Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Blood elf players are soooo dramatic. Don’t play the victim, you aren’t losing anything.

There’s NPCs in game with blonde and black hair among velves. Alleria specially. So why not give it to them?

I disagree in them sharing hairstyles, velves should have their own. But the hair colours are 100% not a problem. It takes NOTHING away from you.

You could say that for any combo, so why should nelf paladins in particular be a thing. I could write some lore to justify velf paladins too…


No one’s gonna agree on anything at this point. But it is true that Void Elves got more options than before.

Hairstyles? I dont mind new hairstyles from Blood Elves. But just want less glowy tentacle hairs, and want more hair colors. That’s not hard to ask really.

In the end Thalassian/High Elves started and became Queldorei to Sindorei/Rendorei/Leftover Queldoreis. We are all literally High Elves from ancestry heritage. But trying to deny that is just silly.

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You kind of do that on your own.

Our entire visual theme and distinctiveness is not nothing.

Night Elves becoming Paladin wouldn’t be lore breaking, Void Elves becoming Paladin would be, there’s a very big difference.

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What theme is that? A Quel’thalas citizen fighting alongside the Horde?

Have you ever looked at a blood elf?

Specifically this. Almost every race shares some hair colors, to say that velves getting them suddenly affects blood elves is totally absurd.

But like I’ve stated previously, I feel that void elves getting the human hair colors would stop the whole blood elf/void elf cosmetic qq.


Oh? You mean a Green Eyed Elf who thought to save there home and honor there fallen after the Scourge Invasion? Yeah, that is not getting taken away.

No actually it’s the other way around with who has been consistently crossing the line.

Again you don’t seem to like disagreement.

The Blood Elf visual theme is normal hair colors. Humanoid skin colors. Green and gold eyes.

Honey, if your race entire visual theme and distinctiveness is a hair colour then your race needs way more than gatekeeping others.

Is not velves fault belves became so boring after TBC.

Is there though? anyway this is not the thread for that. Sorry for derailing it.

Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes and Worgen Human Forms would like to have a word with you.

I am pretty sure Void Elves do not have Green or Golden Eyes.

Also funny how Belves recently got purple eyes, previously only on velves and helf npcs. Probably because blizz would know belf players would complain if they didn’t get them. But no, hair colours are sacred or something.


Yeah, it is like, they make it as if they own the colours and nobody else does.


They aren’t even the same shade of purple that Void Elves have currently so they aren’t losing anything, they’ll be added to both races at the same time.

Hair color and hair styles is all that’s left.

Yet. We all know they’ll demand them.

And you think you’re being kind by just continueing an arguement from one thread over to another thread, instead of containing it to the one thread where the argument happened, and on top of that, continuing on with being a hypocrite? I proven my argument, you haven’t proven yours. And yet, here you are, 3rd thread in, and still arguing like you’re the perfect child.

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Not really. I haven’t seen anyone ask for them. Don’t think anyone would ask for them on the Void Elves.

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Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel to be precise.

But yes you have been the one consistently out of line based on your inability to grasp someone disagreeing with you.