Giving out hardmode loot?

It’s just really weird that they would scale up hard mode loot to give it like candies later. Just don’t scale it if your goal was to make it drop from dungeons xd

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I haven’t seen the details on the update,

You’re saying 25 HM loot still comes from 25 only and isn’t dropped to 10 man?

Otherwise H+ works the same as it has this tier?

Tbh I’m happy suffer through a few dungeons rather than do 10 man again to never see the HM Freya wand all tier

I always thought it dumb that some bis pieces come from 10 HM, 10 should be a stepping stone to 25 imo but that’s just my personal view

Everyone congratulations for achieving hardmode kills your reward is that your hard earned items will now be available to every noob that can do a dungeon


10 man hardmode continues to drop in 10 man, but with a caveat…

You get 1 currency per end boss in Titan Rune Beta that lets you purchase 10 man hardmode loot, for example, Dark Matter costs 15 of that currency. So you can choose to do a 10 man Ulduar run for a chance of it or do 15 H++ and get it guaranteed.


Thanks for the explanation, this system doesn’t exist for 25 I’m guessing then?

You’ll have to actually kill the 25 HM bosses to get the loot?

How long before someone calls that gatekeeping :joy:

Edit: also are frags from 10?

They will cry about that too :rofl:

For hardmode loot yes, normal mode 25 man loot can be gotten in both 10 and 25.

It’s all so very mindboggling.


you are a super cool bleeding edge ultra giga skilled raider and we all need to hail you like a god we get it


No I just think you should have to raid for raid gear in an expansion that’s supposed to be about raiding

If you think I’m good at raiding for completing wotlk hard modes that says a lot about how bad you are actually


Since I get bored and swing by ironforge from time to time…its seens some log submission falloff.

People got their gear and said I am done is my take. Or…said RNG hates me, I am done.

Dungeon spam could be the backup to keep some coming. And more MAU’s for blizzard.

Its worked for retail for a while.

Back in TBCC days…the classic zealots were going LOOK!..we have more raid activity than retail!

Yeah…that as true. GDKP was boosting log counts since some were running extra raid to get paid.

But, also, if one looked at mythic dungeon stats, those were burying classic raid. More were jsut running mythic dungeon over raid by 9.2/9.3

To fix their gear. since until a retune mythic jailor was kicking people’s butts. They had to nerf him to even close out the hall of fame 100 guilds lol.

Those last slots weren’t scrubs. Even slot number 100 is better than hundreds of other wow guilds who didn’t make the 100 cut.

Are you just copy pasting Chat gpt.


i bet you are 2700 at arena and 99 every encounter too
this alt retail portrait is just a coincidence because you are too lazy to click twice on selection screen, and you dont have the need to prove yourself to anyone, but still cares enough to make this post

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Retail at some has had dungeon run more than raid. Classic may be emulating that maybe.

They need/want MAU’s. This could get them that.

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I know I know you’re mad you picked warrior and your class is suffering

Us paladins are here for you :heart:

Titans grip penalty should be increased but just for you

They will lose more as people like me have left retail because they pushed dungeons too far. H+ is already my limit. They might as well just give fresh 80s 226 gear if we want to make this retail. It is not a good decision if their goal was to keep Classic unique.

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People are going to start selling H+ carries

nah im doing super fine
i only pvp and my class is S tier, didnt even bother to research ulduar fights and i think ive been there twice in my life

So then this only benefits you. Which is why you are being an omega troll

Got it

Anyway the rest of us now have to put up with people who have hardmode gear and can’t press their buttons correctly.

The game will become more about checking logs than it already is (crazy I know)

I don’t care about pvp at all

This change hurts middle of the pack raiders the most actually

I mean you can technically already. But it’s kinda weird that you can be more geared than someone that does 25m normal Ulduar by doing dungeons. Dungeons, that clearly aren’t really difficult and just scaled up so people don’t destroy them too hard to get their free badges.

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Maybe your opinion on the raiding side of the game is null and void then since you don’t actually do it.

I wouldn’t want to comment on how PvP systems should work because I don’t know anything about PvP.

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