Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Also there’s already pandas.

That would be cool, a heritage-style questline. mwah.

Nah, void elves are best elves.


Exactly. I made this suggestion actually, a while ago now. Give me a tick, gotta find the thread.

EDIT: Here it is


My highest dingus per race class has been trolls and male orc warriors.

Though I’ve seen a fair few white supremacists on Blood Knights.

I love that. That is like the most unconfident “That’s your opinion man” I’ve seen. XD

I also was joking. Just these Void Elf complain topics…

That’s what I would do honestly but it’s no biggie for me to just know I’m a Void Elf on my Void Elf but think of him as a Silvermoon Scholar in my head.

I’m happy for people who can be that way in that regard as far as RP tools to be a Wayfarer. Mine will stay as former BEs in my mind though.

You know what, I’m going to be the better man, err Orc and not retaliate on this. I’m going to respectfully bow out and let you soak in your hatred of Orcs while I go off and dream of a future with magnificent beards. maybe have a skull to tie off the tip.

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Joke’s on you. I was RPing a lightforged Blood Elf years before LF Draenei existed.

??? Um, thanks I guess?

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Back in ye day, I just would not go to Silvermoon.

It’s better and I’m older and mellower these days.

Oddly, despite the perception and the forums, pretty much every undead player I’ve interacted with for any length of time has been a sweetheart.

Except for random dungeon queue ones.

I’ve always found human male characters of all stripes the most intense whenever I go to Moon Guard. There’s this one guy who used to sit on the inn and greater pyro Horde whenever they were flagged, then run to Northshire Abbey if he failed to kill you and then went on this whole vaguely racist rant about sub-humans in /s if he killed you.

Random dungeon queues always give the worst people.

You should lobby Blizzard for troll beards to enrich the Horde and so I don’t have to do the work, but can reap the follicle-based benefits.


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Err, 50/50 I’ve met some terrible players but likewise I’ve encountered great players too.

Oh definitely, I mean on the log in screen for Kalimdor shows Vol’jin with a great beard, and Jakra’zet had a nice bit of facial hair too.

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That’s funny, because lightfirging didn’t exist till the argus patch… Guess ya be rping a troll elf!

you have natural looking hair colors already that fits with YOUR race , you don’t see us trolls whinning about not being able to blond because guess what , I know what I am and why I can’t be blond

My guild has had some bad experiences with pugs in our raid. People who have just been insufferable jerks over stuff like them dying to mechanics.

What’s a troll elf?

Elves mutate when exposed to excessive amounts of magic. The character was simply someone who used the light so much they started physically undergoing apotheosis in their extremities.

Well me too, but you can’t focus solely on the bad. Otherwise you miss the good.

If it’s in lore, we should have the option to play with it.

Beards, rune scarification, dark rangers, actual mechanical gnomes, robot limbs that may explode for goblins… Lightforged monks who are AT LEAST as much monks as Zandalari paladins are paladins… dragonmaw, worgen that are actually the lore-friendly size instead of shrimps…

I can go on