Long time player unsubbing

Hey guys. I’ve been a GM of my guild for over 8 years now and have been playing this game since Wrath. Meaning, I’m an old school kind of player. I’m 25 years old now and am looking to my future as I finish up my final year of college.

And even though my time is limited, I’m still unhappy with the game. I don’t like any of the systems that they have presented as new content. I would go into it but I’ve already typed it out in a previous thread that I made.

As the title says, BFA has made me feel like unsubbing. This is just me following through with it. Personally I can’t keep lying to myself in thinking that the game will get better. Ever since MoP, all I’ve done is lose parts of what made my class whole. Instead of trying to make a fun Hunter class, they decided to make 3 individual classes with a clunky GCD that slows the game down to a ridiculously boring level.

I hated having to learn so much back in Cata when I started doing PvP only for it all to become irrelevant. So many RPG elements of the game have been stripped away that it just feels like a watered down experience. As well as losing abilities for the sake of trying to create class fantasy. I remember each expansion having new things to look forward to. Now each expansion we have to exchange one system for another new one while at the same time losing abilities left and right.

But like I said, I already went into detail in the systems and why I strongly dislike BFA in the other thread. If you want to know the full reasoning as to why, check out that thread.

The second thing I want to touch on is the sense of community that is now gone in WoW. And isn’t going to come back probably at all at this point. I remember when server community was a thing back when I was completely new to the game.

It has nothing to do with nostalgia because I distinctly remember having to hit up Trade Chat if I wanted to raid that night. I did several raids completely fresh as a pally tank, was honest about being new to it, watched videos from Tankspot on what to do, and went through the trials until I completely knew what I was supposed to do and eventually the boss went down.

I didn’t complete ICC back then because I didn’t have a guild to do it with. I did tank ToC and Onyxia. But shortly after I switched over to this very character and landed on playing BM at the time. And even though that led to me getting kicked a handful of times, I always talked with the raid leader before upon them figuring me out and told them if I was one of their top damage dealers then they would let me stay. And a majority of them I managed to stick around and made a name for myself on the server that I played on that I was competent enough to play the spec.

Now I know a lot of people might interpret that as an epeen stroke but it was more to do with the fact that I was actually communicating and creating a connection between myself and the people on the server that we played on. There was of course the good players (again not me I was new to the game), the sub par players, the bads, the ragers, the nice players, the welcoming players, the ninja looters, the patient players, the PvPers ect. ect.

Point is everything felt organic back in the day. And having a good reputation meant a lot back then. And yeah sure some people didn’t care and was still toxic. But back then if you did something like ninja loot, rage, or just overall be a bad player with a bad attitude, you had a bad rep for a very long time. And it led to those players having a hard time finding groups. So there was more of a responsibility of shaping up and trying your best. And no, not to be the best. But to be the best that you could be at the time.

Like I said, I did this when I was in high school. I didn’t have a raid schedule or do anything crazy in that regard and I still managed to meet amazing people, and experience the game. Personally, I miss those times.

I don’t think any of the new content has brought people together. That being Warfronts (WHICH YOU CAN’T DO IN A GUILD GROUP BTW), Island Expeditions, and Warmode. It’s all just automated systems that put you in a group finder that pretty much gives you the amusement park style of gameplay. It just feels, robotic. To me it just feels like I’m playing along side NPCs rather than playing with other players now. It’s really disheartening.

The last thing I want to touch on is a thread that I made a little while ago.

I made this thread to highlight a specific thing that happened back in the day on Emerald Dream. And something that helped spark World PvP for a lot of guilds.

For us on ED, we used to claim RP Bases that we would fight over all the time. With CRZ, phasing, and now warmode this is impossible for us now. The biggest red flag though is if you click on the link and watch the last video linked in the OP.

We were told that they were looking into it and haven’t heard anything about it for over 10 months now. And I’m sorry, but the bounty system does not cover this. Some guilds on our realm have players that have their bases all the way in Feathermoon Stronghold and won’t know about any attacks happening unless they literally sit there endlessly.

