Goodbye friends

Something’s really wrong with you if you think it’s cool and edgy to act like a jackass and then get your knickers in a twist when you’re called on it.

You can go around and make disparaging remarks about someone’s race or weight or their choice of clothing - whatever it is you feel like being mean about at the moment. But you’re going to get called on it and no one’s going to want anything to do with you. That’s not how decent people treat each other.


Quote me where I have ever done any of those things.

I’ll wait…

If you walk around this world perpetually offended by everything , you have a pretty sad reality check coming, and no one is going to want anything to do with you.

And one day you are going to realize that your parents were right about way more than you think you know right now.

Imagine playing your favorite class instead of the best class lol

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And this right here confirms you’re the type of person who thinks it’s okay to make hateful remarks about everything from race to hair color. You act as if it’s your life’s work to say mean things to people for no reason and then snark at them for calling you out.

“Oooo did I offend you? Haha… the world isn’t a safe place, snowflake.”

Holy Christ.


You’re joking right. Blizzard made it so horde can fight each other in bg. You don’t even know what you’re talking about

So, all you can come up with are more baseless assumptions from the perpetually offended. How anyone goes through life like that is beyond comprehension but I really do not have sympathy for people who live in self created fantasy bubbles. I’m sure that offends you as well.

So, all you can come up with are more examples of you being perpetually offensive.


If you continually search for ways to be offended I assure you that you will always find plenty.

We have 2 rogues in our guild, just play with the not-so-sweatlords.

Hmm, I wonder why that is. It starts with jerks, and climbs all the way up.

Because most people lack the courage of their convictions.

It’s true though. I just wish Horde had some representation and weren’t continuously treated like second class citizens

Really makes me sad

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Why would anyone want that kind of information other than to use it against Blizzard in some way, shape, or form?

Yeah, brilliant idea.

Agreed. Subsidized education so that orcs can say anything other than “zug” and so that horde citizens can live in decent housing — not mudhuts.

imagine playing FOTM to impress some sweaty nerds you’ve never met and then posting on your lvl 10 alt :slight_smile:

Sick of reading about rogues QQing about every little thing. Sakk up or re-roll. Rogues are good in certain situations. Find a good guild and move on!

Why did you open this thread? What were you expecting from these forums? Acceptance? Understanding? Players to listen?

Read the top 10 posts and see how players respond. That’s what you got. I don’t know how these responses help you in any way. Hopefully you got what you needed.


TBC is very hard on rogues… and at the same time extremely rogue friendly

when you click the feedback button in game it sends you to the forums. where forum users complain at you for providing feedback


You’ve been 70 for weeks but your profile never updated and you dont have a single logged kill on any raid boss.