MoP Remix character purchased full Shrouded Cloth Bag for all bank slots. Gone now that we're in SW and ORG

Title. My MoP Remix time runner has no bank bags. And they were not mailed to her.

I purchased them for (was is 10 bronze each?) at the Shrine capital city in MoP Remix.

Where are her bags? Why are they gone and not available in the mail?

I guess I’ll craft some. OH WAIT our guild bank is missing materials as well.

Because like your Remix gear, they were destined to be replaced with more mundane Retail replacements.

Other than cosmetics, anything you purchased with Bronze was intended to “poof” out of existence with the ending of Remix.

Characters will receive four 30 slot bags with one 26 slot reagent bag.


They provided the 30 slot bags Shrouded Cloth Bags to the four main character bag slots.

They couldn’t be bothered to simply mail the others from the character bank to the mail with the rest of the items?

Stop accepting mediocre support. Do not merely expect better ask for better. We pay for exansions. We pay a subscription. And still there is a mount and cosmetic cash shop with a WoW token. Expect better. I do.

I posted here precisely as I spent the bronze I earned on bags. I expect the things I earned and paid for both with my time and in-game currency to be provided.

That’s feedback.

This is Bug Report Forum and aside from the Guild Bank Bug, nothing else in your post is a bug.

It was very clearly laid out by Blizzard in the Article linked above.


You can expect anything you want.

The developers remain free to ignore your demands. As long as the game is doing what the developers intended, QA will ignore your demands, because making you mad isn’t a bug; it’s not even relevant.

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“I like defending players being treated poorly…” this is your post.

Reality needs no defense.