For me, this isn’t the WoW that I have come to love. And no, I won’t be playing Classic at all. The current dev team didn’t make Vanilla WoW. With all the things that they have added in modern WoW and the constant neglect of feedback given, I just can’t play WoW anymore. Even if it’s Vanilla. And no! You can’t have my gold!


Sub runs out on the 19th. If any of the older devs from expansions of MoP back to Wrath, thanks for the good times. I can say that for many years WoW was more of an experience than it was a game. And I mean that in all the good ways.

Sorry about the long post guys. I’m just passionate about the game. And have always wanted it to do better. But it seems that the best kind of feedback to give them is to back out of the game entirely. Take care y’all.


This is actually a good song. Thanks for sharing!


Wow, I didn’t know he sings in English :open_mouth:

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Can I has your stuff? I’ll give it back when you come crawling back.

Can I have your name 8) jk good luck buddy

What do you think a forum is?


Because Blizzard tells you to post feedback in the forums when you unsub.

Also, I’m not sure you understand what a blog is.


I know you were passionate about the game, Jalen, that’s why it was fun reading your posts, plus your toon is a hottie>> one of the best looking Human Male toons ever. Take care!

That’s a damn shame. It’s sad to see so many players who have contributed positively to the community to leave. As much as I’d like to write an essay-length post I won’t do so. Many more of us will soon be following you.

I hope you find something good out there. Good luck.

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Yeah you’re right, sorry for the aggressive response.

I hope your adventures go well OP. Maybe it will be better in 8.2.


I appreciate your acknowledgement dude. You don’t see a lot of peeps on the forums reflect on what they’ve posted then change their stance/attitude.

More often than not they just double down.

So, kudos to you sir.


What is disturbing is the growing number of posts about people quitting including mine. I have a feeling that WoW subs have been trending down for a very long time and that in-game purchase revenue has greatly exceeded revenue from subs which might explain why they no longer give you the survey when you cancel your subscription. Furthermore their financial statements do not list subscriber number neither does it show revenue for subs vs revenue from in-game purchase. Everything is blended in the same pot including all other blizzard games.

I also believe we can’t blame developers. They answer to their boss first before they answer to the community.

I think it goes like this : Boss calls a meeting with all the developer and tells them : “Players are clearing content too quickly, we can’t be developing a new raid every 3 months, we want players who just bought the game to jump immediately in the action and not get discouraged so were gonna need some type of catchup mechanism from you guys. Also, players have been asking for better recipes from professions and we agree with them so you need to create something that will make players earn their unique profession recipe which in turn will keep them engaged into playing the game. By the way, were delaying the release of the new raid so do you mind creating a legendary quest that will unlock a mount. Make sure that only the most dedicated will be able to get it. By the way guys, good job again on having players farm reputation with all factions to unlock flying in Legion. Brilliant move, please make sure to include it this year again. Alright good luck guys and talk to you next year”

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if u felt the game lacked community aspect or things having meaning/substance rather than feeling npc’s but never got to play vanilla/tbc, you would’ve liked those even more since it was there where it was at it it’s high point

I’m aware. I just feel dirty paying a sub for a dev team that clearly doesn’t get it. Personally I don’t want to go back. I want to move forward with Blizzard understanding what made vanilla and tbc great. And bring some semblance of community to the game once again.


Remove CRZ and LFG and you will have the community back


I’ve personally lost just about my entire friends list ( not logging on anymore ) this expansion and my guild so I can relate. Right now just waiting and hoping they decide to undo the damage while I post occasionally.

It was nice seeing you post here Jalen, good luck out there.


Thanks. And yeah same here. We recruited hard for BFA and averaged over 100 people online at the start of the expansion. Only to figure out over time that the game had pretty much turned into a single player experience with online capabilities. A lot of people are either extremely disappointed, or have moved on to other games at this point.