Giving out hardmode loot?

This is exactly what’s going to happen


Its not really abuse.

We have asked for pvp weapons no rating/arena for a bit now. They won’t do it.

We wait till cata. till then…

Right not on the 2 servers I see AH’s for the 2 handed mace crafterd titansteel is…1500 to 2000 gold.

In theory on a good night you could get a gdkp with low mandatory bids…maybe bid up to 2k. And get a much better one.

Where would you put your 2000? 2000 on a crafted about as crappy as even the pvp one. Or the gdkp?

Remembering if that gdkp pot goes well…you could make some or all of it back.

Decent not rated pvp weapons would put a dent here for some pvp’ers. I’d take the level 80 from season 5 80 weapon on some alts. I don’t want BIS to start.

I jsut want an 80 weapon, no rating, that doesn’t cost 1500-2000. And its still kind of trash. But its 80 level 200 ilevel trash lol.

How ever will your ego recover OP?

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im not saying gdkp is an abuse, im talking about ppl that rmts to gdkp

i think next season you will have deadly weapons for honor

Not about my ego

It’s literally rewarding people for not stepping foot in a raid during arguably the best raid blizzard has ever designed

Enjoy your 5k gs dungeon buddies doing sub 2k dps

Which is hurting you how? Does it affect your raid?

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i def dont agree on that one, i think this raid is just awful and i hope to never set foot there again


It’s affects the general competence of the players

Why would they attempt challenging content when they are rewarded better for dungeon spam

So you just wanna police them and who is worthy?

100% not because of your ego

Who cares about you

The general consensus is that ulduar is amazing

Next you will say RDF is bad

the most proper question is who cares about YOU bud, you are the one hurt here :wink:

Being the loud minority still makes you the minority no matter how loud you are

It’s the same thing people do in sports.

You have a new coach come in and fire a bunch of the old staff to make a statement.

Except in this case all the developers currently at blizzard are really bad and they are trying to make a statement by ruining the expansion we all wanted to play.

Drastic change as a cover for incompetence.

Wotlk dungeons were an afterthought now they are the main dish for no other reason than the devs egos (since we are talking about egos)

is this confirmed? this sounds nuts

why do they feel the need to change everything?

I guess it’s good for pvpers we dont need to pay some GDKP to get good items. but we have to run 15 dungeons? that almost sounds worse

Honestly… this vendor would have been fine if the badges dropped from 10m HM instead of DP: Beta


Yeah that would’ve been great like at least make people do the raid

my guy, im not sure if you didnt understand, but i am the one getting the prize here, not you

guess im a loud minority then

Heresy. It has Jaraxxus!

Bask in his glory. He gets to do what we cannot. Punt gnomes…

Who cares about pvp dude…

51 pages of 99 ppl are playing in the upper 10% of the ladder
make the math

It’s less because some are pilots, some are using authotkey to cheat, some are boosted and some are Alts.
It’s a much smaller community than you let on especially the upper brackets