Guild Bank Missing Items Update

They’re probably paid-off behind the scenes or otherwise “in” on the coverup if I had to guess

With the sheer size of some of these guys (especially Asmongold) it’s almost guaranteed a good number of their subs/followers were affected and brought up the issue down in the comment section

Historically guys like Bellular and Asmongold loooooove any opportunity to dump on Blizz to pump themselves up/fish for likes/create clickbait/etc… so not even a single major streamer bringing it up is suspicious for sure

Like I said many of these streamers are “just waiting to pounce” for clickbait purposes whenever something pops up that portrays Blizzard in a negative light - but with this particular issue it was just /crickets?? Hmmmmmm :thinking:


Asmongold is a troll and a liar, in addition to being a terrible person that I want nothing to do with. I don’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth. If he says he is wearing a red shirt, and I can see on-stream that he is wearing a red shirt, I still wouldn’t believe he’s wearing a red shirt.

Bellular surprises me though. He is certainly not afraid to dunk on Blizzard, and he does it a lot.


All I know is that some big changes are going to have to happen in the next few months for me to re sub past my current paid up sub length. In the mean time my spouse’s sub is being cancelled, and the usual expansion purchase/3 month sub for my two kids isn’t going to happen. That’s a minimum 300 bucks this is going to cost blizzard from my side, likely much more. And at least in my case our GB losses weren’t nearly what they are for some people, so I would have been won over at least enough to not start cancelling things if they had just handled the communication and resolution better. A couple free shop items that I would have never purchased anyway would have made it seem like they at least cared.


Agreed. Especially Bellular. He’s big into game news reporting and has a few channels. In one (Bellular clips) I remember he and his friend Matt constantly criticizing Blizzard and WoW during most of Shadowlands - story, gameplay, how things changed betw. beta and live, etc. They’d sit with their Pepsi zero and just blast Blizzard. On his main WoW channel, it’s mostly WoW news, or stuff about classes and whatnot and he’s even got a channel where he dishes on recent news in the gaming world in general. That’s not to say he’s ALWAYS negative. He seems more balanced than many and is as likely to gush about stuff in WoW that likes as he is to tear them to pieces for things they are doing badly. And now, with it getting mention on gaming sites, I figured he’d pick up on it. Surprised it didn’t even make it into a segment on his WoW news or a 10 minute discussion on Bellular Clips. He often has a screen up of . . . not sure, forum? reddit? that discusses issues. THIS and the BUG REPORT forum would have given a TON to look at.


Looks like that one got quite a few likes too. I added mine.

HEY Kurn, is that you on the short talking about the Bisque recipe? Wasn’t sure - thought it sounded like you. If so, at least he put in something in the right context!!!


Yep! Very pleased that the short credits all the footage he grabbed. He uses my video a couple times and each time that I saw, it says “VIA KURNMOGH”. So that’s great. Coverage is the goal here to raise awareness, and if you can do that AND credit people for their contributions, even better. :+1:


I was just watching a Gamers Nexus video (not WOW related). But Steve made fun of Blizzard when talking about Nintendo’s $100 alarm clock. He said “we asked Blizzard when they are going to release their own alarm clock” and played the “don’t you guys have phones” quote from the infamous Blizzcon.

I made a post on his video about the data loss. I KNOW he reads the comments. While this is more of a general tech channel and not focused on gaming specifically, he will not hesitate to call out big companies. I don’t know why I didn’t think of his channel before. I only thought about it when he made fun of Blizzard. But like I said, he is more of a general tech channel rather than gaming. Hopefully this will get some exposure. 2.3M subscribers.



I’m so glad to hear that!! Yeah, I think I did hear your voice a bit earlier in the short!! And very happy to hear that you got credited!!! (I don’t know that everyone does that).

Thanks to you, to him and everyone out there giving this awareness.


With any luck, I just got us a LOT more awareness. On a 2.3M subscriber channel. Gamers Nexus. This isn’t a gaming specific channel, it’s more general tech. But he does not take anything from big companies, and WILL call them out. He’s called out Intel, Nvidia, AMD, Gigabyte, and ASUS recently. Making a separate post about it, so this news doesn’t get overlooked by being an edit.


This is heartening, thank you, Vralok! I have a lot of respect for the work Steve and GN crew do and trust the information they put out. Even if it’s small, GN picking this issue up and putting something out there about it would be much more valuable to the cause than any big-name WoW streamer.


Well, we know not to believe you then. You may be skewed in the truth since the truth depends on your emotional state. You admitted that even if the truth were presented to you in the face you’d still purposely avoid it due to your emotions.

