The Dingus Brigade is looking for casual, no drama, guildies to rebuild due to floundering interest in the game. We have a core of about 5-7 members that are looking for more to help inject a fun-loving community of gamers. Patience and love of the game members are wanted to build up a core group of adventurers. We do have an desire to Mythic, Mythic+ at a pace that fits the guild. Send a tell to Kiriin #1940 or any member of the Dingus Brigade, Greymane, Alliance.
You misunderstood, I was talking to you! oh well…
what the what? but no, ty, Abscynth… several of us have tried the horde life… and sometimes have a fling over there … it’s not for us… and… run your raids? pfft perhaps legacy raiding because — we’re mc raiders… We… aint… got… no… li-iiifee… <3
We are small.
We are casual.
But when a guildy says - hey- I have a key! Let’s go! We swallow our last beer and roll through 119 deaths of a Mythic 9 Motherload.
Granted, I put him in time out afterwards, but at least we died well together
I wore red - to hide the blood. #DeadpoolFTW
Hi there guys,
I have a proposition for you.
I have a heroic raiding guild on Duskwood. We raid Tuesdays and Fridays at 8pm est.
I also have a Community group that houses people from a few different servers. I would like to add you to that Community so that we can run things and if you want to come raid you could.
Let me know if you would be interested.
Hope to talk to you soon.
What is your raid days?
I will reach out tonight sometime to inquire! Thanks for the reply!
That is hilarious and quite true! I wonder, was it Kirrin or RD you put in time out?
We have no raid times. I think we are of the 1% with a primary goal not for progression, but for social trust and friendships. People do what they want to do, and if someone is interested in helping and can… they will. We’re a bit older, a bit independent, but want to just kick back and enjoy the company first, before enjoying the game. With this in mind, I read this post this week and faith that others like us are out there was restored. <3
Day after day, reading recruitment posts, watching players bounce around looking for a home that fits. Very grateful to those who have found us. I laughed as I heard a member in one of our runs say they had a team-speak server. <3 #oldschool #vanilla #FTW. When I first played I couldn’t fathom talking on voice and was embarrassed. Now, it is often the best part of my day. Go Dingus!
Casual friday necrobump.
Guild & Server: The Dingus Brigade
Type of Guild: Social/
Legacy Content /
Recruitment Contacts: shauna.j#9884 (discord)
Respect for how others want to play the game, patience, communication.
#souls.NOT.slots, sense of humor, family, food, and animal lovers
The ability to play without pants.
About Us: We are service orientated, independent. We want to get to know you, and that takes time. Many of us are introverts, but we appreciate having balance of people who love people. and positive energy. Most of us are older, and most, if not all, prefer animals over people.
**the falling in love with wow linked post is a great read <3