Group Finder Needs to Go

Vanilla is a big game, it has to be thought about in terms of commitment, but not necessarily the type of commitment that has to do with time. Classes are very deep in vanilla, and when i say deep i mean there are many tools and consumables that can set a player apart from peers. It’s mainly a commitment to learning a class.

And the chances of people rejoining who quit the game goes up even further. They counter-balance.

I want to, but the fear is still real. I feel like I’m already behind not already having an established guild for Classic.

It’ll be ok!

internet hugs

I understand it, i have fears too, I have 10 long time skilled friends that im making a guild with, but they want a laid back atmosphere, and still want to progress to naxx. I’m afraid that if I don’t apply to other guilds that are serious atm I will be stuck eventually in a bad guild. When I think of this in particular I imagine trialing through a DKP raiding guild gasp xD

No it doesn’t . It wasn’t LfG that was the fall of the WoW community .

Real life and the way society is towards each other now a days was.

If they hadn’t implemented some way for people to get together cross servers and left it so everyone had to stay within their own server to do anything , this game would of died long ago.


I am on ED and have been for a long time. These QoL additions along with Warmode has pretty much killed ED. I transferred my mains to MG. Now, I just sit in the GS inn for my play sessions.

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That’s speculation, you have no idea if it would have died long ago because it never happened. The game is dying now, taking away QoL features would bring many people back. Alot of people joined this expansion and wrote it off as hot garbage.

In BC, I never got past kara until I changed from Nazgel to Alleria server and found that most people in Nazgrel were behind in raid content. But that had little impact on the fun I had because the people I played with in Nazgrel also didn’t see much of the raid content. So we were in the same boat progressing at a slower pace than other servers. We were happy to pug and down a single boss.

The LFR, Normal, Heroic, and Mythic design is boring for one. It also is so dependent on gear, especially from LFR --> Normal. Then in Heroic there’s a challenge. And Mythic is on another level. Holding my hand through the raids is cool to see the raid, and completely devoid of a feeling of achievement.

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Ok fine you are right what I said is all speculation as what you said about the removal of lfg would bring people back .

A lot of the QoL aspects of the game have been good . What hasn’t been good is gutting classes to the point people are not enjoying the most important aspect of the game. What isn’t good is taking away what was a long time QoL aspect and finally having to put it back in because of a massive drop in subs. Not only putting it back in but behind a 2 part grind until we feel like giving it to you because we are throwing a tantrum like a child because you didn’t like what we did cheevos.

Adding WF/TF was bad . Rehashing SoO with this bs faction war is bad. However finding a way to get people to come together in the game that is losing people because of how old it is is not a bad thing.

LFD implementation along with TotGC and the gearing system changes caused the first drop of subs ever for WoW and growth stagnated in Cata, they dipped in mists, and collapsed in WoD. Legion brought many back also with much drop off by mid expansion. This expansion they put in personal loot and overdose levels of RNG to keep people from realize how little gearing progression they created.

Yup. And it really stinks to see the server in such a terrible place. A lot of people are ready to jump ship to Classic. Just waiting on which server to go to.

Agreed Waidmann. “A lot of the QoL aspects of the game have been good . What hasn’t been good is gutting classes to the point people are not enjoying the most important aspect of the game.

No angle being taken and I don’t need to prove anything lol. People can scroll up and read your untrue negative bs comments for themselves. No need for me to quote your trash

You have 3.3k forum post and I looked at most of what you touched this year and its literally just you complaining

Oh its even complete with the “I’m gonna cry and whine and threaten to unsub thread”

You’re like a negative little girl begging for attention lololol

Just hahahahahaha

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Oh! Oh my god! You responded to a post I made 2 hours ago! You keep making posts like it’s your last but you’re so obsessed with me that you couldn’t let it go! Hah…

wipes tear

It’s not often that I upset someone this much. Thank you for that.

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Retail WoW is too far gone. The lore is all screwed up. The RPG elements are almost all gone. The communities are all dead and the people that are left have a difficult time comprehending anything other than what they’re used to. Etc.

Removing LFG won’t save retail at this point. The damage is done. Come play classic and forget about retail. You’ll have an amazing time.

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No body upset except for you. Just read your toxic post lolol

Like your unsub thread that nobody cared about lololol

You cant hide

Bad little trolls like you get slaughtered

  • Except for you

Also if you wanted a better thread to use, you should have brought up this one.

So spending 45 mins in queue for LFR isn’t a waste of time? I never have to wait that long to raid with my guild. :slight_smile:

This is so true. I play many games and getting people to talk is like pulling teeth these days.

I don’t know how this trend started or when. In the past, gamers chit-chatted like sparrows. sigh

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