Guild bank items missing as of today

I sent an in-game bug report on this also; seems others are also experiencing this today.

My G-bank was fine this morning, but after switching characters a couple times today I went to deposit something and saw that more than half the items on every tab had vanished.

EDIT: I put this in CS for more visibility but it got moved to here, so hopefully the issue is being looked at.

Anyone else seeing this? If so please add to the bug report thread.

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My husband and I have the exact same problem.

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Two of my guild banks are affected, with one missing 3/4 of the items, and the other missing absolutely everything. One just had dragonflight stuff (and some assorted reputation/archeology stuff), and the one missing 3/4 of stuff had a tab per expansion as well as a tab full of battle pets. I wouldnā€™t have enough time to even list all the stuff missing even if I had an eidetic memory to do so. This really needs a resolution as itā€™s so messed up that already the warband currency is off because itā€™s not working and now theyā€™ve broken guild bank storage.


Yep, exact same issue. Personal guild bank 7 tabs maxed out with stuff Iā€™ve collected for 14 years, almost all of it vanished some random stuff still there. I shut the game down and am walking away for a while, its too heart wrenching to think that its actually gone from some glitch or bug they canā€™t reverse.


It seems to be hitting a lot of folks now. Please add your issue to this thread:

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This thread has a blue response. The blue states to submit bug reports. I used the In-Game (?) > Bug Report > OTHER > Missing Guild Bank Items no withdraws listed.

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Iā€™ve seen you post this in several threads.

The blue post specifically says that in game tickets are NOT helpful. They already know about it and the GMā€™s canā€™t help. You are wasting GM time and slowing them down from helping other tickets that they can do something about by posting this misinformation to encourage other players to submit in-game tickets.

The blue post mentions the ā€œpost in bugsā€, as in, the thread here on the forums in the bug report subforum. NOT an in game ticket.

I made this thread and my ticket 2 days ago. I created the ticket BEFORE the blue post about them. Since then Iā€™ve been referring people to the main thread here in Bug reports.

Also had the problem here. Wednesday I was not able to withdraw some cloth for a new recruit. Thought it might be the GB bug weā€™ve seen recently so put up a guild note to let members know. Next day when I went to check the item for the member again. Instead found it gone along with many many others items. All bank pages. No mention of withdrawals in logs. Am adding here the guild bank in question is on a realm linked with another. We have members from both realms.

Same here. 7 tabs completely empty from my alt-guild bank. Praying they are able to restore everything soon.

Same here. Majority of items missing from guild this morning.


Well this isnā€™t good.

The support article page was DELETED. Below for reference to where the article that was titled ā€œItems Missing from Guild Bankā€ with the description of ā€œWhat to do if the items deposited in your guild bank are missing.ā€ the article has now ā€˜gone missingā€™ as well.


For what itā€™s worth, I see there is now a corresponding support article. So Iā€™ll just refer to it and for others.

Article ID: 363630 (deleted)

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Blows my mind that they havenā€™t disabled the guild bank out of caution. Theyā€™ve disabled things in the past when they havenā€™t been working correctly. But at least weā€™ve been upgraded from ā€œblue post on forumsā€ to an actual support article.

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This is the most BS response I have ever heard. Itā€™s like if your internet goes down, and you call in to open a ticket and they just hang up on you. No, they open a ticket, tag it to the master ticket, and you get notified when the master ticket is resolved. Itā€™s a lot more customer friendly (and provides notification) than saying ā€œweā€™re aware, weā€™ll fix it some day, go pound sand.ā€

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My issue isnā€™t the same, but clearly related. I have certain slots on a couple tabs that I cannot take the items out of. Other spots I can move, swap item spots etcā€¦ but on some tabs there are a few spots I cannot remove the items.

You must have a very fancy internet provider. Iā€™ve had a small town ISP as well as AT&T and Comcast. In all of them, if your internet goes down, you canā€™t open a ticket for personal notification at all. You can call in and report an outage and thatā€™s it. After that, you can obsessively refresh the outage map like the gaming addict that we all kinda are. Your notification that it is fixed is when the internet comes back on and the outage icon on the map disappears.

The only personalized help you can get is if you have a hardware issue on site that a technician can come out and fix. BUT, if the issue isnā€™t unique to you and is effecting your whole area, trying to get technicians to come look at your setup when the real problem is someone who drove their Tesla into the internet cabinet around the corner is pointless. You are wasting that technicianā€™s time on something he canā€™t fix and preventing him from helping someone else who canā€™t get their router to turn on at all.

All of the things are still gone and no acknowledgement from Blizzard. The support post linked above has been deleted with no update. Iā€™m posting in every related thread. Maybe if they all bump to the top someone will be forced to respond.


Good catch on that support post being deleted. What the heck does that mean?

The article was archived on the wayback machine. It did exist.

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