Giving beta only to subs makes no sens

Giving beta access to people that are currently sub makes no sens. Those that are currently sub are the one enjoying BoA. The real classic fans unsubed long ago.

The one that should be testing it are mostly all unsub right now… waiting for classic.


Beta is for content creators, but stress tests are likely for most subs.

There are no Bind on Account items in Classic. Even for Subbed players.


K man. You’re funny.


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I only want asmongold to play and nobody else. Him alone on a server, to take down all of the boars in Elwynn


now that would be content worth consuming

Makes alot of sense so Blizz doesn’t have to hear NOCHANGES NOLAYERING 1.5V all day instead of actual feedback on gameplay and mechanics from unsubbed elitists.

Giving subs to streamers makes more sense because we live in a streamer world now, man. Streamers are life and life is streamers.

I don’t even want to play Classic, I just want to watch someone play it. Why play games, when you can watch people playing games?

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Make perfect sense, those that are subbed continue to support Blizzard and their content, they should get priority. Problem is people want to play but when they are asked to pony up, they whine and balk on how it’s not fair. You wanna play? You got to pay.


10/10 Totally agree.

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Choosing beta testers from your active playerbase is not a choice that is completely without logic.

As for the other half this is a closed beta, meaning the marketing potential they want to utilize is that of streamers and YouTubers.

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Even better when you’re watching streamers watch someone play Beta.



Create a game that millions want to play, and make those millions watch a few streamers all summer to drum up hype.

Genius marketing, people love exclusivity.

Once the game drops people will be so eager to play their sub counts will look great for earnings reports.

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Agreed. It just makes it look like Blizzard is desperate for money. The name reservation requiring a sub weeks before release only reinforces my belief.


Welcome to closed beta testing. It’s not a marketing tool in the sense of letting everybody play it like it’s an early access demo.

It’s a marketing tool in the sense that it’s advertising they don’t have to pay for.


You do know that that $14.99 doesn’t go to BFA? It goes to the General Fund, which finances games like Classic, BfA, hearthstone, etc…


It’s with how it was delivered.

We honestly don’t even know if needing a sub for an invite is actually a factor or if you’re just required to sub to participate.

And regardless the money isn’t the issue it’s the timing. They should of let us know weeks ago a sub was needed not the day before.


Just means you all would have a few weeks more to whine about paying still.


He already deleted his post lol

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