Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

According to the logic you’re all talking here, velves are losing their uniqueness to the purple colour in eyes, actually their only unique eye-colour. Regardless of shade.

Then ask for new stuff for your own race!, as it is you actually stole human’s new skin colours, because belves NEVER had them before.

You also have jewelry BTW.

You know what. Sure, ok. I’ll allow this, a couple natural hair colors, and for none tentacle hairstyles, Void elves ought to be given… Oh maybe share some hairstyles with humans since High elves chose humanity over their own kin.


Yet. Helfers won’t stop until they have a total and complete clone and they get Blood Elves deleted.

Male Blood Elves don’t have jEwElLeRy.


The logic I’m talking, I haven’t said anything negatively about them getting haircolors or hairstyles from other Alliance races, go attack someone else Averyx.

Blood elves will never be deleted. They are an honored ally to the Mighty Horde, they introduced the wonders of soap after all.

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Gee. No one has ever done that before. What a novel idea.

Maybe you should stop.


I think it moves them into the box of Regular Elf when their main theme is Void.

The actual concept isn’t unlikeable to me, but I don’t think they should move in on the Regular Elf theme anymore than they already have while all Blood Elves have is some jewelry. So I’m interested in protecting what is unique to us.

In the future if Blood Elves have got decent things unique to us that aren’t shared, a second visual theme, or tattoos, then I would be more along the lines of Naughtymoon’s stance on pulling from Alliance based hairs.

That said the only point of agreement we will probably make in this period of time is Ear Sliders (options what ever) for both Void Elves and NB, I think its a QOL addition to Elves in particular but serves as RP tools which benefit Half Elf fans as well.

They had one.

Ok, I’m reading that and I’m loving everything save for letting Blood elves have Void elf Hairstyles.

Also you just had to have that bit on Farstriders as I’m having a personal debate on race changing my Troll Hunter or not to Blood elf because of the Ranger aesthetic.

Like you going 3 threads, acting like a stalker to continue arguing with me, “Void Elves are not High Elves” is not being out of line? Oh please Lann, you won’t admit your mistake, but quick to pick on anyone who disagrees with you.

I even said to Alerovia

Maybe stop being a hypocrit, stop continuing on an argument, following me into the 3rd thread, to continue an argument which you have not proven yourself yet on.

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Also Blizzard allow forsaken to look exactly like living humans.


Farstrider aesthetic is best aesthetic.

That list exists because a helfer kept speaking for Blood Elves in bad faith when posting a list and refusing to include our requests for Farstrider tatoos.


You’re in the same threads, and in most cases I was posting before you, so perhaps you followed me to them? Or is that a silly concept because its a public forums and we frequent the same threads?

Or do you not like that I have linked your own responses of being out of line back to you? Is that the issue? You have an issue with what you said the same way I do?

Hi, yes I’d like to join my Lordaeron brethren. I’m tired of being spit on by Stormwind commoners.

tbh make the non-bony options not put holes in gear, add an upright posture, add facial hair and some jewellery and they’d be good to go.


It’s starting to sound like we should get that option on Undead, along with all the Void Elf customizations on Blood Elves and the Night Elf customizations to Nightborne.

Alright, according to the anti-helfers here*

And that’s definitely an oversight that blizzard should correct.

So what does that have to do with anything? people suggest stuff all the time. That doesn’t change the fact that belves in game got the “diverse skin” thing that was going to be human/alliance only initially.

If belves can get stuff from other races, why do they believe is something unique to then that no one else can touch?


Man, you’re the one who followed with replies to every post, with a post to a previous thread, saying “Void Elves are not High Elves”.

And you can’t admit your mistake. Oh god, I think I’m gonna need a coffee to get the message through to you.

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Tell me about it, I mean I already have a look in mind for him, Red hair. The Chin strap facial hair that was just introduced, Short ears. Green eyes. White skin with a touch of tan.

But I just, I got so many Blood elves already and I only have the one Troll.