Guild bank items missing as of today

Keeping this conversation going. My guild stores a lot of mounts and high value pets due to some events we host during the year - IE the druid olympics / the red/green glow bears posted in the year end recap for 2024.
As GM I did receive about 20 different items back being old flasks and mats but none of the mounts or pets. I had sent a ticket inquiring about more compensation / if bliz was still working on this.
Was simply told that this issue is above GM and to come here.

I don’t want GMs to accept “incomplete restoration” as the answer. How are we ever supposed to trust using our guild banks ever again??


I got 1 piece of meat and 35 coal and nothing else. Since we pay actual money to obtain these items, they do have value, and as such may be considered as real property which Blizzard is custodian of as long as we pay. I am just so pissed off to lose so much and get an “I’m sorry” as a response. How about a year of free game time? Blizzard?

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Just adding my two cents…I too found my Guild Bank completely Empty. So far no word on when Blizz will fix it. Totally frustrating.

If you haven’t anything helpful to add, maybe you should not post. You are wasting the time of those who need real help, and you’re not doing anything but being a know-it-all.

I still have not received any sort of restoration either. This is probably the scummiest situation I have ever dealt with from a gaming company. And to think, the most basic of communication about all of this would go a long way but they can’t even be bothered with that. What a clown show.

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lol Why are you responding to a 2-month old post in a thread where you haven’t contributed anything at all? The person I was replying to above was spamming the same message across many threads 2 months ago, disregarding the blue post instructions. I guess you’d rather they spam and waste mod time addressing duplicate posts/tickets, instead of, you know, getting to other tickets where they could actually make a difference.

I have been one of many involved in this debacle since the very beginning. I was one of the first people to report the problem. And the problem has been swept under the rug at this point, so this entire thread is irrelevant now. I think we all know deep inside that Blizzard isn’t likely to change their minds. We aren’t important enough.

I just received word yesterday that if I haven’t received my items back via the mail, it will not be happening at all. Got a “so sorry for the inconvenience”. Over ten years of items, millions in gold value and not to mention the grind. But a “so sorry” should suffice! NOT EVEN CLOSE!!

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Just because you identified the cause doesn’t mean the problem is fixed Blizzard. Millions of items missing from thousands of guild banks and the best you can muster is a short post lying about restorations. And customer service at best dismisses anyone with this issue, and in some cases threatens them to not make posts/tickets anymore.
This is bar-none the worst data catastrophe I’ve ever seen in an MMO, and one of the top 5 worst responses to such a massive error caused by a bug.


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i love how they have been closing all the post about these. I’ve been part of several now including the massive one with almost 3k comments. I’m so sorry you guys are still experiencing this. I unsubbed and uninstalled a couple months ago now because of this problem, but I wanted to come back and check if those who stayed got any luck. Being told too bad, deal with it, is absolutely disgusting. I’m so so happy I unsubbed and refuse to play any of their games now. I love diablo more than anything, but I won’t be supporting them anymore if this is how they treat their customers. I really hope you all follow those who have left because of this, including myself.

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