Guardian druid “unpruning”

I’ve had Tical on ignore for a long time, and that low-level warrior, too. I highly recommend it.

To ignore people:
Click their portrait.
Go to View Activity.
In the top right is a button labeled Normal. Click it to activate a dropdown menu.


Thanks :smiley:

This years most useful information. Will make everyones life far better!


Thats what Tewa does.
Ignores facts and arguments that dont align with his.

That “low lvl warrior” has a better grasp of the druid class than 99% of the people in here, yet hes labeled a troll. Tewa on the other hand, has somehow been chosen as your champion, despite constantly spouting incorrect information, has a clear and dangerous misunderstanding of BASIC class/game mechanics, and he is openly bragging about abandoning the class that he hates so much.

What a joke!


Bear needs some sort of rework imo. Feels super outdated compared to other tank specs. It’s a shame, it’s a really cool concept and I like playing it but there’s a lot that’s wrong with it gameplaywise.


As opposed to someone whose entire post history appears to be trolling guardian druids on the druid forum?

It’s legitimately weird that you and a handful of others are so incredibly invested in rehashing “git gud scrub” over and over here. At least put in the effort to pretend to address the legitimate concerns that people have with the state of Guardian druid. Though that would probably be hard to do when you aren’t actually playing guardian druid as anything but an alt.


…Perhaps you haven’t yet read this. Unfortunately, the facts are telling us a different story.

Thanks for your time,



Not sure what your point is. Did you have an argument in that post?
He clearly asked you to clarify your stance, and you replied with… nothing.
You tried to make it personal and instantly lost the argument.

Listen… I get it.
Iv had many disputes with drez as well. But, I have to give credit where credit is due. Hes not often wrong. He finds joy on sifting through all the hyperbole that stains these forums and corrects it. While that can come across as irritating, its something that needs to be done. Theres a lot of misinformation being spread. Youre not going get any valuable feedback if your complaints are built on lies.

That being said… you’re not going to get any feedback at all, honestly.
This is not the correct forum for that.


That is incorrect. Stop spreading misinformation. The Druid forum is followed for feedback. That the dev team isn’t doing anything about it has nothing to do with which forum the feedback is located.


…says the kid who created an entire thread about how blizzard is going to get rid of guardians entirely.

No wait… it gets better!

He later states that they are going to merge all of guardian into one talent that ferals can choose!

Thats it!


I’d like to think that the point was pretty obvious.

…And why didn’t I respond? Are you able to connect the dots, Tical?

How so? I fail to see how anything became personal: Mr. Troll claimed to be knowledgeable about Guardian Druids, and then Mr. Troll was proven wrong - by his own hand, mind you.

You see, Tical, when I talk about the struggles that Guardian Druids have with casting their handful of Druid spells and Mr. Troll responds with, “What?”… the argument is pretty much over. Obviously, Mr. Troll is not as “Knowledgeable” as he claims if he didn’t even know that Guardian Druids can cast a few Druid spells - that, or he was apparently unaware of the problem that Guardian Druids are having when dropping bear-form to cast Druid spells. In either case, it’d be a waste of time to argue with him.

That said, even if I refused to respond to Mr. Troll, others did. Did you read the rest of the linked thread, or are you just going to ignore other people’s responses like they didn’t matter?

I seriously doubt that.

You don’t say.

What lies? What in the world are you talking about?

Maybe, maybe not. What you think in this regard hardly matters either way.

Frankly speaking, I think I’m beginning to see why Tewa has decided to ignore both you and Mr. Troll: this “Arguing”, all this mindless bickering, isn’t productive.

Thanks for your time,



Christ… that took you hours to type.

and for what? I was immediately let down on the first sentence.
Just more fallacies and circle arguments.


This is deliberately misrepresenting and distorting what Skruffles actually said and meant.

I have a life outside of the WoW forums. I’ll take as much time as I want to respond - if I choose to respond at all, thank you very much.

Perhaps I’m not writing for you, Tical? Did you ever think of that possibility? This is a public forum, after all. I already know that you’re not going to listen, no matter what I say - that’s practically a given.

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That was an invitation to properly collect your thoughts and compile a better answer. You didnt. You make assumptions that he didn’t understand you. You are mistaken.

Tewa ignored me because he continuously takes his frustrations with guardians into resto druid threads. He quite clearly has a grudge with them. He would rather see resto druids burn so that guardians can thrive again, and its absolutely ridiculous, selfish behavior and it “isn’t productive”. So I called him out on it. I told him to stay in his lane, and he did what all cowards do. He hides.


Why is anyone arguing against buffing guardian?


They are confusing people asking them to get their facts straight with negative feedback.


Wait, bears use the dash talent? The one that shifts you out of Bear form? The one that you need to use typhoon in order to setup, this disenabling you from using typhoon as a proper aoe stop? The one that dumps all your rage because you lose all rage when you shift out of Bear form?



It’s not everyone. It’s two, maybe three people. Who may, or may not be the same person.

Edit: Their motives aren’t really clear. The easiest answer is that they’re just run of the mill trolls, who have chosen Guardian druid threads in particular to inhabit. More speculative answer is that their main is some other tank class, and they’re operating under the belief that if they shout down guardian druid complaint threads, it will increase the chance that guardian druid remains at the bottom, which benefits their main, whatever it is.


Not bears. Feral druids who occasionally play bear in trivial content and think that makes them experts.


Still confused how anyone could read every guide not recommending that talent, then try it out themselves and actually think it’s good lol.

It’s like a warrior talent that removes all armor to run fast for a bit.