Giving out hardmode loot?

End bosses of dungeons now drop an essence that you can turn in for 10 man hard mode loot.

clear 15 dungeons and you get a dark matter…

you guys cried your way into BIS items congratulations :tada:

Blizzard is determined to make sure you get everything out of ulduar except a sense of accomplishment


People like having a forseeable end to their efforts. Blizzard has learned this time and time again in retail, people love badges and vendors.

I gave up on my enchance shaman alt, because running uld 10 for 3 months to never see a caress drop felt horrible.

Time was not worth effort.

This vendor changes everything for alt gameplay. Which i think will be very much needed for this next phase.


People who haven’t killed algalon walking around with algalon loot I’m crying :rofl:


We are absolutely going to destroy ToC with this inflated gear.


Im pretty sure they just quit the game because their guild imploded.

Which btw, is not healthy for wrath.

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Sweet I can get near bis P2 daggers now to camp lowbies with.


wait what happened? who hand’n out the welfare epics?

If algalon imploded your guild you deserved it

Don’t stand in red

Don’t stand under a star

Go in the hole

Communicate star deaths

If y’all can’t handle 4 tasks idk what to say


This would be taken more seriously if not from a retail char who is most likely hiding m15+ runs to fix gear when season 1 wasn’t giving it out.

There’s a vender in the next phase

Every boss drops this essence currency

You can use it to buy ANY hardmode loot on 10 man

Thankfully my 25 man hardmode loot is safe but yikes dude

Literally no one has asked for this crap lmao.


This is 1000% the result of all the nerf ulduar threads lol

No it’s not, it’s the result of H++ being added to the game cause people didn’t speak out against H+.


That’s true h+ is also hot garbage

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It blows my mind how they turned it into retail even faster than the first time around.


I dont understand this currency

just let them cost a BUTT load of conquest badges

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How about we let the cost be killing the boss that drops the loot?


The currency drops from the last boss of all h++ dungeons

So you never have to enter ulduar to get hardmode ulduar gear🤣

And this leads to people only really wanting to run 10 man Ulduar for… normal mode 25 loot?

It’s a curious decision that’s for damned sure. I don’t understand what their goal is here.

I’d have this more they may be proactive about gdkp.

About a month in to TOC, most serious folks will be split ulduar/toc minimal.

And then naxx and voa are well on the path to gdkp mostly runs for fresh 80’s.

Dungeons will get people working in dungeon with some payout and not doing gdkp.

Then they get ICC out and its gear. And now naxx and voa and maybe even ulduar are cemented gdkp mostly.

Naxx and VOA once the TOC is there to supplement Ulduar are carry/gdkp run raids is my prediction.

And people would pay that. NGL, I would. some days on my AH even crafted is 1500g.

Cheaper sales on gdkp…if I had the actual spare gold I’d put the 1500 there. And if I lost…I could make 2000 gold.

So actually 500g up on that deal net profit lol.