be a lot of players quitting in the first place. This situation here where a few people claim to have cancelled their sub and the rest is just disappointed and keeps playing anyway, is not even comparable to something like this historical mass exodus.


When is “soon”???


They won’t get another cent from me after this. 2 months in and I’m still angry with how this has been handled.

Wait hold the press, there’s a “Kroger x World of Warcraft Promotion” and I can compromise my personal info to get a tabard?! Oh yeah that’s going to win a lot of customers. “Hey did you hear about that game partnering with a grocery store, wow that’s cool, let’s buy it now” said no one ever.

They have the manpower to do crap like this, but they can’t figure out how to backup and restore customer data. How can I play knowing they might delete my precious kroger tabard and never give it back? Is it April 1?


Hello been waiting patiently just like ev1 else to see what is being done about the guild missing items and gold sum have experienced. My guild bank was wiped clean of all its items from all the way from classic to current content including mounts pets toys and tons of reagents along with rep turn ins to. As many have said its sad that after all this time n expansions that all of a sudden this has happened and now were being told that we get no help or compensation or recoup thats bs n lame ev1 here has years decades into this game because its a release a chill place for many of us. to feel like we dont matter or all that matters to blizz and its developers is the money n sub n all the other things makes me not want to keep playing even though i enjoy it. Blizz and its developers should’ve know this during the beta and before patch as this has never happened so please help our community and our guilds n make this right thank u for ur time.
Fourhorseman “Orc’s Gone Wild”


I quit games or companies before, because I did not like the path they were going but I never did it in the sense of “haha, now take this, I am gone and you will regret it”, as that won´t give me any pleasure and the same it is with WOW.

When I unsub, I will write them about the guild bank situation and how they lack housing and a better system for the auction house. That their CM´s are not working with the community anymore and that I miss fresh ideas for the game.

But in the end, it won´t give me somekind of satisfaction or revenge, it´s just that their views and mine, don´t match anymore and losing my items was just the final stone that brought the wall down.

If someone stays, then I doubt they support the tactics here, but they may have friends or fun in the game and throwing all that out of the window, because of this, could backfire and people lose even more than just their items.


What power do they have over you? They have absolutley none over me. Treat the game like a game and you will be fine. Some of you take this silly game and virtual items too seriously.

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You do realize that they took our items? So yes, they do have that power and we have none to prevent that.

Some people at this forum are really weird or just trolls. :roll_eyes:


Here is my original posted video over a month ago about this issue.

They do not plan to offer any compensation for the items missing or time loss for guild masters who collected these items. Again if this was any other company there would be alarms all over the twitch communities about data loss and breach of trust with the gamers but nothing basically was posted by famous community podcaster.


Far be it from me or anyone else to tell you what to do but maybe saying stuff like this

in the only place people can try to figure out what’s going on with a widespread issue and get info on these restorations is irrational. This is very tread out at this point.

Speaking to the topic, trying to get more eyes on this means organizing across multiple social media sites and that’s not easy. I just dealt with a hurricane here, but about the most I can offer is setting up a survey so we have numbers to show and feedback in a place that doesn’t get drowned out.


Funny thing is, if they really want this to go away all they need to do is respond. If they made a post saying, “Yup, sorry, all the restoration mails have been sent out, all done.” there’d be a lot of upset people, but we’d have our answer, our closure, and this thread would die a natural death. As it is now, we, The Grudge Holders need to hold the line.

And it’s not just you, my screen also goes crazy at the end of the thread.


It’s really not all about the items, it’s more about the communication, or lack thereof, you know like


Trolls need to leave this forum. I highly recommend putting them on ignore and not feeding their posts.

They are just here to stir things up.

Blizzard screwed up so bad on this. They need to come back and make players whole. That’s the only way this gets resolved.


A guy posted that his guild stuff was deleted on Oct 2. @__@

O,o Are they still being deleted?


Oof… nice internet detective’ing on noticing that thread and the dates, thanks for the headsup

I guess the question is now: is this a new bug? …or is it the same bug they said was “already fixed” back around early August?

Makes you wonder :thinking: