Got silenced for no reason

I believe you mean “But i literally have said nothing in trade but …”

Saying you said anything can be inferred that you may have said something that someone found abusive.

Havent would work in the same way ? :thinking:

Thanks for the correction!

Yes it would.

People get silenced because other people in the channel report them for spamming or language. You never get silenced for “nothing.”

Maybe your macro was too much and it looks like spam. Or your sent it to often. Take it up with your server mates. Though, they will probably just silence you again. Easier to sell your stuff in the Auction House and leave /2 to the cesspool that it usually is.

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The test was to see if the system would let you squelch someone who did nothing wrong, simply by report bombing people. And the result was that, yes, you can get people squelched by simply report bombing them.

He was actioned pretty much immediately. He was organizing the test out of Blizzard channels (on Twitch IIRC), so there’d be no way to insta-squelch him for abuse of reports. That’d have to be something to be verified later by a GM

Yeah, that’s starting to make a LOT more sense.

If that’s the case, I hope you can get your silence overturned ASAP and continue working towards your long boi. Good luck!

Oh… that’s every realm, honestly. lol

But I understand. Problem is that people don’t use gen chat for that stuff anymore, because trade chat is across every city, so more people.

How often do you post? Because if you are just mashing that macro hiding other advertisements or generally spamming, i believe that can result in auto silence or people reporting you for doing so.

If you were operating at a “normal” pace, then yeah you did nothing wrong. Bring it to CS forums or open an ingame ticket.

After reading this post I decided to check if it was possible to mute your account in game on purpose.

Apparently it is, and I decided to do it. It blocks you from even reading other players messages apparently. I did it via parental controls. I’ll know tomorrow if it really works.

This is the privacy mode if true.

But I didn’t do nothing officer. LoL

There was a reason. You may not like it. You may not even know it. But there was a reason.

Like i said, i’m spamming, yeah i admit it, no regreats, but no more than the “guild/WTS Carry to X key” people :confused:

So to avoid this i will try to spamm less, every 5-10 minutes or so.

Thanks friend! Today before the silence i managed to sale 2 VotS and pay the montly sub with gold haha so i’ll keep posting idc i want my long boi haha!

Squelchers, someone wanted you out of the picture

Right, it sounds like Asmongold was squealched, not silenced.

In both cases you can’t chat temporarily, but a silence differs in that an employee reviews the infraction, and if valid applies the silence penalty which double in length for each successive infraction.

I feel like people are a bit loose with conflating the two things. Silence penalties are not automated, squealches are.

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People do not get silenced for no reason. The reason you got silenced is because you spoke in trade chat. It doesn’t matter what you said. The fact that you spoke allowed people to silence you. Therefore, the reason you got silenced was because you made yourself a target.

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ah dang, you went there…gets out a bucket of popcorn

I’d be happy to learn if I am incorrect.

Oh no, you are correct…just some people on these forums are a bit pig headed when it comes to that. Flies against their anti-blizzard agenda. Gives them a good excuse to derail the discussion.

I’m pretty sure that’s your problem right there. Don’t use Macros in large channels or people might get angry seeing you say the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

Usually, if you’re selling it, having it on the AH is usually enough. Especially if you are selling mats, small things, etc.

Agreed! (And please note I am not referring to Awkward here. They seem to be good people and always level headed)

The things i sell in trade channel are mounts, the panthers from JW, VotS, Legendary bars for Thunderfury, the mechahog etc
And you know what is the sad thing ? I moved 3 choppers and 2 VotS today with trade channel :confused: on the AH they dont sell that frequently, but for me /2 is a more personal way to get to the costumer.

But if i’m going to get silenced for using it for an automatic system, then it doesnt worth the risk i belive.