Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

A troll that evolved from Pokemon Battles.

Gotta catch them all or something I guess.

Well, you must of missed the super rare Dragon Troll Elf.

While we’re at it remove the ears. And the elven phisique too. It’d racist I can’t look like a HMP on every character.

I’d love a chonky body type option for elves for my absolute unit character.

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T’paarthos, the ultimate bare fisted Lightforged.

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Then just roll female characters. Then you can look like a HFP on every character.

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I just wanted to say sir… :flushed: nice shoulderplates

We have very few Lightforged NPCs, and the only one who did much in BFA (Blademaster Telamon) was wearing monk armor, fighting like a monk, and using monk abilities.

I’m sorry, but we should have Lightforged Monks for T’Partossssd alone. Also worgen monks because bare handed mauling is their thing. And if void elves can monk despite the constant whispers, a bit of feral rage calmed by a magical ritual won’t ruin them. And goblin monks because they don’t deserve to be left out.


Um, thanks. They double as shields and battering rams when in a fight.

Blademaster Telamon got done dirty, remembered him in Legion and was gutted that I had to kill him.

Also I wouldn’t mind Worgen Monks, Not for the whole mauling things with bare hands but for the Beastman Martial artist. I played a lot of this one game Trials of mana and one of the characters was a Werewolf martial artist. He was an absolute monster.

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you sure could ram more than the alliance dog gates with those , if ya catch what I mean

Blademasters =/= monks.

I’m still trying to work out how Undead Monks make sense. I thought they lose body parts if they tried to kick or punch.

It’s as close to monks as troll druids are to original flavor druids… or night elf, undead, troll or Mag’har priests are to other priests.

Or as the paladin lump is to Zandalari prelates and Tauren Sunwalkers.

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I’m afraid I don’t, sorry.

big muscular and dumbwitted just like I love dumb

I agree, give void elves normal hair colours.


They make sense to me, I mean while yes the design for Forsaken with exposed bone would be rather off putting, I can see Undead Monks working from a “Jiangshi” appeal “Chinese Hopping Vampire” The Jiangshi devoured chi from the living instead of blood.

Blademasters are arms warriors. As much as I hate the fact that draenei blademasters are a thing, there are several blademasters in Orgrimmar, including this lad.


Hey now, this isn’t Shaun of the Dead where you have Zombies hanging around the pub just for a beer.