I am just hoping for the day that I see Glinda and her dumb alt Notglinda quit. Only then will the forums have respite without this disease.
Rogues are good in arena, you are just bad
I mean sure take it to the most extreme example you can get doesn’t change the fact that words are words. But I’m talking strickly about words here, not words and actions, I’m also not talking about a work envrioment where the person who’s saying those things are the employee and a certain level of decorum is expected of them.
No it means that you shouldn’t break down and cry nor resort to what they’re doing/violence. it means to act like a responsable person, keep your cool, call the police if needed and handle the situation as best as you can.
Never has the meaning of “Grow a thicker skin” ever even closely resmbeled to “shut up or else” or else what? they’ll start throwing punches? If so then it’s no longer about words so my point still stands. Never did “grow a thicker skin” mean to be quite, all it means is to take what people say better and respond in kind.
First video, no charges happened, now im not saying what the man did was by any means good but it wasn’t a crime what he did.
Second video, can’t even be called verbal abuse barely anything was said and she was assaulted so it has nothing to do with “growing a thicker skin”.
Third video, is exactly what shouldv’e happened in the first, the man was immediately removed from the premisis as he should’ve been but again it’s just words, no actions.
Yeah, you’re right they need to be called out and the people who stand up to all that have done what? They’ve grown a thicker skin. I honestly don’t know what you’re trying to argue against but if it’s that the saying “Grow a thicker skin” is bad then you need to google what it means cause I think you’ve misunderstood the saying.
You don’t get to tell people how to feel when they’re degraded.
The whole “You shouldn’t be hurt by people” instead of “You shouldn’t hurt people” is absurd.
Or gotten fired, or hit, or sexually assaulted.
From the time females are old enough to go out by themselves they know - put on sunglasses and ear buds, don’t look at anyone, don’t respond to anyone . . . and it gets old.
Imagine putting up with this at work all day every day.
There is no PvP for a lot of classes because of Arena is the endgame. I originally left this game in TBC for nearly a decade. The rift in directions and how broken the game was for certain classes was clear to me.
PVP and PVE don’t belong in the same game. They are two different games in the same game. They use different stats is the biggest, ‘hello, different game clue.’ What a big mistake for integrity of the PVE game that was created and drew people in.
PVP/PVE mixes jerks with people who want to explore, have fun, and meet people. This pretty much sums up what happens when you force inclusion from all sides.
You have to be one massively insecure person if you are an adult who walks through life perpetually offended by everything you hear and read.
That is the ultimate immaturity and that is your problem, not everyone else’s. The world is never going to tiptoe around anyone’s delicate, oversensitive feelings.
Must be imagining my wife doing all these dungeons and raids
Name calling is inappropriate.
Please don’t.
Hope in one hand, poop in the other.
See which one gets full first.
I wish you well in the next part of your life sir. May you enjoy the freedom that comes after leaving a bad relationship.
And you have to be one massive jackass to think everyone is obliged to give bad behavior a pass because of [insert whatever reason here]. For decades women and minorities have subjected to this BS. And they have worn their “thick skin” and remained silent. That changed nothing. And when they DID speak out they have been fired, assaulted, demeaned and told to stop being “offended.” As your comments show, that’s still going on.
People are sick of it. Telling people to “stop being offended” isn’t going to stop others from speaking out. That corner has been turned. Get used to it Boomer.
Oh you sweet summer child. It’s cute that you think the entire world is going to change just for you and your overly sensitive feels. Proof positive that a person can be an adult without actually being a grown up.
The Horde players got given a fix from Blizzard despite the fact that the issue was entirely player made. They have come in and surgically added two major changes to PVP nerfing both premades and giving you your own bg’s just to help accommodate player made faction imbalance and the Horde still complain.
I was thinking to myself rip, as I reroll from 70 geared rogue to lil zuggylumps UD rogue for bg’ing in the hopes my team will not just lick roads and huddle at the starter objective for warmth. Horde are fine, period. Rogues are currently “nerfed” for first patch of BC in 2.4 and so not the dps fiends we have been and were most of BC. As a class, pve rogues should definitely feel slighted because we have a long long way to go before we are topping meters again. Anecdotally this rogue I know is great, cool but a bm hunter with 4pc can out dps any rogue worth its salt in phase1. Until rogues pick up a lot of passive armor pen and can maintain hit and expertise soft caps in the process, it wont pick up any more. So if my pve rogue is gimped in pve because of the 2.4 choice and being alliance is screwed over in every other regard, why continue to casually pvp with a handicap when I can start rerooting during fire festival with bonus exp.
Yeah okay? call HR and get it sorted out because i recall saying…
I don’t see how putting on sunnies help, earbuds sure but sunnies?
This is going nowhere, so I’m just gonna stop responding now.
Be gone peon, you will not be missed. The poop is in a paperbag on your doorstep dw. A memento.
Even though no one cares why x person quit, I do think everyone that quits should post so in this forum.
Ay bro, idk what to tell you but uh, rogues are needed… Maybe you aren’t?
goodbye though, one less for warglaive competition.
True and Based.