Group Finder Needs to Go

And that’s all you got. Better hold on to it lololol

She’s tryin sooo hard lolol

Oh there are plenty of negative threads of yours I could link

The thread with you crying and threatening to unsub, that nobody cared about, made me laugh so that’s why I linked it

Its honestly quite pathetic that you spend a good portion of your time trying to be negative on the Wow forums

I don’t need much more than that. If you’re going to attempt to insult me you could at least give me sentences with no clear typos.

Making assumptions again. smh

Never threatened to quit because I did for 4 months. Resubbed for Beta and now playing casually till Classic comes out. Can’t come soon enough either ^.^

I mean, first this is factually untrue. Subs didn’t show any drop at all until after Cata launched, let alone waaaay before Wrath ended.

Wrath went on for many months after LFD was implemented and even longer after TotGC (LFD was 3.3, TotGC was 3.2) and there were no sub drops.

But even if it was true I wouldn’t believe for a second that LFD actually caused sub loss. If anything I’d be far more inclined to believe that it mitigated the loss that happened later.

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I actually agree here. LFD was actually a good addition to the game. I loved clearing Halls of Reflection and Pit of Saron back then ^.^

Halls actually has my favorite voice lines in there

Always liked those two, was never a huge fan of Forge of Souls, except for the music during Bronjahm.

No assumptions being made. You have 3.3k forum post with almost if not all of them being negative. You obviously spend a lot of your time on here lolol

Because you don’t have anything else. You have been called out, exposed and roasted to the point that all you have left is one random grammar error. No insults being made just truth being dropped

As you can see I don’t spend any time on these forums. A slow day at work and getting tired of online shopping is really the only thing that brought me here today. I pity you because you spend so much of your time on this forum just trying to spread your negativity. I’m kicking myself for the small amount of my time I wasted here just today so I cant even imagine what you feel like spending most if not all your time here. I imagine its an overwhelming sense of worthlessness you get

Also I hope that you don’t live in the state that I live in. At 25 years old, if that’s true, I bet someone else’s hard work and tax dollars are paying for you to spend all your time crying on the Wow forums.

No need to reply as I wont see it and nor do I care to. I wont be coming back here any time soon as I’ve wasted enough of my life on here today



No truth from your end on anything. Only CoD level insults and IRL references.

For many other reasons I’m sure :joy:

Oof another IRL reference. That’s all you really got isn’t it?

You’ve cared this whole time. I just know that me being passive this whole time has gotten you a little riled up.

I hope not. You should be doing things that make you happy. Not insulting people on the forums. I wish you the best and hope you can improve from our interaction!


I agree and have even said so

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but but how will I run my alts in Uldar each week?:thinking::thinking::thinking:

Me too, LFM 25m Vaults, come to center of Dala for gear inspection. Yea no!

Agree…im classic. I think it fits classic well with that many people to organize and work effectively you would have to be a little picky…i just didn’t want to remove the lfr and groupfinder aspects of the game that are in place now for bfa is all.

you need to go little turd :poop:.

you want no group finder then go to classic and s t f u little mini wanna be a man troll heh


group finder is good



“LF Tank and healer for daily heroic. Must have ICC 25 achievement, will inspect and check gearscore.”

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This whole thing = Wahhhh I can no longer blacklist innocent people (who had a bad day) and now I can’t get other players to run with me thru things because they no longer HAVE to put up with me and my poor behavior in order to play! I want those days back… Blizzard I demand you FORCE everyone to have to suck up to me once more! I wanna be the king of the server again! I’m gonna tank or heal or be a raid lead in charge of all the lootz… bwaahahahaha! Hmm I know I’ll use the touchy feely stuff like “community”, “communication” and “teamwork” to sway them to my side. When in truth all I really want is to get away with being a utter jerk again and have people forced to love me for it.


Because of group finder:
-They got rid of tank threat
-They got rid of healers worrying about mana
-DPS worrying about threat
-Having to worry about CCing mobs
-Having to know where the dungeon is
-Talent trees even because they dont want people picking the wrong choice
The list goes on. Why? Because they HAD to make it afk easy otherwise you wouldn’t have a high success rate. It’s ruined the game. Every expansion the push more of this because they want a higher success rate for afking that’s why we have warfronts and island expeditions now.

That’s not because of group finder. That’s because it’s really hard to tell the difference between people complaining over something legitimate and people crusading to nerf the world to suit them.

So they could return all these things then and it would be fine? LFR/LFD tanks needing to worry about threat? Healers having to worry about mana? Yeah right…

difference between classic and todays wow? easey todays wow is for newbies want al stuf free no hard work
classic si for hardcore players that dnt want stuf handed to them. they rather work hard and earn stuf unlike tranmog folks

WoW was created to appeal to the people that didn’t want to work hard and earn stuff in EQ.

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