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Honestly really surprised more places aren’t covering this.
Sure maybe Blizz exert some control over the WoW fansites, but I can’t believe there aren’t more places talking about the data security aspect, or following up on the MSFT acquisition story (you know how various countries withheld approval for ages because they were worried about worse outcomes for consumers?), or running stories about a major corporation turning its back on millions of dollars in damages.

While I am still quietly holding out hope that they working on this internally and just very, very, very, very bad at communication, I think that I know as well as most here do, that the play for Blizzard is just to keep dragging this out until the last spark of outrage quietly dies/unsubscribes.

Since we are wasting out time attempting to direct our voices inwards to Blizzard, only thing left to do is turn outwards and start shouting it out for all to hear.


You really don’t understand how language works and just take every word literally, lol. There is a literary device called “hyperbole”, where something is deliberately exaggerated to make a point. I bet sarcasm and satire just sail right over your head too.

But anyway, if you are one of those people that listens to Asmongold and believes what he says, I will just disregard everything you say as well.


"I am Game Master Hahrenzaon and I picked up your ticket about the items that are missing from your Guild Bank.

I’m very sorry to hear how this situation has affected you.

While it’s true that Guild Banks were affected by a bug after the release of The War Within, our dedicated team of developers quickly got to the root cause of the issue.

Afterwards, we did our best to restore as much of the Guild Banks’ contents as we could, but we unfortunately were not able to restore everything to every Guild.

Any restorations that we were able to make, at the time, was mailed to the Guild Leader of the affected Guilds.

I know that this whole situation is not ideal, so I appreciate your patience and understanding.

You can find out more about this by reading this bluepost:

Thank you for your patience,
GM Hahrenzaon"

While the response was very courteous, it certainly falls flat. I’ve been playing since around 2006 (Burning Crusade), and I had 7 guild tabs which were mostly at capacity. I have 5 items left in my entire guild bank. They have mailed me absolutely nothing. I haven’t canceled my subscription yet, but I will probably end up doing so. It’s not the missing items themselves, it’s the absolute lack of any real effort on their part to fix it.


Same. So going on that i wont be getting anything back at all. Thats hours of milling wasted and millions of gold spent and millions of gold i wont make now. It leaves a very sour taste in my mouth. The time wasted to mill 100k sallow pigments is not inconsiderable


Really sounds like that’s it then. That there won’t be any further time invested in this other than replying to support tickets.


That’s how I took it…since their “dedicated team of developers quickly got to the root cause of the issue” and all.


My Guild Bank has been decimated. I have 6 tabs, and they were 80% full of materials going all the way back to Legion. I would estimate I lost about 90% of the contents of the bank because as of right now there are no more than 15-20 items left in each tab. I received exactly 10 items in the mail “restore” – a few stacks of cloth, some Darkmoon quest turn-ins, and a couple of lockboxes. This is really unacceptable and a pitiful example of a “restore”.

How will you make the players whole for this travesty?

Not only did I lose several valuable battle pets, but all the cloth/ore/enchanting materials and many other valuable reagents I had been saving to support my alts and their professions. I lost most of my lattices I was saving for the Zereth Mortis pets/mounts.

Devs, are you hearing us? Please do something. Do not let our pleas for help fall on Death’s ears. This is serious for many reasons. Thank you.


I mean… the ‘usual’ content creators focus more on positive feel-good content or, like Taliesin, only use negative news when they see an opportunity to mock the outrage of the community. Which would be a pretty stupid idea with this topic. If they can’t try to gaslight the audience into thinking that a controversy in WoW is fine and no big deal or if they aren’t personally affected, they won’t cover it at all.

Asmongold also comments positively on WoW-related things and isn’t really invested in dumping on Blizz or the game. Most people who see him as this ‘troll’ who only spreads negativity don’t even watch him and have no clue besides an occassional 1 1/2 minute YT-clip. I’m not surprised he didn’t cover this because most of his viewerbase don’t even play WoW anymore and he really doesn’t care about bugs that are going on.

The only one I’m suspicious of is Bellular, because it’s become somewhat of a meme that he’ll cover literally every tiniest topic regarding the game.


I notice there is (finally!) a post up on the Community Council about guilds. I’m assuming Blizzard will ignore that as they do most things, but it’s nice to have it highlighted because guilds seem to have very little visibility there. I’m rather surprised no-one in there has mentioned anything about how bugged virtually every aspect of guild interfaces are before now.

As you are part of that forum, perhaps you could add something there too? Just to increase visibility?