Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

I thought anemic chin rats WAS the unique Horde aesthetic.

If I could swap toons right now I would be very tall, tusky and blue to scold you.

The voice alone…

Would not elicit no response because I refuse to RP with trolls after too many experiences with gross troll RPers.

… Are you looking to pick a fight?

Hey, if Darkspear can be Farakki and Dark Trolls and Ironforge Dwarves can be Wildhammer, why not?

Honestly I’d settle with only having natural hair colors for the hairstyles without tentacles.


I’m out of likes but I agree with you on your points on that.

I’d settle for anything. As long as I can represent the Alliance Quel’dorei as a “Quel’dorei”.

I think my highest dingus-per-race/class encounters have been male orc warriors, fanatical blood elf paladins on power trips, and oddly enough, human rogues.

Although I did have a “drink for every #savage blood elf” period.

Total RP 3 lets you change your name to Quel’dorei.

Exactly, the entire reason why there’s new customization like that is so people can play these races without adding AR, Blizzard say so themselves.

A title would be nice, maybe one that comes from the northrend faction.


And I can look at your response and logically make the distinction between elves in a video game and human beings and I then know that you’re not “racist”. Even if you dont like the same things that I do regarding elves.

And you know what, I’d be willing to give you that. I mean you’d still be a “Void elf” but right now with the whole natural skin tones I’d see you as a second generation Void elf that wasn’t mutated by Ethereal intervention, more like one of those High elf/Blood elf scholars you see in Telogrus.

The whole “People might confuse them” argument is disingenuous.

You know how i’ll tell a Void and Blood Elf apart? One of them is trying to kill me.


Have you not met a MHP?

I’m just saying! Pathetic, scraggly, tiny beards are really THE Horde look at this point.

Oh, and a mog also that comes from the Silver Covenant that represents and looks exactly like the Silver Covenant too, only if earned exalted with the faction too, ofcourse.

Void Elves were a mistake…

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So, you guys is complaining about VE “stealing themes” from you guys, but you guys wants to “steal” themes from the lfd? No lightfirging for you!

(Not joking actually, blood elves are not holy elves, unless you think other none-lfd races that has paladins are as holy as blood elves lol!)


I was talking RP encounters.

…when it comes to the forums, though, there’s a whole different grab bag of EXTREME