Giving out hardmode loot?

Yeah it’s really insane. Oh you can do the nexus here is firefighter loot :rofl:

this actually does affect me(and most of the pvp community), and i enjoy this change

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You’re not gonna get invited to H++ without 5K gs in the initial weeks anyway I’d imagine :joy:


i do have 5k gs rn so im prob fine, just my double tier 2 weapons gotten from pvp are 252

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Good stuff finally getting that classic+ we asked for. Amazing change keep ‘em coming.

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That post above wasn’t too you boss,

I don’t PvP so personally I don’t care what you have, you could have 7k gs and it wouldn’t make an ounce of difference for me.

I just think the inflating of uld gear + the fact that it’s going to be “relevant for longer” into phase 3 is in stark contrast to making the gear available from dungeons.

It’s not a huge deal, there’s some good stuff from 10HM but majority is 25HM

But trial apparently is going to be just as easy as naxx level content so it kinda just leaves raiding in an odd spot.

Those who can’t do 25 HM in p3 will just go heroic trial and get equivalent gear anyway

Strange choices by blizzard

I’m hoping personally trial heroic is a good challenging raid and not a total steamroll

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oh my bad
it would have a lot of sense if it was tho

Lets see if in ICC patch if we get…vaults, lol.

Actually not a bad concept. You did your 8 things (raiders they’d get credit for raids here too). Rng hated you. its one more time for RNG to give some love. Or hate you again lol.

Worst case, its another item to disenchant or sell.

Hell it even hooked up pvp’ers. You ran up conquest points in retail. Classic we’d run up arena points.

At that point just make a new game.

It’s called wotlk classic….

Hey I personally liked the SL vault system.

Some people saw it as a chore, “oh I have to do X to get my weekly loot”

I saw it as bonus rewards for doing what I was already doing.

Though it was kinda bad that the highest gear came from vaults (in terms of M+ which I played)

Then the “bonus rewards” because the “I need good RNG to get the every slot” which kinda was meh

That seems to have begun but I see your angle.

First the tabard now this…my guess is they really want the dungeons picking up. Just my guess though.

do you guys realize how bad this will hurt rmt and gdkps

Do we have confirmation that 25N and 25H share a lockout yet?

It won’t, at all.

25 HM GDKPs will be alive and well and so will Heroic Trial runs

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It won’t people will just sell dungeon Carries like in RETAIL🤣

i think pvpers are the ones that abuses this the most(could be wrong,just assumption)
and most of the pvp bis gear is out of 10 hm

The tabard might as well just be a cosmetic, really nobody care except to meme about it xd

Those whole 9 players that PvP are gonna be thrilled :joy:


While I think its kind of weird giving out free hardmode loot… I also think that the majority of people wont even get to the point of being invited to more than 1 dungeon unless they are 5200 GS or actually have friends.

Also algalon loot should be excluded with these essences but anyway… if you are decked out in hardmode loot and you dont have logs from ulduar or bad ones then you are still going to experience misery because you did not succeed in anything but spamming freeloot dungeons.

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if you check ironforge you will see that theres 51 pages(99 players per page) of ppl playing above 2150 so im not so sure about that one

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