Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

I don’t know, you reaction to my joke was kind of telling.

And at the very least VEs have gone through actual change. Blood Elves are simply High Elves that respect their dead.


No they were changed biologically by fel corruption.


Another of the secret truths is here. That is why they have green eyes.

Hey, hey you… this right here it’s your fault :stuck_out_tongue: :


You do not use an apostrophe to pluralize in any situation. Not even with acronyms. Welcome to third grade English.

You are literally posting “that belonging to HE.”

It’s not “catering”. Hair colors are a basic customization option available to all races across almost all RPGs. It’s weird to isolate one sect of players who just want their characters to look like what they imagine their characters look like within the bounds of normal RP customization. If it was something more extravagant than “hair color”, then I’d say it’s an unreasonable request.

The options are

  1. Don’t do anything.
  2. Add high elves as their own race.
  3. Add high elf-like customizations to the void elves.

I disagree with the don’t do anything per my above reasons: high elf players should be able to look like their character because its a reasonable request and doesn’t dilute the void elf identity in the process. It’s a reasonable request because “hair color” is a standard option for RPG customization.

I disagree that adding high elves is a good option, because we don’t need more elf races.

Thus, that leaves option three.

It doesn’t wash them off at all because none of the current options are removed. It expands on what’s available and even adds depth by describing how ren’dorei expand their numbers: recruiting exiles from Silvermoon and interested parties from the Alliance. It also doubles as allowing players to make a character that was never affected by the Void.

Both matter. There’s in-game representation and the race is highly requested. Unlike the murloc example, wherein there’s IC rationale, but no OOC demand. Because why would they add something that isn’t requested?


It’s very much catering when that’s something that could simply be added to their profile, after all, RP is all about imagination.

I think it’s weirder to use a group of players to support your personal wishes, but to each their own.

High Elves are already in game and playable. No amount of denial will change this.

And ruin their visual identity because people can’t get over the fact that High elves are already playable.

How they just:

But watering down VEs it’s dandy, right?

And let’s use your personal headcanon that the new recruits won’t look voidy at all just because.


It’s no longer 2006. The ship has sailed and reached its destination and it’s on its way back for the fourth time by now.


Remember when getting humanoid skin tones was a compromise?

Apparently to high elf stans compromise means, “I get everything I want while the other side gets nothing.”


Which is why I have always been firmly on the side of not giving them a damned thing.

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Just give us the full high elves as alliance already. With the new leveling experience you don’t even have to give them their own starter area, just plop them in the new experience when you create one.

The excuses were never convincing and the addition of void elves just made a laughing-stock of them. No reason not to add high elves to alliance as well as other allied races such as wildhammer dwarves, ice trolls, etc.

There’s plenty of reasons to not add high elves to the Alliance.

  1. High Elves left the Alliance in WC2.
  2. High Elves changed their name to Blood Elves and joined the Horde.
  3. Making High Elves on Alliance would steal Blood Elves lone visual theme and distinctiveness.
  4. It would reward whiners and send a message that players can crybully Blizzard for whatever they want further opening the whiner flood gates.

Blizzard needs to stand their ground.


Preserving the uniqueness of Blood Elves I hope is what is listened to going forward.


And all of them are your head canon.

Blizzard has actively gone out of their way to make sure players are aware that Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei are different political groups within WoW, sorry that part of the story flew over your head. :man_shrugging:

Blizzard is standing their ground, that’s why they continue to add true to lore High elf presence in the Alliance.

You literal only reason is:

  1. You’re bitter towards High Elf fans.
  2. You think the Blood elf aesthetic can be stolen more than it already has been when they outright took your model and then gave Void Elves regular skin tones.

If Blizzard was “standing their ground”, they wouldn’t of even considered adding those options to Void Elves. :man_shrugging:


Forced sharing is toxic and unethical.

Forced sharing teaches the victim that they have no right to possessions and don’t have the right to say no.

Forced sharing teaches the aggressor that they are entitled to everything if they whine loud enough.

Forced sharing is bad in 100% of cases.

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Uh oh. Mr “those actual lore facts you’re listing are headcanon” appeared… great.

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Void elf is also blood elf and we have scholars and wayfairs. So we are entitled to the same color as scholars.

And aslo have to remember they said here is some high elf option FOR NOW this is it. Key words is for now meaning blonde and white hair color with Allerian tattoos for void elves is coming.


I can’t tell. I have the mad dog blocked because of his incessant use of passive aggressive emojis.


Uh Oh. Midare is pretending people are talking about Blood elves again, when they’re talking about High Elves in WoW, as Blizzard has and continues to recognize.

The cognitive dissonance of Antis has always been staggering, you actively pretend to be correct when you argue something entirely different.

This is why you’ve lost twice and are up for a third loss when the most obvious hair and color customization options come to all ARs, including Void Elves. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: