Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Nana Nana boo-boo I can’t see you.

Can’t say I blame you. It was funny though when he started hopping characters due to getting in trouble because he just couldn’t help himself.

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Look it. They have army as big as night elf. Alliance has 2 elf armies same size. That’s why horde got nightborne so they have 2 elf armies as well.


I stand by my belief that there are only 8 helf stans and they’re just trying to gaslight everyone with their army of alts.

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I’d say they’re around 15, tops.

lol Please never take anything antis say to be actually correct, they’ve always been wrong.

They like to argue Blood Elves when no one asking for High Elves has ever been actually talking about Blood Elves as High Elves but the actual group that calls themselves High Elves and is still in WoW.

Like they think agreeing with each other proves them right when Blizzard has said otherwise the entire time. :rofl:

Which is why they’ve lost twice in this fight. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


You keep using that word.

Also seriously why are you still just a WoW logo?


Blizzard should retcon high elves and replace all of them with High Gnomes.

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Plot twist: Everyone realizes it’s nothing but trolls everywhere.


This isn’t very nice to imply.

Thats more outright saying than implying.


I mean, it’s him we’re talking about. :smirk:

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Okay true, I’ve had a long day dealing with things, I guess really I meant the implications by using that term is what I meant.

I do think it’s ironic that he calls it cognitive dissonance while calling canon “headcanon”.

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Neither is implying that people shouldn’t be asking for valid customization out of a lie about High elf lore.

Simple fact is it works against you at every step.

But it’s very like you to defend gaslighters. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I defend people based on character I have seen. And regardless I agree with many of their takes anyways, because they are correct…

6 months away from this dumpster fire of a topic, and you’re still projecting more than a lighthouse.

I’m impressed.


It’s very ironic but since when do helf stans care about lore? They’re all about violating lore to bring about their weaksauce lotr elf fantasy to a setting it doesn’t belong.

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It’s been wild discussions for sure, but I am glad you’re posting again Midare :hugs: I think we always got along mostly even when we disagreed in the past.

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Yeah character isn’t fact, so you’ve lost before you even began.

Dunno if you realize this but, factual lore does not equal a popularity contest. :man_shrugging:

The group that Blizzard themselves refer to as High Elf is an Alliance based faction and your pals there are twisting the conversation and pretending people are asking for Blood Elves, they always have, which is wrong. Full stop. :ok_hand:

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