Compromise Void Elf/Forsaken

First, I know Blizzard won’t do this and it is merely an amusing thought. That said, how about we do 2 new classes, but make them faction specific. Forsaken Dark Rangers for the Horde and Void Elf Void Knights for the Alliance. have I thought out the specific powers of each? Nope. It is Sunday, so I am just planting seeds to see what grows.


But Forsaken are not Dark Rangers, those are Blood Elves.

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So, all those new undead elves don’t count?

I mean… not so much if you’re going to add a class that’s used by Elves on the Human forsaken. You’d have Dark Rangers that look nothing like the Dark Rangers.

As long as neither of them wear leather.


No no, I am saying that the Dark rangers would be an undead night elf model, which is already in the game.

At least we can have red eyes now.

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I… sort of agree. If/when they add a new class, I think it’d be interesting if they had it be functionally identical but thematically different between factions. That’d bring back some of the faction flavor that was lost when they gave the Horde pallies and the Alliance shaman except without the balancing issues of each faction not having access to the same abilities.

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I was thinking plate for void knights and mail for dark rangers.


Well… I’d rather see them on Forsaken Blood Elves. Both factions already have one model of the opposite faction, and pushing undead Night Elves on the Horde would make Blizz give the Alliance yet another Horde model.

But Blood Elf Forsaken sounds pretty awesome.

So… edgy hunters for Horde.

Whole new class for Alliance?

That’s not a compromise. That’s you wanting more… again.


Forsaken Blood Elves would work. Honestly, I would just like to see each side get something they have asked for while adding a bit of faction flavor to it so it makes both sides feel better.

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Dark Ranger should be a new class, not Hunters.

Though for Alliance I’d rather see Priestess of Elune reverted back to it’s bow wielding class it was before being placed as a mere Priest to make Human Paladin more unique.

Dark Rangers don’t have to be “edgy hunters” look at all the forum posts over the years…by horde players…begging for them along with ideas on how to make them a unique class. Why is it always an undead player who has to try to find controversy in a situation that actually gives their faction more?

If you care for paladins, you better fight against these with tooth and nails, because trust me, this is just the side effect of the whole HE debacle… and it won’t stop until they ruin everything.


Blood elf and forsaken can already be mm hunter, the only think we would gain would be a blood elf skin.

Void elf cannot be paladin so the alliance would get a new combot race/class.

I hardly call it fair. This would be like giving the night elf the undead skin while giving to the horde blood elf druid…

I doubt that alliance player would like that.


Let me get this straight. Your faction would get a new undead elf customization as well as an entirely new class and you can’t give anything in return? People like you are why the player base is diminishing. Stop being such a narcissist and let other people enjoy the game.

Oh i don’t care that much. I am still salty (not literally) Blizz forgot Night Elves had Paladins before Humans with Elves riding Sabers, using Glaives and bows and channeling moonlight, but retconned it in Legion having Delas saying they never went so deep.

Priestess of the Moon >>> Vanilla Paladins. :eyes:

But I don’t want Paladins on Void Elves. Not even adding the class for us to assume they’re void Knights. Only reason I’d accept a Void Knight is if they actually made the spells void themed.

Dark rangers could work if they were not loyal to Sylvanas. But I agree that they are amazing and would like to see them playable as Horde .

No. For pities sake. Why are you acting as though the Dark Ranger class hasnt had a thousand threads about it? It would NOT be a simple hunter. I said, clearly, that it would be a whole new class.