Goodbye friends

Tell us how you do it. :joy:

thats what hes complaining about

Imagine sweating hard over a 15 year old re-released game. This community is so damn yikes LOL.

There’s just no way you just can’t even find a kara group. e

Happy Trails OP. :rose:

Actually they can be, if that’s where one wishes to stop.

Except not enough Horde will transfer to make a difference.

Why not try it out? What could it harm other than making horde Q’s better?

I wrote something but found someone that explained it much better. TBC was never a good expansion.

Hot take: TBC is not a great expansion - WoW Classic / Burning Crusade Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

your idol jordan peterson would be so sad you play wow

Not unless they give Alliance faction change as well.

Bye hordie, you won’t be missed.

I can understand the frustration, but you could join a guild that isn’t hardcore progression if you wanted to raid.

Rogues may not be desired, but they can still do decent DPS to the point of more than getting the job done right now.

I must have misinterpreted what my parents meant then. I would just smash the kid in the face with a stick, stone, brick, or whatever was laying around. No more teasing after that.


Doesn’t that saying just mean get thicker skin and to not let words get to you? I think its aplicable to any age. Words shouldn’t hurt, they carry meaning of course but words of insult shouldn’t be taken seriously because that’s all they are, words.

Physical pain and mental/emotional pain are completely different, we’re in an age where people would rather call people names than to resort to violence which is good, I’d rather to have people call me something I didn’t like than to get into a fist fight with them.


But he has a Ford Probe with a really tall spoiler and a dirt bike!


You picked the right class for PvP, but so did everybody else.
The cream rises to the top. There’s only so many mages/priests to pair with when everyone wants to be the gladiator rogue.

Everyone else sits in trade chat “LF Mage for 2s or RMP!” and I don’t feel bad for them. Almost half the ladder is Undead, and its all rogues, mages and priests.

Hows the min max going?

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Words mean things. They convey concepts. Of course words hurt, and they should. And it’s not just kids it’s adults too. It’s not about “growing thicker skin” it’s about people treating each other with respect and being DECENT.

Grow a thicker skin - which means just shut up or else.

“A former Tyson Foods worker has filed a complaint saying that a manager repeatedly asked her for sex, and when she refused, he sexually assaulted her. Then, when she complained about the sexual harassment and assault, officials at Tyson retaliated against her and fired her, the lawsuit alleges.”

Good for people who stand up to this BS. If you act like a pig you need to be called out on it - that’s the way society works.

All good. TBC never was, is and should be for everybody. Wish you luck in your next game choice.

If it isn’t universal, I doubt that’ll be implemented.

There again, I thought it was strange they did the care packages for Alliance, so…